"Other preparations?" Qin Lie's face was full of doubts, "What preparations?"

Lin Jian then explained: "Didn't I just say that today there are three people who will decide who will win the bid. Each of the three of them has one vote. Which family gets the most votes will win the bid."

"Xiao Yuanshan is just one of them. The second is the Minister of Defense Equipment Department. Li Zongqiang, Li Zongqiang is also one of the generals. Although the star rating is not as good as Xiao Yuanshan, only three stars, but it is not too bad."

Lin Jian paused and continued: "Li Zongqiang is the old squad leader who brought me into the army. I have a very good relationship with him. We have decades of old comrade-in-arms relationship. I just wanted to tell you that I have already greeted Li Zongqiang. He also trusts me as a person, trusts my vision, I strongly recommend you in front of him, and he agrees with my suggestion, so he will stand by your side in this bidding conference, that is to say, you are 100% will get one vote."

"Really?" Qin Lie couldn't believe what he heard. "You really recommended me to others?"

"Why not?" Lin Jian snorted, feeling a little underestimated, and said, "I've said it all, about you, I will definitely speak to you from above.

Although my rank is not high and my status is not high, I have more connections in the military than you, right? Can I not do what I promise you? "

"That's great!" Qin Lie said immediately.

As the saying goes, the mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way, and the willows are dark and flowers are bright in another village.

Qin Lie felt that there was no hope for today's bidding meeting when he heard that the Xiao family was among the three decision-makers.

But Lin Jian said again, he has the support of another decision-maker, so this matter is different.

"Among the three people, the Xiao family has one vote, and I have one vote, so as long as the two of us take down the middle person." Qin Lie concluded, "In this case, I still have a chance, Mr. Lin, you are still the best. what!"

"I also like you kid." Lin Jian said, "I think you have the potential to become a great talent in the future, so you can help where you can, and now you are still in the neutral side. That third person..."

"Who is the third one?" Qin Lie asked immediately.

"The head of the National Logistics Department, Yan Shichang." "How is he?" Qin Lie asked again.

Lin Jian then replied: "It's not upright, it's absolutely fair, but sometimes it's more impulsive. If you can make him happy, he thinks you're a good person, and he'll be on your side, but don't be flattering, he This person hates hearing other people flatter."

"A person who is honest and not private..." Qin Lie pondered, and a plan had already started in his mind.

Such people are easier to deal with, as long as they are not stubborn and selfish people, they should be able to get close.

If it is this kind of character, you only need to be clean and upright.

Qin Lie is relatively confident in this regard.

After all, in the same generation, there are almost no people who can be better than him, except Xuanyuan Tianci.

The rest is how to use skill to please Yan Shichang.

Lin Jian was playing with his reading glasses, and at this time he continued: "How to do it, you can find a way by yourself, I will tell you all the news I know anyway, I didn't know that you had a conflict with the Xiao family, and wanted to make it happen. You can win over either Xiao Yuanshan or Yan Shichang, but in this case, the only choice is Yan Shichang..."

"But whether you can do it or not depends on your own ability... You should go out and prepare first, the time is almost up, I have to step up and memorize my own manuscript, otherwise the opening remarks will get stuck later, and I will lose it. It's my old face."

Having said that, Lin Jian has already let Lin Jian go out first.

Seeing that Lin Jian was reading his own manuscript, Qin Lie didn't bother anymore, and led the people out of the back garden and back to the lobby of the State Guest House.

The time is now one forty-five, fifteen minutes before the official start time of the bidding meeting.

The people who should come are almost here.

However, because the door of the auditorium had not yet opened, the merchants who came to participate in the bidding meeting all gathered together in twos and threes, and those who knew each other privately chatted together.

Qin Lie had nothing to do with these people, and after looking around, most of the merchants didn't know each other.

And many are not well-known tech companies.

Most companies like these are here to accompany them.

The truly competitive ones are probably the representatives of the eight great families.

There was no one he knew, so Qin Lie stood with He Linfeng and chatted without a word.

And about this time, Qin Lie felt a strong aura coming.

The aura went from far to near, slowly approaching. From a distance, Qin Lie could feel the oppression brought by that aura, and when others were close, the oppression became stronger.

Turning his head, Qin Lie saw the person exuding such aura.

This man is very old, with gray hair, wearing a military uniform, and various military medals are pinned on his chest, many of which cover his left chest.

But although he is old, his waist is not bent at all, his chest is raised, and he walks with wind. He is half a head taller than Qin Lie, and he is very imposing.

His burly physique and firm skin made it impossible to tell that he was over the age of seventy.

A person who walks with his own aura is naturally a big man.

The old man Qin Lie did not know, but Qin Lie, the person beside him, did.

There was one person on the left and right, and it was the eldest young master of the Xiao family, Xiao Xingyao, and the second young master of the Xiao family, Xiao Xingyuan.

With these two people as a foil, you don't have to think that this old man is the Xiao Yuanshan mentioned by Lin Jian just now.

For Xiao Yuanshan, Qin Lie's first impression was only three words: not easy!

He came in from the door, and originally wanted to go straight to the auditorium, but Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan pointed at him, but he turned straight and came towards him.

The two brothers, Xiao Xingyuan and Xiao Xingyao, had conflicts. Of course Qin Lie knew that the two of them brought Xiao Yuanshan over with no good intentions.

But he was not afraid, just stood there and waited.

When they got close, the two sides were about two meters apart. Xiao Yuanshan lowered his head, looked over with contempt, and then asked, "Are you Qin Lie?"

Qin Lie raised his head, neither humble nor arrogant, looked at him with a very peaceful look, and whispered: "I'm Qin Lie, what are you doing to me?"

However, before Xiao Yuanshan had time to speak, Xiao Xingyuan moved his tongue.

"Qin Lie, you really don't have any self-knowledge now. You dare to come to the bidding of a military group as big as Shenzhou Weapons. Do you think that if you have two money, you are not afraid of the sky?"

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