Today, because of Xiao Yuanshan's presence, Xiao Xingyuan became more domineering than before.

Qin Lie didn't even speak, he just muttered a lot over there.

Qin Lie was quite impatient, and squinted at Xiao Xingyuan: "Xiao Xingyuan, today's bidding conference is an invitation mechanism, all those who can come here are officially recognized, you have to spray the official, do I have any money? Half a dime relationship?"

"No!" Xiao Xingyuan said, "Young Master Qin, don't get excited. I just want to emphasize that you are getting better and better. It is admirable and enviable. How about praising you? Is it wrong?"

Qin Lie sighed, too lazy to mess around with him, anyway, he would have to quarrel if he couldn't say three words with such a person.

He raised his head and continued to ask Xiao Yuanshan: "Old gentleman, your route was not with me just now, but now you suddenly turned to look for me, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yuanshan then continued to ask: "I heard that you defeated my grandson Xiao Xingyao?"

Sure enough, Xiao Yuanshan still came for this matter.

I had heard from Lin Jian before that Xiao Yuanshan was extremely protective of his shortcomings. For his fight, he wanted to fly thousands of kilometers and fly over half of China to seek explanations.

The competition with Xiao Xingyao was seen by many people, and they slapped Xiao Xingyao in the face.

To insult his grandson like this, it is estimated that Xiao Yuanshan will not give up.

But everyone is standing here, is it possible to turn around and run?

Qin Lie ignored it and replied to Xiao Yuanshan, "I won, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yuanshan put his hands behind his back, looked down at Qin Lie and said, "My Xiao family can be regarded as a rich family. You embarrassed Xingyao at that time, made me look dull, and hurt my Xiao family's face. You are guilty of this. ?"

What annoys Qin Lie most is Xiao Yuanshan's attitude.

It's like being aloof and interrogating one's predecessors.

Whether you are guilty or not, I can go to your uncle.

Qin Lie was upset, and the tone of his answer was a little rushed: "Old man, I think you'd better understand this matter before you preside over justice. You have to understand that Xiao Xingyao is the main troublemaker for me, and he has his own skills. I'm not taught enough, what's wrong with me?"

"It would be a mistake to lose the face of my Xiao family!" Xiao Yuanshan said decisively.

After a pause, he continued: "But I won't bully you, lest people outside say that I bully the small, I will give you a solution, right here, in front of everyone, kneel down and give Xingyao apologizes, and this matter is over."

Qin Lie even sneered when he heard this.

He was thinking before, Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan two brothers, one is domineering and the other is arrogant, where did these stinky tempers come from, and the knot actually learned from Xiao Yuanshan.

A generation is stronger than a generation, this Xiao Yuanshan is really the originator of the arrogant world.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Yuanshan asked.

"Don't you think it's funny?" Qin Lie said, "I didn't do anything wrong, just let me kneel to Xiao Xingyao with your mouth. Do you think it's possible?"

"If you want to end this matter, just be obedient." Xiao Yuanshan also felt that he was doing something good.

"The energy of the Xiao family is not something you can bear. Don't try to challenge the bottom line of the Xiao family. Just kneel down. This is the minimum price you pay, trust me!"

"I'm sorry, I can't afford this small price, you'd better go back..." Qin Lie refused decisively.

"Haha..." But when he heard this, Xiao Yuanshan sneered and said in a low voice, "From what you mean, I don't seem to intend to kneel..."

"There are three kneelings in life." Qin Lie continued to sneer, "Kneeling to the sky and kneeling to your parents, who are you?"

In other words, what are you?

Xiao Yuanshan snorted again, completely ignoring Qin Lie.

He continued to go his own way in a low voice: "Boy, you seem to think that I came here to discuss with you?"

"Let me tell you, in this matter today, you have to kneel, or you have to kneel, because I said this sentence!"

After saying this, Qin Lie never imagined that Xiao Yuanshan, an old general in his seventies, would attack one of his juniors.

Seeing that he didn't mean to kneel, he actually stepped forward a few steps and slapped him on his shoulder: "Kneel down for me!"

Roaring, a majestic force instantly passed from his hand.

This palm is extremely heavy, like a steel plate inlaid, pressing down suddenly, like the top of Mount Tai.

The strength was beyond his tolerance.

After a while, Qin Lie felt his legs tremble, feeling a little exhausted, his legs bent, and he almost fell to his knees.

Fortunately, I reacted in time, the strength sank, and the lower plate was stabilized, which was able to withstand the first round of suppression.

Others, Xiao Xingyuan and Xiao Xingyao looked at each other, bowing their heads and laughing.

Being found by Xiao Yuanshan, Qin Lie was a bad luck.

Their grandfather has been in the army all his life and dedicated his life to the military.

In the end, they had no children or daughters, so they let people of their line sit on the head of the family.

Because he had no children, Xiao Yuanshan regarded his two brothers as his own grandsons, and he doted on them very much on weekdays.

Moreover, because he has been in the army all his life, and was a martial arts instructor of the special forces in the early years, Xiao Yuanshan is very terrifying to practice qigong horizontally.

And there are no five people who can defeat him in the whole of China.

Xiao Xingyao's heart and feng shui took turns. Before, Situ Xuan was by the side to support Qin Lie, and he didn't dare to show his air. Now, it's Qin Lie's turn.

Xiao Yuanshan is a famous calf guard. If he chooses to take action today, Qin Lie must pay for it!

Brothers Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan looked at each other and seemed to see Qin Lie's ending in each other's eyes.

His eyes returned to Qin Lie's side.

Qin Lie also felt the horror of this person after meeting Xiao Yuanshan for the first time.

The kung fu routines he practiced were very domineering, and there was a burst of Qi throughout his body. This Qi filled his body, making every part of his body as hard as steel.

I am afraid that I have already practiced qigong to the extreme.

The first time they met, Qin Lie felt in horror that Xiao Yuanshan's strength was almost the same as that of Situ Xuanxiang, that was already beyond this realm, and he had absolutely no chance to win.

In the first face-to-face, Qin Lie exhausted all his strength just by supporting Xiao Yuanshan's Mount Tai.

As for Xiao Yuanshan, it seems that he has not really exerted his strength.

Seeing that Qin Lie had withstood his first round of attack, Xiao Yuanshan showed some surprise in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Good boy, I didn't expect to be able to withstand my suppression, it's interesting, no wonder he is someone who can compete with Xingyao. , but I underestimated you."

"But this doesn't change anything." Xiao Yuanshan immediately added this sentence after saying the above.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Lie felt the pressure on his shoulders, twice as heavy as before!

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