Yan Shichang's seriousness gave Qin Lie confidence, which showed that he was not bought by others before the bidding meeting started.

As long as he behaves well and leaves a good impression on him, this is possible.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Lie finally started his introduction.

He plugged in the USB flash drive containing the ppt, and called up the ppt to start displaying.

He briefly explained the background and achievements of Tianlin Technology.

Focus on their carbon fiber scientific and technological achievements, m90 and t1600, these two super carbon fibers that are almost monopolized by foreign technology.

When this came out, the merchants in the audience were still a little shocked.

Especially those who have a little bit of dabbling in the military industry know that these two kinds of super carbon fibers have a vital and even irreplaceable role in the field of military rockets, fighter jets and even space shuttles.

Almost all of the previous materials were imported and purchased from abroad. Whether or not their own weapons could be done well depended on the expressions of others.

But the localization of super carbon fiber of t1600 and m90 is definitely a huge benefit to the military industry.

Qin Lie's Tianlin Technology is the closest company to the military besides the Su family's military industry.

However, when Qin Lie talked about the future cooperation plan, he suddenly turned off the ppt, which aroused the surprise of many people.

Seeing the screen flashing and returning to the computer desktop, everyone thought the computer was broken.

But Qin Lie was very indifferent, seeing that he had three minutes left to speak, he simply walked to the front of the stage, looked at everyone in front of him and explained: "Everyone, the computer is not broken, but I don't want to continue talking. down."



Everyone around was surprised, including Lin Jian, whose eyes could be said to be frightened.

It was a good show at the beginning, but now I suddenly turn off the ppt, what is this kid going to make a fuss about?

"Give up?" Some people said, "I saw that the previous Su family was too strong, so I didn't want to compete?"

"Don't, I think his company is pretty good, at least better than ours, and it can't be too easy for the Su family to win!"

"I don't know, let's see, I don't think he wants to step down."

As for Lin Jian, who didn't know what he was going to do, he was very anxious under the stage, and frantically urged him to continue with small gestures.

But Qin Lie, he stretched out his hand to tell Lin Jian not to panic, took a deep breath, and started talking again.

"Okay, everyone, let me tell you what I mean."

He held the microphone and continued: "Just before I took the stage, I wanted to tell my plan step by step, but in the process, I was talking, but suddenly I felt that if I just did this Going forward, I think the representatives of many other companies who are sitting here feel the same way as I do.”

Qin Lie said, and the others nodded in agreement from the audience.

Qin Lie continued: "Indeed, our company often does not get along with the military, because the military itself is a very sensitive word, and there are many secrets to keep, so private companies like us can't get on the line at all. .

This time, the establishment of a branch of Shenzhou Weapons, and external bidding is a good opportunity for us, so we are here. "

"But I don't mean to say that we are pitiful. I mean to say that the three decision makers should consider our company from other aspects. If we compare our experience and scale, it is absolutely impossible for us to compare with the Su family."

"Then I was thinking about the significance of this bidding conference. In the end, I thought about it and thought that Mr. Hua would also like to see a different side of ordinary companies like us."

Qin Lie spoke every word, in a cadence, and his thoughts were clear.

He continued: "Then let me explain my understanding of this bidding conference."

"This time Shenzhou Weapons cooperates with foreign countries, and the branches built after that mainly focus on biochemical weapons and quantum technology weapons. These are the most advanced technologies of the times."

"And the t1600 and m90 newly developed by our company are the representatives of the front-end technology. In terms of scientific research, we will not have any drag on the branch."

"Secondly, since it is bidding and doing business, it is cooperating with people. I think it is very important to look at the character of the person in charge of the company."

"I would like to introduce the specific person in charge of my company. His name is He Linfeng. He has devoted his whole life to super carbon fiber."

"He used to run around for this thing, went into debt, broke down, and most of the sadness in his life came from the research and development of this thing, but he didn't give up."

"Later he succeeded, so a large part of the joy in his life is because of this."

"Maybe you don't know, our company has now developed the t1600 and m90, and has also made several big deals, one of which is to cooperate with Shenzhou Weapons, which is why I can stand on this stage today."

"But half a year ago, Tianlin Technology was still a company that was borrowing everywhere and was almost going bankrupt."

"I introduce this to tell you that I am also a person who started from scratch, and I know how deadly people like us are to grasp any opportunity."

"As long as you dare to give us this opportunity, we will do our best to make him well, just like He Linfeng did with super carbon fiber before."

"Because we know that success is not easy, we dare not waste the results, so if Shenzhou Weapons can finally cooperate with us to build a branch, I can't guarantee that we can do better than the Su family, but I can guarantee that we will definitely be better than the Su family. Work harder!"

"I'm done, thank you!"

Putting away his speech, Qin Lie hardly looked at anyone and walked straight off the stage.

This paragraph of his speech made the whole venue quiet.

Of course, his comments were mixed.

The person who didn't like it frowned and muttered in a low voice, "What the hell is this? Is this still a bidding conference? I don't introduce my company's advantages, and I play emotional cards here. Whoever succeeds is easy."

But the person who likes it will retort: ​​"You are wrong, although he did not introduce their company's plans for the construction of the factory, but those things can be seen in the planning book, and he used this little time to introduce them. The experience of the company shows the attitude of the three decision-makers, and this is the advantage he is introducing to his company."

And Qin Lie himself knew that doing so had great risks.

This is actually a gamble. What he gambles is that an upright person like Yan Shichang wants to see his sincere attitude.

On the stage, he was sincere and tried his best. As for whether he could succeed, it was up to Yan Shichang.

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