The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1222 Xiao Yuanshan's Difficulties

Back in his seat, He Linfeng, who came with Qin Lie today, sat next to him.

Even Qin Lie didn't know that He Linfeng had tears in his eyes because of what he said just now.

When he came back, He Linfeng immediately said: "Mr. Qin, I didn't expect that I would work so hard in your eyes, hey, these things really can't be mentioned, I feel like I can't hold back my emotions when I mention it, but it's good Yes, the hard days are over, and now it's better."

"It's okay..." Qin Lie smiled and comforted him, "Brother He, everyone's efforts are not in vain, even if no one saw it at the time, someone will definitely see it later. I am very clear about how I am. Every word spoken on stage came from the bottom of my heart.

But like you said, those hard days are over, and now it's time to harvest, we won't mention these things. "

"But..." He Linfeng said, "You mentioned all these things."

"Let's not say anything else." Qin Lie raised his brows and said, "Just the words just now are quite emotional."

"That's for sure." He Linfeng said immediately, "Look at me, I almost shed tears, absolutely sensational."

"That's enough." Qin Lie laughed, "Let's see how the three decision-makers in front of us responded to our words..."

"Oh hey..." He Linfeng understood for this reason, "Mr. Qin, I thought you were really complimenting me by saying so much on stage, but you dragged me out as a tool man. Playing emotional cards made me moved for a while, I really mistrusted you."

Qin Lie refused to admit it: "Then praising you is also praising you, what I said is true, and I didn't lie, but right now, the most important thing is to find a way to win this tender. If you are a tool person, When you can win the contract of the Shenzhou Ordnance Factory, you can have fun."

He Linfeng scratched the back of his head and probably touched Qin Lie's abacus, but he still didn't quite believe it: "Then do you think this emotional card is effective?"

"I don't know, it depends on the situation." Qin Lie said truthfully, "I tried my best anyway, and the specific result depends on what they did..."

Because Tianlin Technology came to power, there are not many companies behind it.

The next few who took over Qin Lie's company, except for the Xiao family's company, which has some influence, basically came to accompany him.

Soon, at about 5:30 in the afternoon, after three and a half hours of boring display time, the most important revealing link finally arrived.

It was also Lin Jian who hosted it. He said: "Everyone, now we have announced the final decision partner for the cooperation of Shenzhou weapons. Of course, this decision is not in my hands, but in the hands of everyone who decides on the scene."

"We first ask the three decision makers for their opinions. If they agree, we will decide directly. If they disagree, we will discuss and give an exact result..."

"Let's ask Li Zongqiang, Minister Li, to talk about his inner candidate..." Lin Jian finally attributed the words to Li Zongqiang.

Li Zongqiang basically did not fluctuate, what he said was what he said, and he said that he would give Qin Lie the vote, so he gave Qin Lie the vote.

After he stood up, he said directly: "I vote for Tianlin Technology."

Without any more words, I stood up and sat down after speaking.

After everyone heard it, they agreed with it. After all, Tianlin Technology is one of the few companies that can be close to the military industry.

The development of the t1600 and m90 was very difficult, but their company was at the forefront.

Today's competitors are Su's Technology and Tianlin Technology. Qin Lie has one vote, which is not surprising.

As a result, at this time, Xiao Yuanshan next to him was not happy, and he snorted dully.

It's like trying to embarrass Li Zongqiang on purpose.

His voice was very loud: "Brother Li, I originally thought that you were the leader of the equipment department, and Shenzhou Weapons belonged to you. You will definitely give Shenzhou Weapons consideration, but I didn't expect you to act so unfairly. !"

Li Zongqiang sat in his seat, and when he heard this, his brows moved slightly, and he responded, "Brother Xiao, what do you say?"

When Xiao Yuanshan was stopped by Li Zongqiang when he started in the lobby, he was originally unhappy.

And he also promised that Qin Lie would never win the bid at the bidding conference.

Therefore, Li Zongqiang was not given face at all at this time.

"I think..." Xiao Yuanshan said, "Many people have seen what happened in the lobby just now. I had a long talk with Qin Lie, the boss of Tianlin Technology, because of the family's juniors. The young man with the moving words had some conflicts. My original intention was to reconcile the conflicts between their juniors, but I killed a brother Li halfway.

You do the old man a favor, and it can be seen that the two of you have a good personal relationship.

But a personal friend is a personal friend. No matter how good your personal relationship is, I don't mind if you think of him as a godson or grandson. You bring this personal friend to this bidding conference and vote for him directly. This is your fault. , do you want favoritism? "

Li Zongqiang frowned when he heard this, very unhappy.

That's just a hat buttoned up.

Is it possible to say favoritism on such occasions?

Xiao Yuanshan didn't give himself face at all, and Li Zongqiang didn't bother to take care of his face, and retorted: "Brother Xiao, it's because your Xiao family's company is participating in the bidding today, so I must vote for your Xiao family, this seems like It's not very logical, is it?"

"You don't have to vote for the Xiao family!" Xiao Yuanshan spread his hands and said, "But in today's situation, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the strength of Su's technology is the strongest among all the companies participating in the bidding, and they are Shenzhou weapons. The most suitable partner..

If you don't invest in Su's technology, but change your hands to a little-known company, aren't you pushing Shenzhou weapons into the fire pit..."

"I'm sorry..." Li Zongqiang said, "Brother Xiao, everyone has their own ideas. If you think Su's technology is powerful, then vote for Su's technology. Personally, I think Tianlin's technology is good, and I vote for it. Tianlin Technology, our three decision-makers have the same power, and you are not qualified to interfere with my decision, am I right?"

"Haha, that's right." Xiao Yuanshan laughed and said like this, "So the final decision is in the hands of Yan Shichang, brother Yan. Let me tell you, brother Yan, which company do you think is Shenzhou? The best cooperative enterprise for weapons.

You are the most critical vote, don't act like some people do, without considering the consequences at all. "

This is what Xiao Yuanshan means to stand up and confront Li Zongqiang.

He wants to put pressure on Yan Shichang.

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