This is Xiao Yuanshan's purpose.

Of the three decision makers present today, the one with the greatest influence is him.

Let's not mention Li Zongqiang, let's just say Yan Shichang.

Usually, even if Yan Shichang saw him, he would have to cry out respectfully to the old man Xiao.

Today, I will put a hat on Li Zongqiang first, and then put the final decision on Yan Shichang, putting pressure on Yan Shichang. Due to his identity, he does not dare to fight against himself.

And Yan Shichang, sitting in the middle, was silent, and didn't speak for a long time.

Xiao Yuanshan was even urging him: "Brother Yan, tell me, who is the candidate in your heart?"

Yan Shichang's expression was serious, and he was also considering what to do.

After all, this decision affects the whole body, and it is not so easy to do.

But when he was embarrassed, Qin Lie suddenly stood up behind.

He tidied up his throat a little, then opened his mouth and said to the others, "Everyone, before you make a decision, can you listen to me for a few words?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Xingyuan immediately jumped up.

"No, Qin Lie, three decision-makers make decisions, it's your turn to intervene?"

Qin Lie ignored him and looked at Lin Jiandao on the stage: "It's not up to you to decide whether I can speak or not, but the host on the stage to decide, Lin Dong, can I say two more words before Yan Lao makes a decision? sentence."

On Lin Jian's side, with the pressure of the three super bosses on his head, here comes another Qin Lie.

He also didn't know what Qin Lie was going to do, but before the conference started, he never thought that the situation here would become so anxious.

He didn't bother to worry about it anymore, so he waved his hand and told Qin Lie, "Just say what you want to say."

"Thank you..."

With Lin Jian's answer, Qin Lie thanked him, then stood up, and in front of everyone at the scene, said word by word, "Mr. Xiao, I think what you said is unfair. "

Xiao Yuanshan sat in his seat, sighed, and restrained his temper: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything." Qin Lie said, "I just want to fight for Elder Li."

After he finished speaking, he continued: "Elder Xiao, I know that I have a lot of contradictions with your Xiao family, even if you want to target me and don't want our Tianlin Technology to get the final bid, I can understand it, I even understand you. You can vote for the Su family. After all, we have conflicts.

But there is a conflict between us. You can target me, but you want to put the feces on Mr. Li. I don't think it's appropriate.

Mr. Li just voted for our company, and you say that this is favoritism.

Then you just taught me a lesson in front of so many people in the hall. Now that Mr. Li just voted for us, you immediately jumped out and said Mr. Li was wrong, and then emphasized that my company is not qualified to cooperate. This is not also aimed at my approach?

According to your logic, if Mr. Li voted for me, it was a favoritism. Because of the conflict between us, if you didn’t vote for me, was it also a favoritism? "

"What nonsense!" Xiao Yuanshan said loudly, "Su's company is stronger than your Tianlin Technology. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is fair and just for me to vote for him. What am I doing for selfishness?"

"That's right." Qin Lie said immediately, "You voted for you, he voted for him, if you are not favoritism, is there any need for you to do this against Li Laolai? Since you did this against Li Laolai, Isn't it aimed at me, how do you defend this sentence?"

"If you say that you didn't target me, but you have already targeted Mr. Li, what's the point of your move? If you admit to targeting me, then you are showing favoritism. This is a paradox, you can't argue!"

"Also, as a senior of Xiao's family, your skills are far superior to mine, but you want me to kneel before your grandson in front of everyone. This is what you mean by fairness and justice!?"

In the end, Qin Lie was very indignant and made a generous statement, almost suppressing the whole scene.

As for Xiao Yuanshan, despite his high status, high status, and domineering martial arts.

But speaking of this theory, he is not Qin Lie's opponent at all.

This conversation continued, based on his own logic and speaking with facts, he raised a very obvious paradox, and pushed back all the blame that he initially pushed to Li Zongqiang, so that he had no room for refutation.

At this time, Xiao Yuanshan was red-faced, his fists clenched tightly, and the armrests on the seat were almost crushed by him.

But he himself knew that he was unreasonable, even if he was deflated, he would not be able to refute it.

At first, he heard that the people of his Xiao family suffered at the hands of Qin Lie, he didn't believe it, and even laughed.

Said that his own two grandsons were useless, but he was bullied by a little-known kid.

Only now did he know that Qin Lie was really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

This fellow has a deep kung fu foundation, works in an orderly manner, has clear logic, and has a strong mind. If he does not deal with it as soon as possible, it will really cause huge trouble to their Xiao family.

Xiao Yuanshan was scolded by Qin Lie. After all, Qin Lie was not good enough.

In the end, I didn't know what to do, so I could only tell Yan Shichang: "Yan Shichang, you can just say what's in your heart, don't worry about what's going on between us..."

He really didn't want to be labeled as a bully anymore.

On Yan Shichang's side, because of Qin Lie's move, the pressure was much less.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and gave Qin Lie a thankful look.

But the most important thing is that Qin Lie is a man of great talent and courage. Under such circumstances, he dares to stand up and confront Xiao Yuanshan. He is a person who can do great things.

First, he relieved himself, and secondly, even if such a person eventually becomes a partner of Shenzhou Weapons, it is only beneficial to Shenzhou Weapons, even if it is considered from the perspective of Shenzhou Weapons, it is also the best choice. .

Yan Shichang has such a personality, and he also likes such young people.

So in the end, he stood up and said, "Then, my vote is also for Tianlin Technology!"

Clap la la, the final word was made, and the audience stood up and applauded.

Originally, everyone had no position, but since Xiao Yuanshan stood up to suppress Qin Lie, these people had a position.

Qin Lie's remarks were generous and emotional, and vividly showed the words of little people who are not afraid of wind and waves, and a small boat to fight the sea.

Things like small people's counterattacks have always been what everyone likes to see.

So when Qin Lie took Xiao Yuan down from the top of the mountain and won the bidding meeting, everyone was happy for him from the bottom of their hearts.

A little-known boy, facing the siege of the Su family and the Xiao family, finally broke out of the siege and won the victory, this is a rare plot!

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