Even though they felt that their hands and feet were not theirs, no matter how much they didn't want to get up, under the urging of Situ Xuan and their desire to become stronger, the two still tried their best to get up.

"Old Xuan." With the first wave of training, Shentu Aoshi had already made an overall estimate of today's situation.

With lingering fears, he asked Situ Xuan, "What is our next training, and which one is more difficult than the first one."

Situ Xuan still had a mysterious expression on his face, playing Tai Chi and said, "Don't ask, you'll know when you get there."

Well, having said that, Shentu Aoshi knew that this training was definitely not easy, and he was ready to be abused again.

This time, the journey of the people did not take that long. They went down from the other slope of this mountain and walked in the forest for about half an hour, and they arrived at their destination.

If nothing else, the scenery in this middle of Shu is still very beautiful.

Especially now that late spring is approaching early summer, walking down the mountain road is full of greenery, wild flowers and weeds, and the singing of birds and insects all the way.

If you forget that the purpose of this visit is to cultivate, the two can completely treat this trip as a vacation.

In the distance, Shentu Aoshi and Qin Lie both saw a waterfall flying down from the top of the mountain, crossing a height of nearly 200 meters, and fell deeply into the river below.

The width of this waterfall is not large, but the water flow is quite abundant. There are hundreds of meters away, and the rumbling sound of the water hitting the rocks below is heard.

Looking at the waterfall from the top of the mountain, Shentu Aoshi sighed: "I didn't expect that there is such a magnificent waterfall in the depths of this nameless Shu Mountain.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the sky. Li Bai's poems are probably tailor-made for this waterfall. It's really magnificent and wide... Brother Qin, do you feel the same way in your heart? "

But Qin Lie couldn't agree with Shentu Aoshi's description at all.

It's not that this waterfall is not spectacular or beautiful, but he thinks that it is a rare natural landscape, and their next training may be related to this waterfall again.

Facts have proved that Qin Lie's sixth sense is as accurate as a hook in the past two days.

Situ Xuan took the two of them along the mountain road all the way, and the final destination was here.

Going all the way to the waterfall, on the bank in front of the deep pool of the waterfall, Situ Xuan stopped and said in a low voice, even saying the same thing as before: "Okay, the training ground is here again."

"Huh?" Shentu Aoshi looked at the waterfall in front of him. The huge rumbling sound almost drowned out the voices of everyone. After asking Situ Xuan several times to confirm the address, Shentu Aoshi made a puzzled voice.

Training here, what to train here, swimming?

Fall? impact!

Wait... At that moment, Shentu Aoshi's mind remembered many pictures that he could only see in martial arts TV series when he was a child, and at the same time, a terrified cold hit his back.

No, Situ Xuan wants them, so let's train!

As a result, as soon as his thoughts came to his head, Situ Xuan began to arrange: "Okay, you two, now take off all your shirts, stand under the waterfall for me, and let the water hit you until you can't bear it. …”

Asi! I drop a mother-in-law!

After Shentu Aoshi's idea was confirmed by Situ Xuan, there was only one thought in his mind at the time, and that was: Mom, I want to go home.

My God, what crime is this committed to follow Situ Xuan to suffer such a crime.

Where is this training, this is murder.

When the first wave of murders failed, he planned the second wave, um, it was like this, it was definitely like this.

Anything with a high speed to a certain extent will have huge lethality.

Bows and arrows are like this, bullets are like this, even water is like this.

High-pressure water jets can even cut diamonds, which is enough to prove the destructive power of water flow.

As I said at the beginning, the absolute height of this waterfall is very high, and the huge water flow falls down from an altitude of more than 200 meters, and the speed is very fast.

Under the impact of this water flow, the rocks at the bottom of the deep pool below were ground into pebbles, extremely smooth.

Stones are still like this, let alone their flesh.

Shentu Aoshi and Qin Lie couldn't imagine how strong the impact at the bottom of the waterfall was, but it was definitely not easy.

The key is that they just climbed up from the cliff, their muscles were sore, and many parts were injured.

It is too scary to endure the impact of such a majestic current when the body has not recovered.

"Old Xuan..." At this time, Shentu Aoshi's voice began to tremble, "This, really... Really want to go down..."

Situ Xuan, with his hands behind his back, was very strict in matters related to training: "Isn't it true that you still need to cook? These are all part of my training plan, and an excellent way to make you feel your body. Although it is difficult, after you finish it, you will definitely There will be huge gains, don't delay, it's getting dark, just go straight on."

"Go..." Shentu Aoshi repeated Situ Xuan's words, dragged a long voice, and finally looked at Qin Lie like a crying face, "Brother Qin, is this going up or not?"

As a result, Qin Lie did not say a word, but what he did was cruel enough.

Shentu Aoshi was still lamenting the horror of this training. Looking back, Qin Lie was already taking off his shirt.

Taking off the jacket and the t-shirt inside, revealing a body almost like a template made of iron cast steel, Qin Lie jumped without saying a word, and jumped directly into the pool below.

The water in the pool was not too deep, just up to the waist level. Qin Lie plunged into it with a shove, and simply swam two steps closer to the waterfall.

Taking a deep breath, he turned back and shouted at Shentu Aoshi: "Brother Shentu, the reason why Master let us do this must have his reasons, you don't need to think about it, since you have accepted the training of Master, then do everything according to Master's instructions. Come on, I'm advanced, think about whether you want to come!"

After saying this, Qin Lie didn't hesitate any longer, took another breath, his eyes were firm, and he stepped under the waterfall calmly.

On the shore, Shentu Aoshi was aroused by Qin Lie's words.

Qin Lie is always so decisive in his work, but he keeps beeping on the side.

Complaining a thousand times is not as good as doing him again, it's all coming, it's hard to pay it back.

"Damn it!" With a roar, Shentu Aoshi also took off his clothes and ran into the pool like a fly, resigning himself to death, "I fought with you!"

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