Inspired by Qin Lie, Shentu Aoshi also showed unprecedented potential.

The most obvious thing is that he has done many things that he didn't dare to try before and felt absolutely impossible.

Situ Xuan stood on the shore and looked at the two people under the waterfall. Although he didn't say anything, he was still very satisfied.

The attitude of the two people is at least in place.

The boy Shentu Aoshi began to complain a lot, but because of Qin Lie's existence, even if he complained, he did not fall behind.

This is the so-called "closer to vermilion" and "black".

Today is actually the first time that Situ Xuan has taught Qin Lie to practice the exercises. Although he occasionally gave instructions in words before, the specific help training is indeed the first time.

So far, he is very satisfied with Qin Lie's performance.

At least in terms of attitude, there is no problem at all.

With such an attitude of doing everything as hard as possible, doing anything, doing anything, is not bad.

Qiu Bai's vision is good, their disciple is a person who has achieved great things.

The impact of the waterfall's water flow is indeed very strong. When Qin Lie entered the waterfall for the first time, he felt that there were tens of millions of tons of boulders on the top of his head.

Those water currents hit his body, and the injuries he suffered while climbing made him almost think of the word "hell".

He was hit by the water so that he couldn't lift his head or straighten his waist. The injuries all over his body broke out, and there was no place around his body that was comfortable.

The whole process is like a walk before the gate of hell. I am afraid that in the next ten years, I will still be fresh in my memory when I think about it today.

The whole process lasted for another three hours. After three hours, Qin Lie couldn't hold it anymore, and his brain almost fainted, so he had to come out.

And Shentu Aoshi's persistence this time was even more fierce than Qin Lie's.

He finally stood under the waterfall for three and a half hours and was dragged out by Situ Xuan.

Once again, from another angle, the two have hit their physical limits again.

That night, at the top of this nameless mountain, Situ Xuan pitched a tent at some point.

A bonfire was lit outside the tent, and the recovered two sat with Situ Xuan, enjoying this rare quiet time.

At this moment, before training, yet another prophecy of Qin Lie came true.

Shentu Aoshi ran around the bonfire, chasing Qin Lie: "Brother Qin, just treat me begging you, just your bruise, give me a little more, just give me a little more, I'm true, I'm true If the pain is too much, you will give me your bruise wine, and I will give you five million after the meeting, oh no, fifty million!"

Qin Lie ran in front of him and said as he ran, "Brother Shentu, it's not that I'm stingy, it's that this Buda wine really can't be used like this, I only have this bottle, and there are still several days of training in the future, you just directly Kill my half bottle, if you want to do this, what will you do in the next few days?"

"Ouch!" Shentu Aoshi knew the truth, but the situation did not allow him to be rational, "I'm really hurting, hurry up, just a little more, my butt spindle is numb now, I have to wipe it. "

But no matter how Shentu Aoshi asked, Qin Lie wouldn't give it to him. The two of them were like two children, running around the fire all the time, but because of their serious injuries, they ran like two crippled children. .

Situ Xuan sat in the middle and looked at the two with a rare smile.

It turned out to be such a feeling of having an apprentice. It turned out to be really satisfying to see your apprentice grow up under your own guidance.

Shentu Aoshi's performance today, especially in the second round, far exceeded Situ Xuan's expectations, and his perception of this kid was not that annoying anymore.

Seeing that the two were chasing endlessly, Situ Xuan stopped them: "Okay, you two boys, stop chasing... Shentu's boy, I also have Bingda wine here, don't beg him, come to me."

"Ah?" Hearing this, Shentu Aoshi turned around with surprise in his eyes, "You actually brought Buda wine with you?"

As far as today's perception is concerned, Shentu Aoshi felt that Situ Xuan was the devil sent by God to torture him.

The meaning of Situ Xuan's existence is torture, but he didn't expect to bring Buda wine.

Isn't that surprising?

"Nonsense." Situ Xuan said, "I'm here to train my apprentices, not to kill people. If the two of you fail in my training, I'll feel bad too."

To be honest, these words are definitely the warmest words Shentu Aoshi has heard today.

At this moment, Situ Xuan, who took out the gesture of beating and drinking from his arms, was simply Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The bruise wine in that hand was glowing with golden light.

"Fuck!" Shentu Aoshi flattered, "Elder Xuan, you are so handsome!"

As soon as he grabbed the beating wine, he immediately ripped off his trousers and smeared the beating wine on the spindle of his ass.

Everyone is a big man, and they are all martial arts practitioners, so they don't care about these details.

Situ Xuan watched Shentu Aoshi wipe the wine over there, and said slowly: "Two boys, you have also experienced a little training today. Although the training is very intense, you are in every piece of your When the muscles are in pain, you must find the positions of those muscles and deeply feel the existence of each muscle, otherwise, you will all suffer in vain today.”

"Oh?" Shentu Aoshi said suspiciously while wiping the wine, "Elder Xuan, is this muscle pain still good for you?"

Qin Lie also showed a puzzled look. He also had the same problem as Shentu Aoshi.

Situ Xuan sat there, throwing firewood into the fire, and said, "Of course it's good, otherwise you think my training is all for fun, don't you?"

Then, he continued to explain: "Warriors, especially peak warriors, have absolute control over every part of their body, they know how to use the advantages of their bodies to punch out, where the force is exerted, and where They have a very clear judgment on whether the muscle mass is decisive."

"The absolute control of one's own body muscles is an essential skill to become a top master."

"The simplest example." Situ Xuan said, "Ordinary people and martial arts practitioners throw a right hook at the same time. Ordinary people only know that he punched out, but they don't know where the force is, or Most know that their right arm is working hard.

But those who practice martial arts know that the most important thing about this right hook is the feet that are rooted on the ground. After the feet are in position, the twisting of the muscles in the waist drives the rotation of the body, and finally the right arm is the right arm. muscle force, the punch. "

"You should already know these things by now, but the real top masters are much higher than this level."

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