Because they saw Situxuan's powerful destructive power, Qin Lie and Shentu Aoshi also saw the good intentions of Situxuan's training this time.

These trainings seem to be torture and useless, but after careful analysis, you can still find the subtleties.

The following training is similar to the training on the first day. It is all about chasing the limit of physical strength and making every muscle in the body move.

According to Situ Xuan's request, Qin Lie senses the position of each muscle every day when his muscles are sore, and tries to remember the pain in those positions.

He didn't know what was the use of doing this for the time being, he did it only because Situ Xuan asked him to do it.

But he knew that Situ Xuan's ordering them to do so must have an important role.

So in the next three days, Qin Lie and Shentu Aoshi both felt their bodies under such training, and gradually found some feelings.

Take Qin Lie as an example. Before doing these exercises, he only knew the approximate position of the muscles involved in each movement.

But after these few days of training, he can clearly feel any movement of his own, which muscles are used, and even which muscles play a leading role and which muscles play an auxiliary role. These can be slowly felt. come out.

It can only be said that hard work will pay off. Slowly, even Qin Lie himself felt that his control of his body was much more precise than before.

And such a high-intensity training has another advantage, that is, the physique of the two also rises with the tide.

Although short-term physical training cannot quickly enhance a person's physical fitness.

But almost every day, they are breaking through the physical limit, and the tolerance of the two bodies has also been raised to a whole new realm.

This has been training for three days.

Training during the day and drinking alcohol at night. These few days are the worst days for Qin Lie to sleep. Even if he lies down at night, Situ Xuan will not wake up until the next day, even if it is a typhoon and an earthquake. degree.

This situation continued until the fourth day.

Early in the morning on the fourth day, Shentu Aoshi was already familiar with the rhythm of training and had psychological expectations for all the training items. He behaved very calmly and easily, and even was in the mood to ridicule Situ Xuan.

"Old Xuan, what is the training program today? If you have any tricks, just use them. We are not afraid anymore..."

Open your hands, open your arms, and say loudly, "Let the storm come more violently!"

Like that, Qin Lie wanted to beat him.

But today's Situ Xuan didn't take them to run around in this nameless mountain, standing on the ridge of the high mountain, saying: "There is no training today, today is the last day of your training plan, what should I do? Really taught you something."

"Oh, teach us something..." Shentu's arrogant spirit was like that, and he even repeated what Situ Xuan said.

It was only after he finished speaking that he realized that something was wrong, and his spirit was suddenly lifted: "What, teach us something? That's the kind of palm technique you shot that night and shattered the inside of the wood directly?"

"It can't be said to be a palm technique." Situ Xuan said, "It can only be said that it is a method of exerting force, and what I want to teach you is not only that kind of method, but a principle of all exertion methods in the martial arts world. ."

Shentu Aoshi's current state, it can be said that he can't understand what Situ Xuan said, but he feels very powerful.

Who cares, after three or four days of hard work, when the harvest finally came, Shentu Aoshi was as excited as a child all of a sudden.

"Brother Qin, Brother Qin, come here, come here, Elder Xuan is going to teach us kung fu!"

"Don't eat anything special, come on!"

"He'll be finished if he doesn't come."

Qin Lie was nibbling on a compressed biscuit, and stood up slowly from the camp, gave Shentu Aoshi a blank look and said, "I'm sitting here, no more than three meters away from you, I heard everything Master said, you let me Where are you going?"

"I'm also afraid that you will miss the most important information, so I want you to come over and listen carefully."

As for Qin Lie, he came over and looked at Situ Xuan and said, "Master, is today the last day of training?"

"Yes." Situ Xuan nodded, "It took you five days to come out this time. You young people have their own careers, so I can't delay you for too long. Today I will teach you what I want to talk about. Practice, do one final test, and go back tomorrow."

Qin Lie nodded and was also satisfied with this arrangement.

Training is necessary, but after all, I still have so many things to do in Longcheng, and I can't afford to delay it.

Finished it today and went back tomorrow. It took a total of a week of work, but it was acceptable.

So he looked at Situ Xuan and said, "Master, tell me, we will all listen."


Situ Xuan nodded, but he didn't start talking about his theory directly, but instead asked the two of them: "How, I've been emphasizing for the past few days that you should feel your own body and control your own body as much as possible. How are things going?"

"It's not bad." Qin Lie replied, mainly because he didn't know how much Situ Xuan wanted them to grasp, so he could only say that.

"In the past few days, according to what you said, I tried my best to feel the position of each muscle when I was in pain. I subconsciously remembered the pain caused by any movement. Later, it became a conditioned reflex. When there is movement in the body, I will study the muscles driven by this movement.”

"A little stunned, but I feel more familiar with my body than before."

After speaking, Qin Lie was still demonstrating and said: "Just like my simple arm lift, I know that the main muscles for traction are the back muscles and shoulder muscles, and the biceps on the arms are the third. The head muscles are just support, the muscles on the forearm are actually not working at all.”

"And if I move my fingers, the main muscles are the forearm muscles, and the muscles on the palms are only done as an auxiliary..."

After hearing what Qin Lie said, Situ Xuan nodded silently, quite satisfied.

"If you can perceive this level, it's not bad. At this level, you can almost accept my way of exerting force, Shentu boy, how about you?"

Saying that, Situ Xuan looked at Shentu Aoshi again.

Shentu Aoshi also responded earnestly: "What I have is similar to that of Brother Qin. We have been communicating privately these days, and theoretically the progress is similar."

"That's good." Situ Xuan was quite satisfied with the progress of the two, so he started the formal lecture, "Come with me..."

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