This time, because he has mastered the essence of the precise blasting method.

The two of them can completely locate the strength inside the brown bear's body, and with the strength of the two of them not being weak, this attack method made the black bear miserable.

The situation that followed was completely reversed.

The brown bear was no longer as fierce as before, and could only dodge the attack of the two.

There is no way to hide. It is really painful. It can be said that since this brown bear was born, it has never been beaten like this.

In addition to his huge body before, only it can beat others, and no one beats it.

What jackals, tigers and leopards, in its eyes are all younger brothers.

As a result, these two people looked weak and weak, and every punch was real damage. Who could stand it.

This time, mourning came from the jungle again and again, all of which were the screams of brown bears.

The brown bear originally wanted to go back to the cave to avoid the attack, but Qin Lie couldn't let it pass. He had no choice but to call his cub and run all the way to the distance. .

Looking at the brown bear running away from a distance, Shentu Aoshi put his hands on his hips, with a victorious expression, but he was badly broken: "Brother Qin, this beast can run very fast, there is a kind of us human hooligans who bully the soft and fear the hard. attitude."

"Heh..." Qin Lie said with a smile, "The animal instinct is like this, the weak eat the strong, and it can bully it naturally. Now that the two of us can't be beaten, and there are cubs under it, it's natural to live in peace."

"Hey!" Shentu Aoshi said with a sigh, "It's a pity, if such a big brown bear can be killed, the treasure in that suit can definitely be sold for a lot of money."

"Forget it." Qin Lie said, "God has the virtue of good life, this beast didn't provoke us, we provoked it, it still has a few cubs, it would be too much to kill, now I feel it too. The domineering of our boxing is enough."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Listening to Qin Lie's speech, Shentu Aoshi said, "Hey, brother Qin, I didn't expect you to be so enlightened now, and you have said things like good life, I heard you When on a desert island, such wild animals are not less killed."

Qin Lie shrugged: "It was for survival on the deserted island, but now it's just for practicing martial arts. Can the two be confused?"

"Get it!" Shentu Aoshi said, "You are the boss, what you say is what you say."

And at about this time, Situ Xuancai came from a distance.

When Shentu Aoshi saw Situ Xuan, he immediately asked for credit and said, "Old Xuan sees it, we have succeeded. That beast ran like something and didn't turn his head back. It's more than 100 meters."

"Yeah!" Situ Xuan listened to these words, but just hummed, and there was not a word more.

With his hands behind his back, he directly walked past Shentu Aoshi.

"Hey, Mr. Xuan!" Shentu Aoshi said quickly, "Elder Xuan, don't you compliment us, it's a monster! A brown bear that is more than four meters long, can that be solved by ordinary people?"

"Humph!" Situ Xuan lightly hummed, "If you could have used the method I taught you earlier, this matter would have ended a long time ago. This assessment is not difficult at all, it is just a test of your mastery of what I have taught you. At this level, more than half an hour wasted in vain, at this level, you dare to take credit?"


Hearing this, Shentu Aoshi snorted in embarrassment.

It's true. Looking back now, I imagine that this assessment is really not that difficult. Since Situ Xuan's method of exerting his strength has been used, the situation has already been crushed.

Had he done this sooner, the whole battle might have been over in ten minutes.

There is nothing wrong with what Situ Xuan said.

It's just that I've said it again, this kind of precise blasting force gathered at one point is really amazing.

In the past, Shentu Aoshi didn't even dare to think about winning against such a big brown bear.

Now it is easy to do, I have to say that the things of Situ Xuanjiao are really effective in actual combat.

After this training, Shentu Aoshi himself felt that his combat effectiveness had made a qualitative leap.

Although there is still a slight gap with Qin Lie, it is estimated that they all have the power to fight in front of the opponents who were unable to fight before.

Whether his master is still his opponent or not, that is especially unknown.

Sure enough, following Situ Xuan's practice, the benefits that he obtained cannot be described in words.

Hehe, looking at it this way, the persistence and hard work that I have done on Situ Xuan for such a long time has not been in vain.

The last test was completed, and the training plan formulated by Situ Xuan this time was completely over.

Situ Xuan told the two of them: "Okay, your visit this time is quite successful, and the training is still successful. Go back tonight and clean up, and prepare to go back to Longcheng tomorrow!"


Hearing this, Shentu Aoshi almost jumped from the ground.

The hardships that I have suffered these days, the injuries I have suffered these days, and the food I eat is not good.

Although it will be rewarding in the end, he is also the eldest young master of the Shentu family, and he rarely experiences such a life.

Now that it's completed, and returning to civilization, of course it's worth rejoicing.

That night, after all the training was over, the three returned to the camp and had a good night’s sleep. The next day, they packed up and left the Wuming Mountain. After another day of rushing back to Shudu, they boarded Qin Lie’s train at Shudu Airport. The private plane, without stopping all the way, finally returned to Longcheng.

This time, it took nearly a week to come and go, plus the time to hurry.

Qin Lie landed in Longcheng, and when he saw the high-rise buildings around Longcheng, he sighed again, and he finally came back.

Because these days of training is too tiring, I have suffered large and small injuries in almost every part of my body.

Moreover, the tent that Situ Xuan brought over really leaked air, and there was no such thing as a sleeping bag. Although he slept very hard, it was definitely uncomfortable.

This time back to Longcheng, Qin Lie immediately lay on the bed and had a good sleep.

This sleep went straight to twelve o'clock noon.

If he hadn't been woken up by Xing Feng's phone call at twelve o'clock, he probably would have been able to fall asleep.

After picking up Xing Feng's call, he yawned and asked the other side, "What's wrong with Xing Feng, what's the matter?"

Xing Feng asked him in surprise, "Young Master Qin, what happened the last two days? Why can't the phone get through, and it was turned off yesterday?"

"Hey! Don't mention it!" Qin Lie said, "I went out to train with Master for a few days. In the deep mountains and forests, there is no signal and no place to charge. The phone was turned off two days ago, and I went to Shudu to charge it yesterday. What's the matter, is something wrong?"

"Do you remember the killer who attacked you at the door of the hotel that day?"

Xing Feng said straight to the point.

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