How could Qin Lie forget about this.

At that time, the killer used Su Xiaoxiao's popularity to create the illusion of congestion, and then took advantage of the chaos to do it himself. Qin Lie still remembers the professionalism of this killer.

This matter has been handed over to Xing Feng to investigate, and Xing Feng is calling now for this reason.

"What?" Qin Lie became serious, "Have you found someone?"

"Well..." Xing Feng replied directly, "The person has been found, but it's not easy to get started directly, you have to come over and see the situation."

"Okay..." Qin Lie nodded, knowing the importance of this matter, and without hesitation, he immediately got up after answering, washed briefly, and hurried to the place Xing Feng agreed.

The agreed location is a villa area in the north of Longcheng City. The name of the villa area is Bichun Garden, which is the real estate industry under the Xu family.

Then it is quite famous in the industry, because there are many celebrities living in this villa area, and many celebrities with Longcheng household registration that everyone is familiar with live here together.

It is one of the representatives of high-end real estate in Longcheng.

When he arrived, Xing Feng drove a Mercedes-Benz and parked on the side of the road. When Qin Lie arrived, he got out of the car and got into Qin Lie's Jaguar.

Qin Lie was in the driver's seat, Xing Feng's co-pilot.

I want to say here that since Situ Xuan taught him this training content, he announced that he would not follow him in the future.

This special training has increased Qin Lie's combat power a lot. In his words, Qin Lie is now half his level. As long as he is not a particularly top player, generally speaking, Qin Lie can't do anything about it.

He has been by Qin Lie's side since he returned to China and rarely accompanies his granddaughter. Now that he has pulled his strength up, it is time to enjoy a leisurely and relaxed life.

Qin Lie certainly agrees with this. In fact, when Situ Xuan said he wanted to protect himself at first, he didn't think it was necessary.

After all, Situ Xuan is the master, and he himself is the apprentice. The master acts as the bodyguard for the apprentice, which is unreasonable.

Second, Situ Xuan has been following him these days, and it is still somewhat inconvenient to do things on his own.

Now that Situ Xuan walks away from him, he can do things more freely.

In addition, Situ Xuan has worked hard for so many years, so he should relax. His only thought in this life may be to deal with Song Zhe, the bastard who betrayed his master's sect.

For this, Qin Lie also promised that he would definitely send Song Zhe's head to Situ Xuan.

Speaking of which, Xing Feng said in surprise as soon as he got into the car, "Young Master Qin, what have you been doing in the past few days? Why are your arms and body all thick?"

"Oh, is it?" Qin Lie didn't pay attention and asked suspiciously, "Is there?"

"Of course there is." Xing Feng said, "Don't you notice that your clothes are tight? I can see it clearly."

Only after being mentioned by Xing Feng did Qin Lie feel that it was exactly what Xing Feng said. He was wearing clothes that fit well, but now he feels a little tight.

It seems that the training that has been breaking through the physical limit these days, in addition to the change in the way of exertion, his physique has also improved a lot without knowing it.

"That might be the result of training. I was so tired every day that I didn't notice it."

Xing Feng didn't speak, but looked at Qin Lie with envious eyes.

With a master like Situ Xuan, Qin Lie will definitely be able to shake off his peers in terms of martial arts.

When I met Qin Lie before, Qin Lie was not far from his skill, but now that so much time has passed, Qin Lie has left him far away and has reached a completely new realm.

With such a fast growth rate, Xing Feng is also a martial artist. It is absolutely impossible to say that he is not envious.

Back to the topic, Xing Feng briefly introduced his investigation in the past few days.

"Master Qin, according to your instructions, the next day I went to the bank to check the account records of that batch of banknotes, because one million is not a small amount, and the cash he still used took a little bit of money. I'm very concerned. I quickly found the branch and counter where the banknotes were issued, and even the salesperson who handled the business."

"Then because the account was issued over the counter, the bank has surveillance and face recognition, so the specific identity of the killer was quickly found..."

"Then we retrieved the person's appearance from the bank's monitoring system, locked the facial features, and asked the police to cooperate. We compared the faces from the Skynet system to find the trace of this person, and finally locked in this community."

"And then through the comparison of big data, it was found that this person even ordered takeout several times during his stay in this community, so that we even locked the house number."

After listening to what Xing Feng said, Qin Lie nodded, very satisfied with the efficiency of Yanwangdao.

I am also very impressed by the magic of big data.

He continued to ask: "Is there anything weird?"

"Well." Xing Feng nodded and said, "Then we have checked the information of this person. Although this person is of Chinese descent, he is not actually Chinese. His nationality is Irish, and he was only active abroad before. , We found that he was originally one of the professional killers of the killer organization Shadow, code-named Red Fox, which can be seen from his killing methods."

"Later Shadow's business didn't work. After the dissolution, most of the killers joined the rising Night Soul."

"Night soul?"

Qin Lie's mood finally fluctuated a little when he heard this.

"The hands of the people of Night Soul?"

He originally thought that this matter was the hand of the night soul that had stopped for so long.

If this is the case, he will have the opportunity to follow the vine and find trouble with Song Zhe.

But Xing Feng shook his head and said, "I'm just talking about his previous experience. Many of his colleagues joined Yehun, but he didn't. It is worth noting that Xu Ying's subordinate, the master who left a deep impression on us, Black Wolf, the former killer organization, is also a shadow."


Being mentioned by Xing Feng, Qin Lie's mind was agitated, and some key information was connected in series.

Before, Cao Guowei called him one night and told himself that he had seen many strange big men in Xu Ying's office, and he suspected that those people were thugs that Xu Ying had reconvened.

As a result, after the news came out, I accompanied Su Xiaoxiao to play the next day. When I came back in the evening, I encountered an assassination. Now Xing Feng is investigating, and the incident has been found on Xu Ying's head.

The information given by Cao Guowei and the information given by Xing Feng were naturally connected in Qin Lie's mind.

So, Xu Ying did this?

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