"Do you think Xu Ying did it?" Qin Lie asked Xing Feng directly.

Xing Feng thought for a while, nodded and said, "Although there is no direct evidence pointing to Xu Ying, as far as the directionality of the current information is concerned, it should be closely related."

Xing Feng paused and continued: "That's why I called you over to ask if you want to do it, because I know that you and Xu Ying still have a temporary alliance on the surface. It depends on your intentions."

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, affirming Xing Feng's actions.

For the first time, I also thought about how to deal with this matter in my mind.

Thinking of Xu Ying now, Qin Lie felt very strange.

This is just like a sb.

It was obvious that the person who killed his son on the surface was the Xiao family, but this fellow was stubborn.

Now he even found the old part of Heilang, and he was going to kill himself.

Is it because he seems to be a little easier to bully than Xiao Xingyuan, or does he feel that with his current strength, he does not dare to touch the Xiao family.

Qin Lie was disgusted anyway.

He couldn't even find the significance of forming an alliance with Xu Ying.

Of course, Qin Lie himself knew that forming an alliance with Xu Ying was a joke.

At that time, I was thinking of using him to deal with the Xiao family, so as to disperse the firepower of the Xiao family.

Alright now, except that he occasionally has to fight against the Xiao family, this fellow has no intention of making trouble with the Xiao family at all.

That alliance would be hard to come by.

Qin Lie sat in the car and thought about it for about ten minutes.

Finally, two conclusions are drawn.

The first one, the red fox who started this time, must die.

Second, Xu Ying couldn't be allowed to hide in the dark all the time. If he had something to do, he would come out and disgust himself. He had to be dragged out to fight the Xiao family.

With these two conclusions, Qin Lie has a deep understanding of what he has to do.

Ten minutes later, after waiting for a long time, Xing Feng finally asked, "How is it, Young Master Qin, have you figured out how to deal with this matter?"

Qin Lie's eyes narrowed, and he already had a complete outline in his mind.

He called Xing Feng to his side and said in a low voice, "I'm going to do two things to get revenge on that old fox Xu Ying..."

"Well..." Xing Feng nodded and said, "Tell me, let me see what I can do."

"First, Chihu must die. He kills me. I can't let him go. It's just that Xu Ying let his killer do it secretly, and we don't put the matter on the surface. They mistakenly thought we didn't know about it either..."

"Then, we can bring misfortune to the east, pull other people into this matter, kill people with knives, and use others' hands to deal with Xu Ying."

Just like that, Qin Lie was in the car and whispered all the plans to Xing Feng.

While listening, Xing Feng kept nodding and kept everything in his mind.


Shadow's killers were actually quite casual in Longcheng during this time.

Except for being careful when tracking down Qin Lie, and habitually avoiding various camera surveillance, the rest of the daily life is no different from that of ordinary people.

After all, they have two identities. The first is ordinary citizens. There is no blemish under this identity. They have no problem eating, sleeping, flying, staying in hotels by relying on this identity. Only the identity of the other killer is sensitive.

Therefore, as long as they do not reveal their identities when performing killer missions, their daily lives will basically not be affected.

And people like them know better that the more nervous they are, the easier it is to be exposed.

They have often been trained to train their mentality since childhood as a killer, and now in life, they will never show anything out of the ordinary.

This is why Chihu even dared to use his identity to order takeout in Longcheng.

He just didn't expect that the intelligence system of Yanwangdao was so developed, and only relying on the cash he gave out, he found his apparent identity and locked his specific location.

Of course, all this Chihu still doesn't know.

No, he was also responsible for going out to buy breakfast for a dozen brothers this morning.

However, he didn't expect the last time that going out to buy breakfast this time would actually be the end of his life.

When he rushed back to the villa with steamed buns and porridge, in their villa complex, there was almost only an alley away from their villa, and suddenly, he was surrounded by people who rushed out of nowhere. stand up.

The opposite side is obviously prepared, has been hiding in the dark, and has been waiting for a long time.

As soon as these people appeared, Chihu's heart immediately became vigilant.

He immediately stepped back, threw away the breakfast in his hand, reached to his waist, and touched his dagger.

At the same time, facing these people who suddenly appeared, he asked: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Chihu was a little nervous, but not panicked. If it were just a dozen people in front of him, with his skill, let alone beating him, at least there would be no problem in escaping.

But the next moment, when the main lord appeared, he panicked again.

Because this master is none other than Qin Lie.

Qin Lie came out from behind the members of the Longyan team, tied one hand behind him, held his head high, his aura spread out, and he was very confident.

As he walked, he said, "What do I want to do? Hehe, I should ask you this question, right?"

Chihu's eyes turned wildly with Qin Lie's appearance.

It's not that their killer members haven't paid attention to Qin Lie's movements these days, but Qin Lie seems to have evaporated from the world these days, and can't be found anywhere.

It was only yesterday that I got news that Qin Lie had returned to Longcheng, and the brand-new assassination plan had not yet been made. Unexpectedly, Qin Lie took the initiative to come to his door.

Not bad for being a professional killer, he can still maintain a certain level of calm at this time.

Chihu made up his mind that he didn't leave any clues at the door of the hotel that day, so he felt that Qin Lie still didn't know him on the bright side.

So Chihu said: "Sir, who are you, do we know each other?"

"Hahahaha!" Qin Lie laughed, it was really funny, "Friend, if you think I don't have certain information, will I bring someone to block you blatantly, I want to run after I move my hand, in this world I'm afraid it's not that simple to answer, am I right, Chihu?"

As soon as the word "Red Fox" came out, Chihu knew that he had nothing to struggle.

Today's battle is inevitable, he squinted his eyes and said solemnly: "How did you find me?"

Qin Lie said with a smile: "This incident tells us two facts, the first is that it is better to conduct transactions online in the information age, and the second is that you should not be so confident in doing things, and it is better to wear a mask when withdrawing money. "

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