In the shortest words, Chihu immediately understood where the mistake was.

But this also made Chihu admire Qin Lie even more.

This person actually found himself through just a little clue.

The subtlety of the mind is outrageous.

For Chihu, this matter has been brought to the fore. Qin Lie found himself, but he killed him. This is an irreconcilable contradiction.

If you want to survive today, you must have a hard fight.

Looking at Qin Lie in front of him, Chihu asked in a low voice, "Then what do you want to do?"

But for Qin Lie, Chihu is just a little guy, and he has to deal with Xu Ying behind Chihu.

So how to deal with this little gangster, or how to deal with that group of little gangsters, becomes very crucial.

He also has a play.

Without directly attacking Chihu, Qin Lie pretended to ask Chihu, "Tell me, who hired you, and who is the buyer behind you??"

Asking this question, Qin Lie wanted to release a message, that is, to make the other party feel that he had not figured out the logic yet. On the surface, he only knew that the person who did it was the red fox, but Xu Ying found the red fox through the black wolf. It's Xu Ying, I don't know all of this yet.

It also makes sense logically. After all, I found him through cash and banknotes, and the buyer behind him has no contact at all. If there is no intelligence system in Yanwangdao, I will never know the buyer behind him.

And at this time, God helped Qin Lie.

That is the black wolf at this time. It seems that he is running in the morning and ran from the surrounding of the villa.

When Qin Lie surrounded the red fox, he happened to pass by the crowd.

Naturally, he found out his brother Chihu was surrounded by Qin Lie immediately, his eyes were terrified, thinking that everything was exposed.

As a result, Qin Lie saw him at this time, and even reached out to say hello, with a warm expression on his face: "Oh, isn't this a black wolf, why are you here?"

"I..." How could this special black wolf know how to answer, after thinking for a long time, he said, "I live here, I was just doing morning exercise, you..."

Thinking about it quickly, Heilang suddenly felt that Qin Lie didn't seem to know everything.

Although he surrounded the red fox, he didn't seem to know the relationship between the red fox and himself.

If that's the case, then it's better to take the plan and respond immediately: "Master Qin, what's your situation?"

"Haha..." Qin Lie's acting skills were very good, he waved his hand and said, "Don't mention it, I'm very unlucky, I met an assassination every three days, I went out to dinner with my girlfriend the first few days, and was almost killed by an assassin in a restaurant. , I've been following him for the past few days, and finally found the location of this kid, no, I'll come to surround him right away, I didn't expect you to be in this community."

"Oh, is that right?" Heilang also played with Qin Lie, but he didn't know that he had fallen into Qin Lie's trap long ago, "Then this person is too daring, I don't know that you are the most popular in Longcheng now. One of the few characters in your life who dares to assassinate you is courting death!"

"Yeah." Qin Lie continued with a harmless face, "So I'm really unlucky, eh, by the way, Heilang, this person is also in your community, do you know him?"

When asked about this, Heilang's heart froze for a while, and after a short pause he immediately smiled and said, "How is it possible, this community is so big and there are so many people, where can I go to know him, he is not a star."

"That's right." Qin Lie said, no longer wanting to waste time with Heilang. "Then you can continue the morning exercise. This matter has nothing to do with you, so I won't leave you. I will say hello to President Xu."

That's it, Qin Lie, Chihu, Heilang, the relationship between the three people, they all knew secretly, but under Qin Lie's director, it happened that Qin Lie and Heilang were acquaintances, and Chihu was an outsider.

Qin Lie also knew very well that if he did this, Heilang had nothing to do.

Because Xu Ying likes to hide in the dark when he does things, and does not dare to show his face.

As long as you don't order him, he will definitely hide forever.

The black wolf was also trying to protect Xu Ying, so seeing the red fox being caught, he didn't dare to recognize him at all.

As for Chihu, he deeply understands the truth of the killer industry.

You can fail yourself, but you must not implicate your employer, so he has nothing to say in the face of Black Wolf's reaction.

Just like that, Chihu and Heilang looked at each other in the air, but quickly crossed over.

The black wolf did not dare to stay any longer, and all the way back to his villa along the path.

As for Qin Lie, of course, Chihu will not be spared.

Turning his head, Qin Lie continued to ask Chihu, "How is it, have you considered it? Tell me who the person behind you is and who your employer is. I can consider letting you go."

Facing Qin Lie's threat, Chihu was ready to die.

That's the way the killers are. They must be prepared to be exposed at any time, and once they are exposed, they will face a death sentence.

It's just that he has been in the killer industry for so many years, and he still understands the rules of killers.

He said, "Qin Lie, can you see that I do things professionally?"

"Of course." Qin Lie said, "I admire you for being able to come up with such a method to kill me."

"Since you know that I'm a professional, you still want to find out about the employer from me. Are you insulting me?"

The red fox responded immediately.

Qin Lie changed his face after hearing this: "So you want to die in place of your employer?"

This sentence is by no means a threat. Qin Lie has said since the beginning of his work that Chihu, the one who does it, must die.

Now that he has played a role in front of the black wolf as a tool man, it is time to die.

Chihu felt an unprecedented murderous aura from Qin Lie's body, which is definitely an aura that can only be possessed by a person who really kills people.

When he assassinated Qin Lie before, he already knew that Qin Lie's skill was unparalleled.

At this time, Qin Lie's aura was full, and he couldn't help but get nervous.

However, the instinct to survive made him refuse to sit still, even in the face of Qin Lie, even in the face of so many people from the Longyan team, he did not give up his resistance.

Fumbling out the dagger from his waist, Chihu looked at Qin Lie from a distance, gritted his teeth, and showed a wolf light: "If you want my life, you have to pay a price!"

Qin Lie admires his attitude very much. This is the effect he wants. If Chihu just gave up resisting like this, then the effect of this matter is really not that good.

Because Qin Lie did this for a purpose.

He knew very well that what he did at this time must be under Heilang's observation.

He didn't know where the black wolf was observing, but he would definitely observe.

It is because of knowing this that Qin Lie decided to perform a show well!

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