The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1244 The Effect Of The Program Is Full

"It seems that you are really a person who likes to be stubborn." Qin Lie sneered, ignoring Chihu's words.

"But sometimes, being recalcitrant can't change the ending of the story, especially when facing me."

The last word, Qin Lie's eyes showed ruthlessness, and in the next instant, he shot.

Dodging in place, he went to Chihu's side at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

This is extremely fast, so that everyone in the audience did not expect it.

Arriving in front of Chihu, he and Chihu almost stood next to each other. Then, he shot his fist and smashed it heavily on Chihu's stomach.

With just one punch, it seems that the space for exertion is extremely small, but the response caused by one punch is enormous.

With a bang, a muffled sound came.

The red fox took off on the spot, flew up to a height of more than three meters, and landed more than five meters away from the original place.

The red fox was hit hard, his eyes almost burst open, and blood spurted out of his mouth in a splatter style.

With this punch, Qin Lie used the force method Situ Xuan taught him, bypassing Chihu's bones and muscles, and hitting his internal organs.

The four-meter-long brown bear king couldn't withstand his full blow, let alone a little red fox, an ordinary human.

This time, Chihu lost his ability to resist, and almost removed Chihu's fighting power.

Covering his stomach, he crouched and knelt on the ground like a worm.

But this is not the end, he said, he is going to put on a show for the black wolf and the other killers that the black wolf finds.

The effect of this show is far from being achieved.

After punching, Qin Lie was still in the mood and walked slowly towards Chihu.

As he walked, he said, "You said that I would kill you, and I would have to pay the price. Now tell me, what price will I have to pay?"

Qin Lie had already walked to Chihu's side.

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his leg again, and suddenly stepped on Chihu's ankle!

Chihu originally knelt on the ground with his body bent, but when he stepped down, he couldn't even kneel.

His ankle was broken, and there was almost no angle between his calf and the ball of his foot, a straight line.

The bones clicked, and everyone present could hear the sound.

This pain is naturally not something ordinary people can bear.


The screams came, hoarse, and resounded throughout the community.

Before doing this, Qin Lie had asked Han Qi to help use the power of the Kyushu Bureau to evacuate other residents of the community except Heilang, so no matter how big the reaction was, it was only between him and Heilang. story.

Still not finished.

Hearing Chihu's screams, Qin Lie sneered, as if he was enjoying it, he continued to ask, "Come on, tell me, what price can you make me pay?"

Another foot down, the other foot of the red fox was also abolished.

After doing this, he grabbed the red fox by the throat, slowly dragged the red fox from the ground, raised it high above his head, looked at him coldly, and repeated that sentence: "Tell me, I What's the price to pay?"

This time, Qin Lie shot and crushed one of his shoulders!

"What price?"

He shot again, crushing his other shoulder.

In this way, one word, one word, one move, Qin Lie almost dismantled the red fox!

At this time, the red fox was like a toy. It was ravaged by Qin Lie, and it was ravaged by Qin Lie, screaming constantly and miserably.

Of course, all these pictures were deliberately sent to the black wolf and other killers.

He is not a person who likes to kill, but this time, for the follow-up plan, he has to do it.

Because, he is trying to anger the black wolf, and also trying to anger the remaining killers.

At this moment, on the other side of the community, in the villa where the black wolf was.

Including the black wolf, all of Shadow's former killers clenched their fists.

They hated and wanted to rush out now and kill Qin Lie!

Gritting his teeth, never hated so much.

"Damn it!" A killer slammed his fist on the wall and said fiercely, "It's too much, this kid is too much!"

"If you want to kill, kill it, to torture the red fox like this, I really don't think of the red fox as a human being!"

"Fuck, Black Wolf, my heart is very blocked. Chihu is also our brother, so are you going to watch it like this?"

"Yeah, that kid is too deceiving and doesn't treat the red fox as a human being. If you want to do this, how can we be human if it spreads out?"

"Chihu is Qin Lie who went to assassinate him alone because he made a bet with you. Now that things have been exposed, you just stand by and watch, why are you still a human!"

"Damn, don't stop anyone, I'm going to go out and kill him now!"

The other killers, you said every word, all the words pierced into the black wolf's heart like a needle.

The black wolf couldn't hold back these people's words, and roared out: "Enough is enough, don't fucking say it!"

"Those of you who rode on the horse thought that I would feel better, and those of you who rode the horse thought that I was very comfortable when I saw my brother being killed?"

"Then Qin Lie also asked me if I knew Chihu. Do you think Lao Tzu is very comfortable?"

"But what can I do? We are doing things for people! Take money and help President Xu!"

"Rush out now, it's fine if you kill him, but if you don't kill him, wouldn't that reveal the identity of President Xu and tell Qin Lie that it was President Xu who did this?"

"Isn't this selling President Xu? What do you want me to do?"

"Don't worry, I want this kid's life more than any of you, and I promise you, I will use this kid's head to pay homage to the spirit of the red fox in the sky!"

"But now, I'm so calm! It's not time to start!!"

"Bai Feng, put your gun down for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu promises that within three days, Qin Lie's life will be necessary!"

The black wolf roared angrily, roaring out all the emotions.

After all, he is the person in charge of the operation, and his aura is full.

After being reprimanded like this, the surrounding killers calmed down.

They gave up the idea of ​​doing things directly at this time, and they all suppressed the anger back.

But no matter what, Qin Lie tortured and killed the red fox in front of them and killed their brother, still deeply planted in their minds.

Qin Lie's action pressed the accelerator button for the action of the killer team represented by Black Wolf.

Many killers who originally wanted to deal with Qin Lie slowly, all planned to advance this action.

Including the black wolf, also said that within three days, they will definitely launch an action against Qin Lie again.

And this itself is within the scope of Qin Lie's plan.

That's what he did for this purpose.

The effect of the show is full, and he just wants to draw enough hatred of the black wolf.

Of course, his ultimate goal is far more than this...

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