After doing all this, Qin Lie handed the red fox's body to the members of Longyan Squad and asked them to deal with it.

He didn't stop, and quickly left the community where the black wolf was.

In fact, many members of Longyan Squad are very surprised by Qin Lie's choice.

They were thinking, since Qin Lie knew that the red fox and the black wolf were in the same group, why didn't he just take the black wolf and the other killers.

But Qin Lie did this with his own considerations.

Qin Lie did this for two purposes.

First, the red fox must die, which has already been done.

The second is to drag Xu Ying, the old yin, from the water to the water.

Directly kill this group of killers and kill them all, then this is the end of the matter.

But if you make good use of these killers, you can also create unexpected results.

What he has to do is to clean up Xu Ying.

And definitely not the black wolf and a few unknown killers.

After leaving the community, Qin Lie got into the car and called Xing Feng immediately.

As soon as the phone was connected, Qin Lie said to me, "How about it? Did you find out Xiao Xingyuan's itinerary for the past two days? Are there any suitable days to start?"

Qin Lie had already told Xing Feng his plan completely in the car before, so Xing Feng knew everything.

Hearing Qin Lie's question, he immediately replied: "Yes, and it will be tomorrow. I just don't know if we do this, and the Black Wolf people will cooperate with us."

Qin Lie said: "Today I tortured the red fox to death in front of them. They should have hated me to the extreme. As long as they find the right opportunity, they will definitely attack me. There is no guarantee of 100% success, but there are seven Let’s do it, let’s do our best to obey the destiny.”

"Okay." Xing Feng nodded, then continued, "Tomorrow Xiao Xingyuan will represent the Xiao family in Taizhou to participate in a business event, because the road is not too far, so he will drive ahead, there is a long unmanned national road on the road, that place is absolutely It's a great place to get started."

"very good."

Qin Lie nodded after listening to it: "It all went according to plan. Tomorrow morning, give me the model of the car Xiao Xingyuan drove that day, his license plate, and what clothes he was wearing. All these information will be given to me as soon as possible. Be prepared here, and, be sure to find me the best car modification master, I want them to make over our car in ten minutes!"

"Yeah!" Xing Feng just answered and hung up the phone, "I'll do the same."

Qin Lie knew Xing Feng's ability to do things, so he didn't ask too much, put down the phone, and went to prepare himself.

Yes, this is the real purpose of Qin Lie doing this. He wants to pull Xu Ying up from the water. During this time, Xu Ying has been hiding in the dark, and he has been too leisurely.

And it's too much to rush to the next wave of killers at every turn.

Qin Lie brought misfortune to the east and wanted to make Xu Ying and the Xiao family make trouble.

After thinking about it, I came up with such a plan.

But to do this, we still have to start from the perspective of Xiao Xingyuan's melon skin.

That night, Qin Lie received information from Xing Feng on his mobile phone. Xing Feng gave Xiao Xingyuan a car that Xiao Xingyuan was going to drive the next day. It was a Lamborghini commercial vehicle.

Qin Lie didn't have this car at first, but he notified Lamborghini Nylon City agent overnight to buy one, which cost almost twice the price of that car.

At the same time, he asked a few car tuning masters to make two license plates. These two license plates are fake license plates, but they are exactly the same as the license plate of the car Xiao Xingyuan will drive tomorrow.

After the car arrived at night, Qin Lie asked Chen Jinhu to drive the car out and wandered around Longcheng for four or five hours, looking specifically for the dusty suburban roads to drive, so as to make the car look as if it had been driven for a period of time as much as possible. of.

When I came back the next morning, I hung up the two license plates one after the other. This car was almost exactly the same as Xiao Xingyuan's car.

At the same time, Xing Feng sent another picture, which was a picture of Xiao Xingyuan when he went out.

A Louisville suit on the upper body, black Pierre Cardan trousers on the lower body, crocodile leather shoes, and a refreshing little broken hair.

After getting this picture, Qin Lie immediately found Wang Congcong's royal stylist and make-up artist, and made up and dressed according to Xiao Xingyuan's style in the photo, and leaned towards Xiao Xingyuan's angle almost consciously when putting on makeup.

How to say, make-up is indeed the number one magic of human beings.

A face with makeup is almost a face changer.

After being put on makeup by this powerful makeup artist, if you just look at it roughly, I really feel that Qin Lie is a bit like Xiao Xingyuan.

After doing all this, Qin Lie went out.

I got on the Lamborghini and drove all the way to the center of Longcheng.

And of course, after his car started, another black Audi behind him also started, hurriedly following behind his ass.

Immediately, Xing Feng sent a message saying, "Young Master Qin, Black Wolf and the others have followed you, and I'll watch your performance later."

Seeing this information, the corner of Qin Lie's mouth rose, everything was planned.

He had already guessed that he had killed the red fox so brutally in front of them yesterday, and they couldn't let it go.

Sure enough, the strength of the tracking has increased today.

Of course, like Xiao Xingyuan, these killers are his tools today, and he is planning a big game.

On the way to the city center, Qin Lie even deliberately got out of the car and went to the roadside bakery to buy a loaf of bread to show the killer behind him what he looks like today.

After doing all this intentionally or unintentionally, he drove slowly to the center of the city, a securities company managed by Xiao Xingyuan, a property owned by the Xiao family: Xingling Securities.

According to the information given by Xing Feng, Xiao Xingyuan will start from this company at ten o'clock in the morning and drive to Taizhou.

Qin Lie, on the other hand, hurry up and drive slowly into the underground parking lot of Xingling Securities around 9:50.

Inside the Xingling parking lot, a car modification master prepared by Xing Feng was waiting. Tires off, license plates off.

In ten minutes, Qin Lie's Lamborghini was completely changed.

At ten o'clock sharp, Qin Lie saw Xiao Xingyuan get down from the elevator inside the company to the underground parking lot, and got on his Lamborghini under the service of a driver - the same Lamborghini that Qin Lie drove in.

He drove his modified car, followed behind Xiao Xingyuan, and slowly drove out of the parking lot together.

Outside the parking lot, the Audi that was driven by the killers who were originally behind Qin Lie changed his target, dismissed the real Qin Lie, and followed Xiao Xingyuan's buttocks.

Qin Lie swaggered and drove away in the other direction. Seeing this picture in the rearview mirror, the corners of his mouth rose, everything under control.

Things have come to this point, and Qin Lie's plan has been more than half successful!

What I have to do now is to create a suitable opportunity for the killers that the black wolf found to kill "self".

Of course, this "self" has now become Xiao Xingyuan.

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