Driving back to his villa, Qin Lie went out for a few laps today.

Nothing was done except to show the killers what they were wearing and the car they were driving.

But it was just such a wave of operations that the hatred value was transferred to Xiao Xingyuan.

The reason why he drove back so quickly was because he didn't want to miss the good show that was going to happen next.

Back in the villa, Jiang Yu and Xing Feng Chen Jinhu met.

As soon as Chen Jinhu met, he excitedly said to Qin Lie, "Brother Lie, what a fucking trick you have. Hey, you have to play with the killers and Xiao Xingyuan. , so handsome, how long your brain is, you can come up with such a method."

Qin Lie waved his hand and smiled and said, "Don't mention it, if Xu Ying didn't like playing yin too much, Lao Tzu wouldn't do it. He likes yin, and Lao Tzu is more yin than him. I want to see who is better between him and me! "

After finishing speaking, Qin Lie paid more attention to the progress of this matter, and hurriedly turned around and asked Xing Feng, "How is it, how is the situation on Xiao Xingyuan's side?"

"No problem." Xing Feng said, "He has been driving to Taizhou, and he has not found anyone behind him, mainly Heilang and the others are really professional and tracked without revealing any traces."

On the way from Longcheng to Taizhou, in addition to Xiao Xingyuan and Heilang's killers, another group of people from Yanwang Island were also tracking them.

However, the people in Yanwang Island are only responsible for tracking, providing information, and even occasionally sending a little picture from the drone for Qin Lie to watch.

Qin Lie brought the word "watching a play" into full play.

After paying attention for a while, Qin Lie continued to ask, "How is it, how are the gifts prepared for Xiao Xingyuan on this road?"

"Don't worry!" Chen Jinhu patted his chest and assured that he did it. "We still learned this trick from Da Rong's help. If Xiao Xingyuan can go to Taizhou today, my name is Chen Jinhu and his surname."

"Ok!" With Chen Jinhu's assurance, Qin Lie completely put his mind at ease. "Then let's just wait and watch the show. Jinhu, do you have any melon seeds? Give me a couple of ounces!"

"Hehe." Chen Jinhu smiled and said, "Brother lie, how can there be so few things that are necessary for watching a movie? Not only melon seeds, but I also bought several bottles of beverages for you to choose!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Inside the villa, Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu, Xingfeng and the three looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of playfulness.

A few people set up a large stall of melon seeds and drinks in the living room, and they really started watching the drama on the TV in the living room.

But at this moment, Xiao Xingyuan and the killers in that car flying on the Longcheng Foreign Road are completely different.

Bai Feng is one of several killers called by the black wolf this time, and he is also the one with the best relationship with the red fox who was killed yesterday.

After the disbandment of the shadows, Bai Feng could hardly receive any orders, and he was very depressed for a while. It was Chihu who helped him and introduced him to several businesses.

The most commendable thing in this world is not the icing on the cake but the help in the snow.

Therefore, Bai Feng regarded the red fox as very important.

Although the killers did shameful deeds, they were still kind and righteous people. Yesterday, seeing Chihu being brutally killed by Qin Lie in front of him, the fire in his heart was already burning to the extreme.

So when the black wolf said that he would strengthen the surveillance of Qin Lie today, he was the first to volunteer.

No matter what others say or what Heilang thinks, he has to pay the price for Qin Lie.

This man must die!

Seeing the Lamborghini in front of him constantly driving ahead, Bai Feng asked the people around him, "Where is this kid going to drive?"

The person next to him looked at the route map and said, "Looking at the route on the map, he should want to go to Taizhou."

"Taizhou?" Bai Feng said, "Is he going to Taizhou according to your schedule?"

"There is no schedule." The person next to him said, "There is no schedule. This kid Qin Lie is completely different from other entrepreneurs. He does things very casually. He does whatever he wants, and never follows the rules. We don't know that he went to Taizhou. What do you want to do?"

"But..." Another killer added, "Our data shows that he has a concubine in Taizhou, maybe he is looking for this concubine to play with."

"Well..." Bai Feng thought to himself, agreeing with this statement.

He also paid attention to the environment of the surrounding national road, and said in a low voice, "The environment of this road is more suitable for hands-on work. I will see if there is a suitable opportunity later, and I will definitely make him."



Several other people heard the order and all nodded in response.

At this time, Xiao Xingyao, who was sitting in the Lamborghini in front, had no idea that he had been targeted by the killers behind him.

Right now, he was bored playing with his phone in the co-pilot.

Today's business activities in Taizhou are also quite boring. A securities company invited him to be a guest, and then he went up to make a wave of words, and we would have dinner together in the evening.

He had seen such occasions countless times, so he didn't bother to prepare.

It's just that the three hours on the way were a bit difficult, and he was so bored that he even watched "I Am a Goddess" on his mobile phone.

Although this show was created by Shinhwa Entertainment, which is owned by the dead mother Qin Lie, but if nothing else, the long legs of the women in it are still pretty good-looking.

It's nice to have some free time to pass the time.

Just when he clicked on the video and was about to enjoy it slowly, the driver next to him stopped the car.

Xiao Xingyuan noticed this for the first time, frowned and asked, "What's the matter, why did you stop?"

"No, there was a car accident ahead, I guess I have to wait for a while." The driver next to him replied.

Xiao Xingyuan frowned, looked ahead, and saw a truck lying sideways on the road.

The truck was loaded with watermelons. The watermelons were scattered all over the place at the moment. Anyway, it was a mess.

The whole road was stopped by trucks, and it was impossible to pass.

Xiao Xingyuan asked the driver, "Is there any other way to go?"

The driver replied: "We are taking the nearest road. If we take a detour, we have to turn around and run for 60 kilometers, and it will be gone in two hours. We can wait for a while. There are no casualties in such an accident. If the traffic police arrive, they will be cleared in an hour.”

"Okay." Xiao Xingyuan didn't bother to care about these things. Anyway, the commercial activities in Taizhou were not very important.

He was too lazy to care, and continued to look down at his "I Am a Goddess".

And this scene completely fell into the eyes of the killers such as Bai Feng who followed behind.

The killer next to him asked Bai Feng reflexively: "Brother Feng, this opportunity is good, shall we do it?"

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