Chapter 1248 The most pitiful person in the whole thing is Xiao Xingyuan.

I didn't know anything from the beginning to the end. I just went to Taizhou to participate in business activities as planned, but I was ganked on the way.

Qin Lie and Xing Feng thought it was funny.

Although he didn't know whether Xiao Xingyuan was dead or not, even if he was rescued, he would definitely vomit blood from depression.

I didn't provoke you, you are going to fuck me, what's the reason?

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Thinking of Xiao Xingyuan's reaction, Qin Lie, Xing Feng and Chen Jinhu couldn't help laughing.

They should have been the most at the core of the matter, but now they have become the one watching the fire from the other side.

"Otherwise, Brother Lie is awesome." Chen Jinhu said aside, "If Henry Zhang knew that his son was ganged up like this, he would definitely find trouble with Xu Ying. In this way, we would kill two birds with one stone."

Chen Jinhu thought about it again, and said hesitantly: "I just don't know if the Xiao family can investigate the identities of these killers. If they can't investigate, the show will not be so good."

Qin Lie was not worried about this at all, because he had already made arrangements.

"Jin Hu, you are stupid, can Henry Zhang know who did it, not looking at us, as long as we provide information and attack from the side, he Xu Ying can get rid of it?"

"And I have asked Jiang Lei to take a photo when the killers started. This photo was anonymously sent to the Xiao family. These killers can't escape."

"Hahaha..." After listening to Chen Jinhu, he felt relieved and laughed again, "Brother Lie, otherwise you are bad, but fortunately I am not your opponent, or we will definitely be played to death by you. ."

"Hey, are you praising me or scolding me? I don't sound right."

Chen Jinhu immediately assured: "compliment, this is 100% praise. Brother Lie is handsome, domineering and mighty. He is really my idol in Chen Jinhu's heart. Could this be a compliment?"

"Cut..." Qin Lie waved, "It's alright, it's alright, don't talk anymore, your flattery is too blunt, I feel uncomfortable listening to it, but shut up."

"Hahahaha..." After saying that, the three of them laughed again.


The atmosphere on Qin Lie's side was in full swing, but in the distant Xiao family, it was a different world.

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the Xiao family's private hospital.

Henry Zhang, Xiao Xingyuan, including several core figures of the Xiao family, all came here at this time.

In the operating room, the indicator board on the top of the head has always displayed three red words "in operation" in red.

This operation has lasted for seven hours since Xiao Xingyuan was sent back, and up to now, Xiao Xingyuan is not out of danger.

Henry Zhang gave a death order, if Xiao Xingyuan cannot survive, then all the doctors who performed the operation today will be buried with him!

So the doctors in the operating room were very nervous, and they were doing all the wound treatment carefully.

The injury was very serious. Xiao Xingyuan was shot thirteen bullets all over his body, and ten bullets remained in his body.

In addition to taking out the bullet, the operation also needs to repair the damaged internal organs and drain the congestion. This operation is quite complicated.

The injury report was also sent to Henry Zhang, the head of the Xiao family outside.

At this time Henry Zhang clutched the report, trembling all over.

Although Henry Zhang usually feels that his youngest son is incompetent, and often scolds him as a waste, but in his heart, Henry Zhang likes him, and he will never allow others to hurt him one bit.

That's why at the beginning of the Xiao Xingyuan and Xu Fanzhou incident, he tried so hard to protect Xiao Xingyuan, even if he sent others out to die, he would never let his son suffer any grievances.

It was such a treasure, a treasure that was held in the palm of his hand and protected, but he still failed to escape such a bad luck in the end.

This time Xiao Xingyuan was seriously injured, and he almost died.

There was only one breath left when the man was taken to the hospital.

If it hadn't been delivered in time, Xiao Xingyuan would have gone to the sky by now.

And I have consulted a doctor. Even if an injury of this magnitude can be rescued from the gate of hell, it will take at least half a year to recover from the injury. I don’t know what sequelae will be left in the next few decades.

The position of *** is penetrated, and whether it can have children is another matter.

This was undoubtedly a devastating blow to Henry Zhang.

At this time, with Xiao Xingyuan's mother's cry, Henry Zhang's whole body was shaking, and he could not accept this fact.

The accumulation of anger in his heart can no longer be described as berserk.

If he was asked to find out who did this, he would definitely kill that person's entire family, the nine clans, and all the people who were related, but not a single one!

He also wants to show those who do this to see the consequences of angering the Xiao family and angering him Henry Zhang.

This thunderous rage, in China, no one can bear it!


Henry Zhang smashed the wall of the hospital with a punch, and the whole hospital corridor was shaking with such powerful force.

The wall was smashed into a depression, and a crack spread directly along the depression.

His fist was smashed with blood, but he didn't realize it.

"Check!!" He instructed Xiao Gan to say, "Go out to check immediately, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find out whoever did it, this matter touches the bottom line of my Xiao family, dare to touch me Xiao. Yang's son, I want to see how holy he is, how many lives are enough for me to kill?!?"

"Yes!" Xiao Qian answered the order and quickly left the hospital and went out.

As for Xiao Xingyao, he walked to Henry Zhang's side at this time, took out an envelope, and handed it to Henry Zhang: "Dad, I think you can take a look at this first."

Henry Zhang was angry at the moment, glanced at Xiao Xingyao, and did not speak.

After taking the envelope, I shook out a few photos directly from it.

Seeing this, Henry Zhang only asked Xiao Xingyao: "What is this and where did it come from?"

"I don't know who gave it to me." Xiao Xingyao said, "I just got the news and rushed to the hospital, and when I was at the door, someone threw this envelope in front of me. You can look at the contents of these photos first. Say it again."

After being mentioned by Xiao Xingyao, Henry Zhang took a serious look at the content of the photo.

I didn’t know the result if I didn’t read it. After reading it, Henry Zhang was shocked by the result.

The content of this photo can be roughly divided into two parts.

One of the parts is the scene when Xiao Xingyuan was shot, the scene of the five gunmen surrounding his car.

The picture is quite miserable, almost seeing Henry Zhang suffering a cerebral hemorrhage.

And another scene is the scene of these killers walking together, talking and laughing.

Seeing this, Henry Zhang asked: "Can you find these people??"

Xiao Xingyao replied: "Dad, don't look for it, the answer is already given in this photo. In this photo, these five killers are walking side by side with another person. The extra person is actually Xu Ying's confidant. ,black Wolf."

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