"Black Wolf?? Xu Ying??"

Henry Zhang heard this, and the logic was clear in an instant.

Since Xu Fanzhou's death, Xu Ying has always had a gap with the Xiao family, although at that time, he suppressed the matter by pushing that bitch Liu Danrong out to take the blame.

But no one knew whether Xu Ying believed in secretly.

If he has always had hatred in his heart and has been looking for opportunities to do himself, if Xu Ying did this, it would be completely justified!

"Who is the person in this picture with you? What does he want to do?"

Henry Zhang was calm and wanted to find out the ins and outs of this matter.

Xiao Xingyao just told the truth: "When I arrived at the hospital, these photos were put in an envelope and thrown in front of me. I looked around and couldn't find anyone, thinking about Xingyuan's injury, I came first, I don't know. who gave it to me..."

"Dad, I don't think it matters who gave it." Xiao Xingyao paused and continued, "The injustice has the first debt and the owner, now Xu Ying has set up his own business and joined with others to engage us. As we all know, now that Xingyuan has been killed, he already wants to ride on our heads, if we don’t want to take care of it again, I am afraid that raising tigers will cause trouble, and there will be endless troubles!”

"Remediation!" Henry Zhang clenched his fists, his eyes were full of killing intent, "Of course we have to rectify, not only rectification, but I will beat him so that Xu Ying can't turn over for a lifetime, let him always remember this wrong decision, let him He cried, begging to come to Xingyuan to kneel down and apologize.

A dog with only a bit of strength wants to turn over and become a master. I want him to know that this master is not so easy to be! "

After saying this, Henry Zhang punched the wall again, but even so, it was difficult for him to pour out the resentment in his heart.

Up to now, if Xu Ying is not beaten to death without a place to be buried, he will never give up.


And about an hour later, Xu Ying, who was far away in the other direction of Longcheng, suddenly received a call from Henry Zhang in his villa.

Xu Ying, who was about to fall asleep at night, was so excited by the phone call that he bounced off the bed.

Without him, it is because this phone is too heavy!

Henry Zhang gave almost no explanation on the phone, and directly declared war on him, saying that from now on, the Xiao family will start targeting the industry under his name in an all-round way, and no matter what method is used, it will squeeze his Xu family’s industry into no living space. to make him pay for what he did.

Including himself, Henry Zhang also reminded him to be careful when going out and doing things, otherwise a group of killers may rush out at any time to kill him.

He also guaranteed that he would be completely overthrown within a month, in order to make amends for Xiao Xingyuan.

After saying this, Henry Zhang hung up the phone directly.

At that time, Henry Zhang was really shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

He really didn't know what was going on.

Just sitting at home like this, the pot comes from the sky!

Obviously, he didn't do anything against the Xiao family, so what kind of madness did Henry Zhang send against himself again?

Xu Ying now feels that he is having a hard time.

He was in a dilemma in four directions: Qin Lie, Xuanyuan Tianci, Yehun, and the Xiao family.

He was able to maintain a certain balance originally, but Henry Zhang was furious as a result of not knowing what was going on.

Listening to Henry Zhang's tone on the phone, Henry Zhang seemed to want to peel off his skin and gnaw his bones.

Why are you so angry!

And it can be seen from the information disclosed by Henry Zhang that he did all this for his son Xiao Xingyuan, and seemed to want justice for Xiao Xingyuan.

But even more so, Xu Ying felt even more strange.

He hadn't done anything against Xiao Xingyuan recently, and he was seeking justice for Xiao Xingyuan.

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, Xu Ying quickly got up from the bed and immediately sent someone to investigate the matter.

It was easy to investigate this matter, but within half an hour he got the news that Xiao Xingyuan was attacked by gunmen on the national road leading to Taizhou.

This message is premised.

With this premise, Xu Ying received a call from Heilang.

The black wolf on the phone was very excited and sounded very happy, a little like asking for credit.

He said excitedly: "Mr. Xu, good news, the killers you asked me to pay a lot of money to bring back have successfully killed Qin Lie!"

"Ah?" At that time, Xu Ying's spirit was refreshed, one high and one low, one good and one bad, the news of the two worlds of ice and fire made him at a loss, "Really or not? Qin Lie is dead?"

"I don't know if he is dead or not." Heilang said, "Anyway, my brothers sent a dozen bullets into him, and he would have to be a waste if he didn't die!"


Hearing what the black wolf said, Xu Ying didn't have time to be happy, instead he took a deep breath.

Because he always felt that something was wrong.

He had just sent someone to investigate Xiao Xingyuan's matter, and there was already a report of Xiao Xingyuan's injury in his phone.

How can the situation Heilang said at this moment be so similar to Xiao Xingyuan's situation.

More than a dozen bullets were shot from behind. Isn't this exactly the same as Xiao Xingyuan's injury?

So I couldn't help but ask one more question: "Where did your people do it?"

Heilang: "It is said that on the national road leading to Taizhou, five people forced him through his Lamborghini. You can rest assured that there is no tail left, even if the police look for us, they will not be able to find us."

Hearing this, Xu Ying was 100% sure.

The good news that the black wolf said, and the bad news that he got, turned out to be the same thing!

And this was originally good news and bad news, but it suddenly turned into two bad news, and it was even worse than the previous bad news.

The group of idiots called by the black wolf actually killed the wrong person!

"Fuck!" Xu Ying almost yelled, "Heilang, are you so stupid? You killed the wrong person, you know? You are not Qin Lie today, but his Xiao Xingyuan! Just now Henry Zhang has already Call me and ask for my guilt, you are going to trouble me! You idiot!"


Heilang felt overjoyed when he heard the news, what else?

The surprised pronunciation has completely revealed his surprise.

Killed the wrong person?

The brothers under him who have been professional killers for more than ten years still make such a low-level mistake?

Heilang naturally believed it when he got the news for the first time: "No, President Xu, are you mistaken? Our people are experienced and have been dealing with Qin Lie these days. What's the matter with him, Xiao Xingyuan?"

"Did you make a mistake, and you first figured out the problem and then tell me!"

Xu Ying didn't get angry, and yelled at the black wolf: "A bunch of rubbish, spending so much money on Lao Tzu, come here and don't do anything, only know to cause trouble! What is the use of Lao Tzu?"

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