This is very interesting.

Han Qi asked himself to engage Woodrow of Skull and Bones, and now Caesar asked himself to engage Han Qi.

This two-way espionage is very interesting.

However, Qin Lie's position of course has always been on Han Qi's side.

From any point of view, it is impossible for him to help Skull and Bones.

It's just that it can't be too obvious now.

"How is it?" Seeing that Qin Lie was stunned, Caesar immediately asked, "Isn't this a difficult request, I remember that you have a fairly good private army, find an opportunity to assassinate Han Qi, God does not know It won't bring you any trouble if you don't notice it."

But Qin Lie is even more unlikely to do this.

Said like this: "Mr. Caesar, I always feel that you are joking with me by making these requests to me."

"Huh?" Caesar looked over again.

Qin Lie said: "You already said that Han Qi is the deputy director of the Kyushu Bureau. What is the status of the Kyushu Bureau in China? I won't say whether this is a move that endangers China, just those crooked melons and jujubes under my command, you What do you think I can kill the deputy director of the Kyushu Bureau?"

"Meaning, this condition doesn't work anymore?" Caesar asked.

Qin Lie still nodded firmly: "It really won't work, you have to change it."

Caesar sighed dully, and his face had obvious fluctuations.

"Qin Lie, you are really draining my patience," he said.

Qin Lie spread his hands here: "There is no way Mr. Caesar, I have my principles in doing things. Within my principles, I will try my best to help the Skull and Bones Society, but if it goes beyond the principles, even if the Skull and Bones Society wants me to die, I will won't do either..."

"But you can't just ask and not give." Caesar said dissatisfied.

Qin Lie: "Mr. Caesar's words are not quite right, even if Skull and Bones gave me the core technology of genetic engineering, but I helped Skull and Bones establish a biological experimental base in China and let Skull and Bones settle in China, which is a kind of contribution in itself... …”

"But this kind of contribution is not equal." Caesar whispered, "So you still need to do something else for the Skeleton Society..."

"Principle." Qin Lie still emphasizes these two words, "I have my own principles. Within the principles, everything is OK. Outside the principles, it is difficult to obey."

Seeing that Qin Lie's attitude was so firm, Caesar took a step back.

For now, Qin Lie is indeed a very important part of the Chinese layout of Skull and Bones.

When Caesar came over this time, he also gave an order to meet Qin Lie's conditions as much as possible.

So after thinking about it, Caesar finally said a rather simple thing: "Well, after the biological base is built, the base experiment will definitely need a lot of living people, we need these experimental subjects, and then the experimental subjects of human experiments will be , you provide it."

The implication is, let Qin Lie catch some people over to conduct biological experiments.

This is not a difficult task in itself, but Qin Lie didn't want to agree to it even if it was.

Seeing that Caesar was full of hope, Qin Lie still shook his head and told him, "I'm sorry, if this is the condition, I still can't do it!"

Hearing this, Caesar's expression finally changed.

Even Blaze, who was on the side, couldn't listen, and said loudly: "Qin Lie, what do you mean by such a simple request that you don't do it? Isn't it just bringing a few people in, what's so difficult for you? Mr. Caesar came with the most sincerity, and I warn you not to go too far."

Although Caesar's tone was not strong, his content was roughly the same as Blaze's: "Mr. Qin Lie, I have every reason to doubt your loyalty to the Skull and Bones Society, and you are unwilling to do anything, and you, the spokesperson of China, should also be It's too easy."

Qin Lie listened, and finally said: "Mr. Caesar calm down, this is definitely not my intention."

"I have just said that I have a principle in doing things. This principle has nothing to do with the size of the matter, but is related to my concept. I am a Chinese person, and I will not do anything harmful to China's interests."

"You asked me to arrest Huaxia people for human experiments. In my opinion, this is called harming the world. No matter how big or small, even if you only ask me to arrest one, I will not do it."

"Qin Lie!" Blaze listened and said, "This is a great opportunity for you to get close to the top of the Skull and Bones Society and become a core member of the Skull and Bones Society. You can do whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want. What, with our protection, even if the Xiao family dare not touch you, don't waste our patience!"

But Qin Lie was still unmoved.

Even if Blaise had spoken to this level, he still only gave Blaise and Caesar four words: "I can't help you..."

However, seeing that Caesar's face was gradually darkening, Qin Lie still didn't want to give away the genetic modification technology that was about to be obtained.

He put forward a condition and said: "Otherwise, I remember that there has been a lot of demand for super carbon fiber from skeletons recently. Because of some misunderstandings with Mr. Blaze, I deliberately raised the price.

Now I put the price of all super carbon fiber back to normal, and then give Skull and Bones a ton of m90 and fifteen tons of t1600 for free as compensation.

And as for the human subjects you mentioned, I have no way to provide them, but you can find subjects abroad, and I will be in charge of extraditioning them to China. Do you think it's okay? "

Anyway, in Qin Lie's opinion, I can symbolically help you to do something, but I can't do anything that endangers the country.

Everyone is just a temporary cooperation relationship. When you find the headquarters of your Skull and Bones Society, Han Qi and the people from the Kyushu Bureau will take you all over the place, and you are all gone. I will talk to you about cooperation.

So Qin Lie's request is very simple and can help you do things, but it's too much, sorry, just play.

There is only so much Qin Lie can do now. As for whether it can be done or not, it depends on Caesar and Blaise.

On Caesar's side, he frowned and listened to Qin Lie's words.

I also saw clearly Qin Lie's determination not to endanger the Chinese society.

Moreover, his attitude is decisive, which is really the attitude of "if you can do it, if you can't do it, forget it".

This forced Caesar into a corner.

The eyes of the two exchanged in the air for a long time. Even in the face of Caesar's eyes, Qin Lie was neither humble nor arrogant, and responded softly.

Finally, Caesar was defeated in this confrontation.

One of the big reasons is that the Huaxia government, especially the Kyushu Bureau, is too strict with the Skull and Bones Society, which makes it almost impossible for the Skull and Bones people to move in China.

It is really rare to find Qin Lie who is so influential and willing to join Skull and Bones.

By the time Qin Lie builds the experimental base, the Skeleton Society will have a base in Huaxia, and can open various activities smoothly in Huaxia. It will not be too late to kick Qin Lie out.

Now, it is really necessary to meet this person's requirements.

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