"Ok!" Caesar finally had to say this, "Since Mr. Qin insists so much, we will not be hard on others, and we will do it according to the conditions you said..."

"Thank you..." Qin Lie nodded.

As for Caesar, he pushed the USB flash drive from the opposite side and said, "Then this thing will be yours from now on. It contains our genetic technology and a list of all the equipment and materials needed to build the base. We will give you the largest Financial support, but I need you to build the base within a month..."

Building a base is not the same as building a house.

Building a house requires building bricks and bricks slowly, but the base is just based on the existing construction, the equipment is purchased and transported, and the house is slightly remodeled, which can meet all the conditions for the operation of the base, so that's it.

So building this base within a month will not have any difficulty for Qin Lie.

So Qin Lie agreed immediately: "Yes, this is no problem."

"That's good." Caesar said, "I will be in Huaxia this month, supervising the progress of the base construction. I hope Mr. Qin will not neglect..."

"And..." Caesar suddenly remembered something, "After the base is built, it will be considered a great contribution to the Skull and Bones Society, Mr. Qin. The people above told me that if you can handle this matter well, You can follow me back to the Skull and Bones headquarters in the US in a month.

At that time, you will be able to meet the top leaders of Skull and Bones, such as Mr. Woodrow, Mr. Raphael, etc. By then, your position in Skull and Bones will almost be equal to ours..."

"Oh?" Qin Lie raised his eyebrows, "Is there such a good thing?"

"Of course..." Caesar, "The Skull Association sees China's market as very important. You can help the Skull Association open up the Huaxia market, which is a huge contribution to the association. It's not surprising."

Of course not surprised, in fact, the "good thing" Qin Lie said is not the same as the "good thing" that Caesar said.

Caesar thought that Qin Lie was happy to be the core member of Skull and Bones.

But Qin Lie was just happy to hear the word "Woodrow".

Han Qi and Skull will have a mortal feud, and the one he wants to kill most is Woodrow.

And Woodrow is the ultimate core member of Skull and Bones. Although Han Qi wants to kill him, he has been unsuccessful.

He let himself go undercover in Skull and Bones, and that's a big part of the reason.

Now that Caesar took the initiative, Qin Lie was too happy, this was what he called "a good thing".

Speaking of this step, Caesar jokingly said: "Looking at the level of attention given to Mr. Qin in the meeting, I am afraid that the status in the meeting will be higher than that of me and Blaze. In this case, Mr. Qin will be required at the meeting in the future. So much support!"

Qin Lie didn't answer his words, and joked: "Mr. Caesar is really serious, even if I, Qin Lie, can have a higher status, I can't do without the support of the two of you. You two are mine. Bole, where is my excavator, how dare I bully you?"

"Hahahaha!" Blaze and Caesar all laughed when they heard this.

As for Qin Lie, seeing them all laughing, he laughs too.

The three of them seem to feel like the three little people who are about to benefit have entered a common fantasy world, and they feel so satisfied when they reach the extreme.

On the surface, the three seemed to be completely in the same camp.

But in fact, each has a ghost in his heart, and his appearance is completely different from what he sees on the surface.

After discussing the base construction with Caesar, Qin Lie quickly left Century Palace.

When they got to the car, Qin Lie called Han Qi almost without hesitation, and told him all the conversations he had with Caesar today.

One thing is reserved, that is, Qin Lie did not mention the information about genetic modification technology, which he wanted to keep for himself.

Except for this, everything else was told to Han Qi.

After hearing this, Han Qi was very shocked, and he could feel his emotions on the phone: "Really, they really said that as long as you build this base, they will take you to the headquarters, and even see Wood. Luo?"

Qin Lie: "I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, Caesar told me so personally."

"That's great!" Han Qi almost gritted his teeth, "Haha, I couldn't find that bastard for more than ten years, but I didn't expect that this trick of letting you enter the Skull and Bones would be really useful! Finally let me find it. Him!"

Han Qi was emotional, and quickly said: "You must not make any mistakes this month, just build the base as they said, this Woodrow, and the address of the headquarters of the Skull and Bones, you must, must see it with your own eyes. Here, I must slaughter this bastard Woodrow with my own hands!"

After all, it is a monstrous feud, Qin Lie can understand.

Qin Lie assured: "Yes, no problem, if what Caesar said is true, I will definitely help you find Woodrow."

"Thank you..." Han Qi said these two words to Qin Lie for the first time, "Qin Lie, if you can really find Woodrow, I sincerely thank you."

Qin Lie was very relieved after listening to it.

However, he joked: "Just thank you and it's over, without any substantial benefits?"

However, Han Qi said very seriously: "As long as this matter can be completed, any benefits at that time, as long as I, Han Qi, can do it, you can mention it casually, and I will definitely satisfy you..."

"Haha..." Qin Lie laughed when he heard that.

"Hey, Director Han has made such a promise, which is really flattering for the little one. Okay, I'm joking with you. I'll talk about the benefits later. For now, it's still the most important thing to find Woodrow, and we'll talk about this later. Let's talk."

After all, it's just a work in progress. I haven't seen the results. It's too early to say these. It's not too late to talk to Han Qi about the benefits after I really see Woodrow.

After informing Han Qi of the information he had told Caesar, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

The next day, early in the morning, Qin Lie went to the laboratory of Tai'an Pharmaceutical all the way.

Ask the people here to make a copy of the genetic modification technology information and save it first.

Although Taian's biological laboratory is also a biological laboratory, after all, the main drug research is not genetic technology, there are still essential differences between the two.

If you want to develop this technology yourself, you have to find top talents in the industry.

This technology involves the most advanced biotechnology, and most people really can't handle it.

Qin Lie is determined to go in this direction, and this talent issue really has to be put on the agenda.

Before destroying the Xiao family biological laboratory, I heard about Su Kuangheng.

At that time, Qin Lie also learned that there is also a related laboratory in Yanwang Island.

If this is the case, otherwise, ask Xing Feng and Xing Tian about them?

Qin Lie thought so...

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