And this Sauron also exerted the qualities that a dog should have.

Seeing that Qin Lie is not easy to bully, he can only go back to find Makasha, and complain to Makasha like a sissy: "Miss, look at him, I am helping you, and he keeps scolding me, this I'm having trouble with you, don't you care?"

Qin Lie then turned to look at Makasha.

Without waiting for Makasha to speak, he took the initiative to say: "Ms. Makasha, this is my Qin Lie etiquette. When Mr. Bruni informed me about your coming over, he only told me that you came alone. Let me know you have a team of so many people.

There is only such a car. If you like this car, you can take it. If you don't like it, you can find a way by yourself, whether it is renting or buying it, then Qin Lie can't control it! "

Obviously, Qin Lie saw a trace of displeasure in Makasha's eyes.

She is also on the verge of breaking out.

But she endured it in the end.

After thinking about it for a long time, there were not too many excessive words, and instead he reprimanded Sauron: "Sauron, there is a saying in China that you should do as the locals do. Since Mr. Qin is so polite, it is naturally his choice. We just follow his choice."

"Mr. Qin." Makasha turned back and said to Qin Lie, "My subordinate is also for my own good. If I offended you just now, I hope you will forgive me..."

It's a human word.

However, Qin Lie was a little surprised by such a reaction.

It stands to reason that Sauron is already like this, and the usual Makasha should be more willful than Sauron.

At this moment, I was scolded by myself, but I still didn't break out. It doesn't look like the eldest lady's temper!

I don't know if this little girl is holding back some big tricks, and then she gives herself a sudden hit, it will be fun.

And for Makassar, there are indeed difficulties.

She doesn't usually have such a good temper.

The reason why I can endure Qin Lie today is entirely because her father Worms told her that Qin Lie is one of the most outstanding people in the younger generation and asked her to come and study.

This time, I will spend at least two weeks by Qin Lie's side.

If she went back early, or slipped to other places, if her father found out, she would not have pocket money for at least two months.

This was a heavy blow to her.

So she is not afraid of Qin Lie, but is afraid of her father's punishment, so she is a little more obedient now.

If it weren't for this, this matter would have been put on hold, she would have turned against Qin Lie long ago, and she booked a flight back to the UK on the spot. How could she tell Qin Lie so much.

Seeing that Makasha's attitude was alright, Qin Lie then returned to the car, opened the back door of the car, and gestured, "Then please ask Miss Makasha to move into the car, we will go to the hotel now."

"Well." Makasha nodded and replied, "Although this car is indeed a little worse, it can only be done."

"I hope the distance in the past is not too far, or I will really vomit..."

Qin Lie: "..."

He couldn't find the right words to respond to such words, so he simply didn't say it.

After waiting until Makasha got in the car, Qin Lie closed the door, ready to open the door of the cab to start the car.

Sauron woke up and quickly asked, "Qin Lie, you just picked up the lady like this, what about us?"

Qin Lie squinted at him and said with a light snort, "I said that I'm just here to pick up Miss Makasha. As for you, it's not within my responsibility. I'll tell you the hotel address. Miss Kaisha's luggage is here..."


Sauron was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he wanted to enjoy the treatment he was used to by being by Makasha's side, and he would be treated like this in China now.

How could he do this!

"So much luggage!" Sauron said loudly, "How do you let us carry it?"

Qin Lie shrugged, who cares about them: "What does this have to do with me, you are Miss Makasha's assistant, these small issues should be your work scope, if you can't even handle Miss's luggage, you are not worthy of this assistant. worthy?"


"Okay, I'm not mine, there's not much to say, don't waste my time with Miss Makasha, let's go!"

After saying this, Qin Lie didn't stop. He really stepped on the accelerator and never stopped here again.

The engine roared, and Makasha disappeared all the way down the airport boulevard.

Sauron and several others were left behind.

When Sauron and several other bodyguards saw this scene, they were so angry that they couldn't even speak.

Looking at each other, looking at the mountain-like pile of luggage behind, despair appeared in each of their eyes.

This is so special, how can I move it!

And Makasha would not understand their suffering. After leaving the airport in Qin Lie's car, she even called back and asked them to deliver their luggage to the hotel within an hour.

This really blows their minds.

Qin Lie was miserable enough to land on the ground, but there was really no other way. Even Sauron, in the end, he could only find a phone everywhere to find a local person in Longcheng to rent a car.

As for Qin Lie's car, Qin Lie and Makasha fell into silence for a long time.

First, there was a conflict as soon as they met, and both of them were a little unhappy.

Second, they are really not familiar with each other and have nothing in common.

During the silence, Makasha was not idle, and kept watching Qin Lie from the rear of the car through the rearview mirror or from the side.

She wanted to find in Qin Lie a reason why her father praised him so much.

Temperament, bearing or city government...

Unfortunately, after watching countless rounds, she still couldn't convince herself that Qin Lie was the best among the younger generation.

In her opinion, Qin Lie is far from the big man she knows.

More like a nouveau riche rising from the grassroots, without the powerful aura that a big man should have.

Although Makasha has a bad temper, she has a lot of knowledge, and she has seen a lot of young people who are better than Qin Lie.

With so many young people to learn, her father had to let him run all the way to follow such a nouveau riche.

She was deeply skeptical of her father's decision.

After watching for a long time, Makasha became more and more depressed, and finally broke the silence and asked Qin Lie.

"Mr. Qin, I want to know what family your family belongs to. Does the Qin family have a strong background in China?"

"Ah?" Qin Lie listened, said something in surprise, and then replied immediately, "Family, I don't have a family, I was an orphan since I was a child, my parents couldn't find it, and there was no such thing as the Qin family. ."

"Heh..." Makasha scoffed, and it was exactly as she guessed.

The nouveau riche rising halfway has nothing to learn.

Continue to ask: "How many aspects does your current industry involve, and how much personal assets do you have?"

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