Qin Lie didn't expect that she would ask this.

But all in all, it's a normal problem.

Qin Lie also replied normally: "Personal assets are about 100 billion yuan. As for industries, medicine, entertainment, technology, and virtual currency are all involved..."

"The assets of 100 billion are not bad." Makasha said, "But these industries seem to have no roots in society."

"What is the root of society??"

Makasha sneered again: "It's the lowest level of human existence, almost everyone uses it, and it can cause a country's turbulent industry."

She proudly introduced: "In your Huaxia words, it is called food, clothing, housing, and transportation. It is used in industries that are based on the foundation of society, such as grain and oil, such as energy, such as financial banks..."

"The Cape family has mastered the financial systems of many countries in Europe, and has also mastered a lot of energy resources, coal, oil and natural gas and other mines. Our family has it, including some new energy now, and our family also controls it. It is the foundation of a family's life!"

"With these industries, a family can survive for a long time. With these resources, even the administrators of the authorities would not dare to attack your family."

Qin Lie didn't know if she was deliberately showing off her knowledge or showing off her family capital.

Anyway, Qin Lie felt a strong sense of contempt from her words, it felt like he was not qualified to sit in the same car with her.

It was a sense of discrimination that was arrogant to the core.

But Qin Lie didn't bother to argue with her, and laughed at himself: "Ms. Makasha, these things you are talking about are all industries that can only be controlled by a family with a long history. I'm just a self-made businessman who can make money and make money. The people who care about them live carefree and carefree, and they are already very satisfied.

As for what you're saying, I probably don't deserve it. The gap between me and the Cape family is also as wide as a galaxy. If you compare me with the Cape family, it is incomparable in itself. "

"Hmph..." Makasha snorted again and didn't say any more.

This Qin Lie is not much else, at least he has self-knowledge.

Proving her superiority, she also thwarted Qin Lie's spirit. Makasha withdrew her gaze in satisfaction and stopped talking. The two of them regained their previous calm.

Qin Lie also knew the meaning of what she said just now.

But in Qin Lie's opinion, it was just a little girl's boring act to prove her existence, and he didn't bother to get too serious with Makasha, so he didn't refute anything.

The two of them drove the car like this, all the way to the hotel in silence.

Qin Lie booked Makasha one of the top presidential suites in Century Palace, and the price for one night was 280,000.

This price is already quite extravagant, and it can be regarded as a respect for her status as the little princess of the Cape family.

I thought to myself that the presidential suite with hundreds of thousands of dollars in one night should satisfy you.

It turned out that it didn't!

From the moment she entered the hotel, she was picking on the hotel's faults.

She frowned at the seemingly extravagant decoration to others.

Following Qin Lie, she asked as she walked, "This is the hotel you arranged for me?"

"Is there anything wrong?" Qin Lie asked her, "This should be one of the top hotels in Longcheng. What else is there for Miss Makasha to be dissatisfied with?"

Then Makasha started to show her high-end "knowledge" again.

"I don't think the quality of a hotel should be differentiated by the price," she said.

"I stayed at the most luxurious hotel in the world, the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. The decoration of that hotel is just like this hotel. It is very luxurious, but it has no cultural connotation. It is only luxurious for the sake of luxury."

"I can only see the superficial work of a nouveau riche in order to show off to the world in the decoration of the entire hotel. There is almost no core. Living in such a hotel will only make me feel empty and empty, so after staying once, I will Haven't been there either."

"In Germany, there is a hotel in Instanz. Although it is not as famous as a sailboat, it has a long history and has also stayed with historical celebrities such as Beethoven and Napoleon. The decoration of the hotel is also very cultural. , In such a hotel, I felt like I had traveled through the centuries and had spiritual exchanges with people hundreds of years ago, and staying in that kind of stay made me feel very comfortable..."

I am Nima!

Really, listening to Makasha's words, only these three words are floating in Qin Lie's heart!

I will give you a hotel, and you can pull out so many things.

Cultural connotation, you just sleep in it, what kind of cultural connotation do you want.

Are you listening to Beethoven playing the piano in your dreams?

Then according to your logic, did Lao Tzu arrange for you to sleep in the Terracotta Warriors and Horses?

This really made Qin Lie speechless.

How can there be such difficult people in this world.

But this also made Qin Lie figure out what was wrong with Makasha.

That is, she has princess disease, and it is a very serious princess disease.

Born in the world's top family since childhood, and the doting of her parents and relatives, she was used to being pampered and felt that the whole world should revolve around her.

Maybe she has seen a lot of things, but they are all things that stay on the books. She is too focused on the spiritual world, and ignores that ordinary people don't have so much space to do these spiritual enjoyments.

She is so out of touch with reality.

After thinking about this, Qin Lie was not so angry.

He comforted her in a low voice: "Ms. Makasha, let's go to the corresponding room first, if you are still not satisfied after reading it again, let's change it.

Dragon City is very big, and its history is definitely not much worse than London. If you want a hotel with cultural heritage, I will definitely find it for you..."

"Okay." After Qin Lie said this, Makasha calmed down a little, "Then I'll look at the room before I'm hungry."

Under the leadership of the hotel staff, the two went to the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel.

What about the experience of viewing the room? Anyway, the hotel staff was speechless.

She couldn't answer many questions, what material was used for the floor, and what kind of living room was decorated in Birmingham style, why did the bedroom use Gothic style.

While asking, they also picked on the thorns, saying that their hotel is not rigorous, and many of the furnishings are almost meaningless.

Qin Lie felt embarrassed to follow him.

Really, if it wasn't for the service industry, he felt that the staff member was going to jump up and beat Makasha - if he were the staff member, he would have done it.

This person is really hard to handle!

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