At a certain moment, Qin Lie really admired that Sauron.

With such a problem as Makasha, he can persevere as an assistant to Makasha, and he is also a werewolf.

Someone who is more ruthless than ruthless.

When he felt that the staff member was about to cry for questioning by Makasha, Qin Lie finally stood up to relieve the staff member.

"Ms. Makasha, if you are not satisfied with this hotel, let's change to another hotel."

Hearing this, the staff member looked at Qin Lie as if he had seen a savior.

His eyes seemed to be saying something like this: Brother, take this aunt away, I can't take it anymore.

As for Makasha, she was really not satisfied with this hotel in her bones. She criticized the decoration of the Century Palace again, and then she went away.

It was the first time that the staff member had been in the business for such a long time and encountered such a difficult customer.

Seeing Qin Lie taking Makasha away, he bowed 90 degrees at the entrance of the hotel: "Welcome next time!"

That excitement, as if to say: welcome you never come again!

The people of Century Palace were relieved, but Qin Lie suffered a lot because of it.

Century Palace was dissatisfied, so Qin Lie could only take her to the major hotels in Longcheng, such as the Ziyang Hotel, the Atlantis Hotel, and the State Guest House.

All went.

But it is a pity that our little princess of the Cape family is really difficult to serve, and almost all the top hotels in Longcheng can't get into her eyes.

Qin Lie also admired his patience. He walked to five hotels within two hours, each of which was scolded by Makasha for a while.

This has to be put aside as usual, Qin Lie has already erupted.

Today, Qin Lie didn't break out, so he took her for a walk. He also wanted to see how wonderful this little princess was.

After five hotels, it was Makasha herself who lost her patience.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, she shook her head in disappointment and said, "Forget it, I see that it is difficult for you to find a hotel that meets my requirements in the whole Longcheng. There is no need to visit the remaining hotels."

Qin Lie shrugged and said indifferently: "Then you have to find a place to live, you can't take a car and wander the streets all the time..."

"Emmmm..." Makasha pondered for a while, then suddenly said, "Otherwise, you can take me to your house, and the place where you live will never be worse than these hotels."

Qin Lie's mouth twitched, not expecting her to do this.

"This..." After hesitating, Qin Lie said, "This may not be very good. There are other people in my family. I live with my girlfriend."

"It doesn't matter!" Makasha said, "We have nothing else to do, I just stay at your house temporarily, and my dad asked me to contact you more and learn more from you during Huaxia. I can also learn more, right?"

To you big bastard!

It's almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, so I don't do anything wrong, I bring a woman back. Without a good explanation, I have to be beaten to death by Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu.

But after thinking about it, it seems like a good solution.

Qin Lie doesn't want to wander around Longcheng anymore.

And Ye Yuqing knows women so well, so maybe there is a solution for this little princess.

After thinking about it this way, Qin Lie said: "Then you can think about it, the decoration of my house is just average, and there is no cultural heritage as you said. If you come to my house and pick on my house here and there, I don't have that many. Be patient."

After listening to it, Makasha didn't care at all: "Don't worry, I already have psychological expectations for your family. Anyway, I'm just looking for a place to live. I don't care if it's good or not."

Qin Lie: "..."

It's alright, I've been tossed enough by this guy today, and Qin Lie doesn't want to continue tossing anymore.

Get rid of this as soon as possible, and you can sleep peacefully.

And this request was made by herself, no matter how much she was dissatisfied, she couldn't show it too much this time.

Instead of taking Makasha to other hotels, Qin Lie took her directly to his villa this time.

Before leaving, Makasha called Sauron again and asked him to deliver the luggage to Qin Lie's address.

"Why did you change places again!"

Through the phone, Qin Lie could feel Sauron's despair.

That guy, this night, Makasha had called Sauron no less than five times, and asked him to deliver his luggage no less than five places.

Basically, he just delivered the luggage, and Makasha changed to another hotel.

Just delivered to this hotel, Makasha changed again.

Qin Lie's heart ached when he heard it, and he couldn't help making a cross on Sauron's chest.

It's my fault to start scolding you. If you can serve Makasha, you are my idol.

In this way, Qin Lie and Makasha finally went to Qin Lie's house.

It was about half past twelve in the evening.

As soon as the door opened, Qin Lie saw Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu watching TV in the living room.

Qin Lie was very strange and asked in a low voice, "Why are you two still not sleeping...Xiaoyu, you are pregnant, and you still stay up all night, do you want our child to be healed?" Chen Xiaoyu lay on the sofa, Say: "I'm like a pig every day. I eat, sleep, sleep, and eat. Except for listening to an early morning class, I sleep at least half of the time every day. It's not that I don't want to sleep, it's that I really can't sleep."

Ye Yuqing echoed: "Xiaoyu can't sleep to watch TV. I watched it twice, and I feel that this TV series is not bad. Would you like to watch it together?"


Qin Lie was about to speak, but at this moment Makasha suddenly spoke from behind.

"Qin Lie, do you usually just watch TV dramas for entertainment at home? That kind of life is really boring..."

Finally, Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu followed the voice and saw the Makasha who had just appeared.

The two looked at each other and felt very strange.

"Qin Lie, who is this?"

"This is……"

Just as Qin Lie was about to introduce, Makasha walked out on her own and said, "Hello, I am the daughter of the head of the Cape family, my name is Makasha..."

"Cape family? Makasha?"

Qin Lie didn't tell Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu much about this, so they didn't know much about the Cape family.

With a puzzled look on his face, he looked at Qin Lie strangely.

"You haven't even heard of the Cape family, have you?" Makasha was very surprised.

Ye Yuqing was very polite and responded to Makasha, saying, "I have rarely heard of it, and I hope this young lady can give me some advice."

"Haha!" Immediately, instead of responding, Makasha looked at Qin Lie with a smile, "Qin Lie, it seems that your girlfriends are very short-sighted. I think you should show them more of the world."

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