At that moment, Makasha turned pale with fright, and ran towards Qin Lie's villa screaming.

The real battle scenes are always much more tragic than the beautified pictures in movies and TV shows.

Although Makassa is the eldest lady of the Cape family, Worms has a heart to protect her and never let her get involved in the family's core industry.

So what she sees is always the beautiful and fantasy side.

But I have never seen the blood and cruelty hidden under the beautiful appearance.

These bodyguards, including Makasha, are only symbolic bodyguards, and their purpose is to accompany them, and they lack combat experience.

After seeing this picture, everyone was terrified, and their only thought was to run into Qin Lie's villa and let Qin Lie protect them.

Ignoring the bloody scene behind, a group of people quickly came to Qin Lie's villa and slapped Qin Lie's door frantically.

dong dong dong dong!

The sound was so loud that it could be heard almost from the second floor.

Qin Lie was listening in the living room, very dissatisfied, and said loudly, "Are you crazy, what are you trying to do?"

Makasha panicked and kept apologizing: "Qin Lie, I'm sorry, Qin Lie, I shouldn't talk to you like that, I'm wrong, I apologize to you, please open the door quickly, please let us in, kill people outside Oh, there's a murder out there!"

Qin Lie wanted to get angry, but when he heard that Makasha actually said this, he frowned.

After thinking about it, he said, "Miss Makasha, didn't expect you to make up such a ridiculous reason to enter my room, in fact, you..."

"Qin Lie, please stop talking." Makasha interrupted him and said directly, "Someone is really fighting, if you don't believe it, come out and see for yourself, open the door!"

Makasha's panic, as well as her tone, made Qin Lie feel that this matter was not fake.

Feeling that something was wrong, he quickly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Makasha, Sauron and the bodyguards all rushed into the door.

Qin Lie stood at the door and saw the battle scene in the distance at a glance.

It was also at that moment that Qin Lie's eyes widened, and his emotions reached their peak.

He exclaimed, "Master!"

Then without stopping, he rushed out.

Because Qin Lie discovered that in the center of the battlefield, the old man besieged by more than a dozen thugs was none other than Qiu Bai.

It has been more than two months since Qiu Bai left, and Qin Lie has never seen him during this process.

Qin Lie has been trying to get in touch with him, but unfortunately Qiu Bai has not answered the phone.

During the process, Qin Lie kept thinking about where Qiu Bai went, what stage of the investigation of the tragic case of being wiped out, and when can he come back.

In the end, I never expected that the way to come back would be chased and killed by more than a dozen masters.

After seeing that the besieged person was Qiu Bai, Qin Lie killed him almost without hesitation.

plunge into the center of the battlefield.

The relationship between Qiu Bai and Qin Lie not only taught him the martial arts, but also gave him enough medical skills to settle down.

Being a teacher for one day and a father for life is definitely a feeling that can be described in just one or two sentences.

Qin Lie didn't want to care who was on the other side or how much he would pay for it. As long as it was Qiu Bai, he would definitely help.

The killer who chased down Qiu Bai was obviously not bad at it. In fact, he could compete with Qiu Bai, even if it was a dozen or so who could tie him, he already had certain attainments in martial arts.

Moreover, he seems to have seen the uniform clothes worn by the people on the opposite side.

It's just that the situation is urgent now, Qin Lie doesn't bother to think so much.

At this time, Qiu Bai was in a hard fight, and the other party cooperated very well, hardly giving him a chance to breathe.

Attacking from left to right, front and rear at the same time, various weapons slashed down at Qiu Bai.

Qiu Bai is already very powerful, even in the face of the siege of more than a dozen masters, he can find the most suitable means of defense and counterattack in the gap.

He used the knife to withstand the attack of the man in front, and pulled it to the side, the knife slashed horizontally, and slashed the chest of the man on the right.

Reflexively swiped to the left, and slashed the person on the left and flew out.

He kicked the person in front of him in the stomach, and after going back and forth, a combination of swordsmanship came down, and he had already killed the three people on the opposite side.

But in the end, the two fists were invincible against the four hands, even if he left and right and the people in front of him were all out of combat power, the people in the back still slashed his back with a machete.

In an instant, the skin opened and the flesh burst.

It's just that Qiu Bai is hard enough, even if his back was cut with such a big gap, he just frowned and gritted his teeth, not even humming.

He took his own knife through his armpit and stabbed the man in the belly.

The white knife went in, the red knife came out, and after the knife was drawn out, the injuries on his body were serious, and after all, he couldn't carry it down, he held the handle of the knife and propped himself on the ground, but he still looked at the people in front of him fiercely.

"Come, come all, even if you all go together, I'm not afraid!"

And at about this time, Qin Lie finally rushed to his side and hugged him.

Qiu Bai turned back and saw Qin Lie, his face was covered in blood, but he was still smiling: "Little monkey, haha, you are finally here, I thought I couldn't see you anymore!"

"Master!" Qin Lie asked as he supported him, "Who are these people? What are they chasing after you?"

"Xuanyuanhao's immediate combat member, Xuanyuan Guard!" Qiu Bai gritted his teeth and said, "As expected, he is the direct descendant of the Huaxia First Family. His fighting strength is not bad, and this old man suffered a big loss."

After being mentioned by Qiu Bai, Qin Lie remembered where these people's costumes were met.

That time, the Ziyang Hotel and Xuanyuan Tianci had a conflict. After Situ Xuan took action, Xuanyuan Tianci called out Xuanyuan Wei.

At that time, there were only a few Xuanyuan Guards, and Qin Lie's combat power was impressive.

And this time, the number of Xuanyuan Guards who besieged Qiu Bai actually reached more than a dozen.

What surprised Qin Lie the most was why Qiu Bai would have sex with Xuanyuan Wei.

He asked, "Did the Xuanyuan family do the case of your family extermination?"

"Ha!" Qiu Bai sneered, "Although it's not certain whether they did it or not, the Xuanyuan family must be involved in this matter!"

"I broke into their family's top-secret archives in the middle of the night, and looked at the files from more than ten years ago. I didn't expect to provoke these mad dogs who guarded the home and chased me all the way."

"I can't find a place to go, so you came here!"

"Little monkey, I didn't want to involve you, but I'm so close to the truth that I really don't want to give up. There's no other way but to come and ask you for help."

"Master!" Qin Lie didn't take it to heart at all, he even felt very happy.

"You should have done this a long time ago. I have said it a long time ago. Our master and apprentice are single-minded. Your business is mine. I am not weak now. I can help you block some of the storm. You should have trusted me!"

"That's good!" Qiu Bai gritted his teeth and said, "Then let these mad dogs see the strength of our master and apprentice together!"

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