Qin Lie nodded and stood back to back with Qiu Bai.

"Master, then let you see how much progress I have made during this time."

"Yes!" Qiu Bai said, "don't let me down!"

The two had a simple conversation, and the final response was still Xuanyuan Wei in front of them.

Xuanyuanwei formed a circle, enclosing both of them in the middle.

At this time, Xuanyuan Wei, who was in the lead, held a dagger in his hand, stared coldly at Qin Lie, and said solemnly.

"Boy, Xuanyuan's family is doing business, don't you worry about it?"

"This person broke into my Xuanyuan family's old house and stole my Xuanyuan family's secret files. This is an unforgivable crime. You have to mind your own business and die with him!"

"Haha!" Qin Lie sneered, "It's said that dogs have better hearing than humans, but your dog doesn't listen to humans. I already called my master my master just now, don't you still understand our relationship? ?"

"If you want me to take care of this matter, I have to take care of it. If you don't want me to take care of it, I still have to take care of it. If you want my master's life, step on my body first!"

After that Xuanyuan Wei heard it, he knew that Qin Lie had made up his mind.

It's just that the order they got was very simple, that is, to kill the intruders who broke into their family archives, live to see people, and die to see corpses.

The Xuanyuan family is the largest family in China. The things in the archives are too important. Any top-secret dossier is involved in a world-shattering event. There are many things in it that are not enough for outsiders, so this person must not be released!

Seeing that Qin Lie would not back down, they had no choice but to pack Qin Lie together.

Xuanyuanwei's individual qualities are very strong, but Naihe Qiu Bai's skills are really formidable, and he is the top figure in the current pyramid.

They spent a lot of time chasing Qiu Bai, and they broke seven brothers in.

Fortunately, there were so many of them that this Qiu Bai had also reached the end of his force, and in less than an hour, Qiu Bai would surely die.

They were a little surprised that Qin Lie came out halfway, but it didn't affect their decision-making.

If this young man wants to do a lot of things, just kill him together.

I just don't know how strong this apprentice Qiu Bai taught.

The cold night wind suddenly rose, and the whole atmosphere became tense again.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Qin Lie's golden sword appeared, and he drew the sword out of his body. The moonlight seemed to turn into a cold light and reflected into Xuanyuanwei's eyes.

And this seems to be a signal. After a short pause, the two sides fought again, and they rushed together frantically and fought.

The picture is pretty grim.

Although Qin Lie predicted that Xuanyuan Guard's combat effectiveness would not be bad, he only discovered the horror of these Xuanyuan Guards after the real fight.

All of them made fine moves and changed a lot of moves. Their own strengths were already the top experts in China, and they often acted together and cooperated tacitly.

Often, after one person's attack is completed, the second person's attack has already come to the front, such as the tight raindrops keep coming, and the storm is coming.

But it would be wrong to say that they only knew how to attack but not dodge. Whenever Qin Lie blocked a round of attacks, he immediately counterattacked, but was blocked by another person who appeared on the side.

Repeating this cycle, Qin Lie was unable to attack but struggled to defend.

Only at this time did he understand how terrifying it was for Qiu Bai to fight a dozen Xuanyuan Guards by himself.

He attacked with all his strength, and used all the experience he had learned to the extreme, but he was still only able to protect himself, and there was no way to fight back.

He played hard here, but what others saw was a different situation.

First of all, Xuanyuan Wei, who fought against him, was quite surprised.

As I said earlier, even though Xuanyuan Guard is a group, it is a guard team under the Xuanyuan family, and it is just a group of bodyguards as a whole.

But the bodyguards are also graded, and they are the best in the world.

All of them Xuanyuanwei are peerless masters. If they are put into the World Fighting Championship, any one of them can come back with a championship.

They saw that Qin Lie was young, less than thirty years old, and thought it was just a bragging softball.

Unexpectedly, after getting started, it was actually a tough stubble.

Being able to win one-on-one against any of their Xuanyuan Guards is already quite strong. Qin Lie was able to tie with one-on-three. Although he couldn't fight back, he was safe.

It shows that the individual combat ability of this kid is actually above the quality of their Xuanyuan Guard individual soldiers!

This was completely unexpected by Xuanyuan Wei, who was on the mission.

A Qiu Bai, the world's top master, they have had a very difficult time dealing with it, and another pseudo-top master like Qin Lie, their task today may not be completed.

In this case, we have to wait for Lord Xuanyuan Hongtu to bring the rest of Xuanyuan Wei over.

Halfway through, a Qin Lie came out, disrupting their overall plan.

As for Qiu Bai, he was equally shocked.

Qin Lie's skills were trained by him. Qin Lie knows how much he weighs more than anyone else.

Before he left to investigate the matter a few months ago, Qin Lie was only a top player.

But in the past few months, this kid has grown rapidly, and he has already stepped into the ranks of top experts.

Although he also knew that he had worshipped Situ Xuan as his teacher, it was a bit too shocking to be able to grow at this speed in just a few months.

Hehe, it seems that his vision was really good at the beginning. This kid's martial arts talent is indeed rare in the world.

"Little monkey!" Qiu Bai said with sincere admiration, "But if you haven't seen him for two or three months, your kid has grown to the ranks of the top masters. Yes, it seems that old Situ Xuan did not disappoint me."

"Master!" Qin Lie was beaten in pain, panting heavily, "It's not easy to do, I've been beaten so hard that I can protect myself, why are you complimenting me?"

"Little monkey." Qiu Bai said, "Don't belittle yourself, you have to know that you are facing the most powerful guard group in the entire China. There is no one, and it is incredible to be able to tie with any of them. The achievement, now you are one enemy four, not falling behind, it is already very powerful."

"But in this case, we are still not rivals." Qin Lie said, "There are so many of them, how can we fight back!"

"Enough is enough." A light flashed in Qiu Bai's eyes, "If you can help me hold four people, I don't care about the remaining seven or eight!"

"Wait and see!"

With a roar, Qiu Bai clenched the big sword again, killing him like a violent beast.

And this time, coupled with Qin Lie's involvement, the rest of the people actually coped with Qiu Bai's difficulties and were beaten by Qiu Bai to the point of defeat.

After more than a dozen vicious moves, two of the seven or eight were removed from the battle, seriously injured and had to withdraw from the battlefield!

Vaguely, the situation has shown a reverse trend.

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