Don't look at Qin Lie and Qiu Bai talking and laughing during the battle.

In fact, the entire battle process was quite brutal and bloody.

The blood almost dyed the battle field red.

Qiu Bai's swordsmanship is fierce, and he will definitely hit their vital points.

Several Xuanyuan Guards were slashed by him in the arms, almost the entire length was cut off, and the arms flew three or four meters into the sky.

Plasma was splashed, and a dozen people scuffled together, and it was impossible to tell whose blood was whose.

Although Qin Lie was safe on his side, he was also hit by a lot of attacks, and he had at least five bloodstains on his body.

The deepest wound, up to five centimeters deep, was ripped apart by the opponent's dagger, and he could almost see the bones under the wound.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the place where Qin Lie lived, and it was three o'clock in the morning very late at night, so the impact was not that big.

But all of this fell into the eyes of Makasha Sauron and the others in the villa.

Makasha looked at all this and covered her small mouth with fear and surprise in her eyes.

She didn't like Qin Lie, and she looked down on Qin Lie from the bottom of her heart at first.

And Qin Lie also asked her father to turn off her bank card, which made her view of Qin Lie even more disgusting.

She always felt that Qin Lie was just an upstart who made a fortune by luck, and compared with their Cape family, there was no merit.

But at this time, seeing how he was fighting bloody battles for her master, Makasha was still very touched.

Although he didn't know whether Qin Lie was powerful or not, he was considered a top-tier expert.

But this kind of love is definitely something that ordinary people never have.

In the face of the siege of so many people, he will not retreat or hide, and he will help his master together, even if it is death.

This also gave her a great shock.

She even wondered if she would have the guts to stand up if she faced the same situation herself.

If one day her father was besieged by such a group of masters, would she dare to stand up by herself?

After getting in touch with him today, for the first time, Makasha has a feeling of admiration for Qin Lie.

This man doesn't seem as bad as he thought.

Of course, Qin Lie had no time to care about these things at this time, and he only had Xuanyuan Wei in front of him in his eyes.

Fortunately, with his own help, Qiu Bai's strength exploded, and his counterattack was very fierce, and Xuanyuan Wei had been defeated steadily.

On Xuanyuanwei's side, someone shouted to the leader this time: "Wan team, it can't be done, it can't go on like this, that old man is too fierce, at first a dozen of us could deal with him, and now he has that kid. Help, twelve of us are not enough!"

Team Wan is called Wan Kun, the vice-captain of the entire Xuanyuan Guard team, and the person in charge of today's operation.

When Xuanyuan Hongtu gave him a death order, he led the team to rush over and promised Xuanyuan Hongtu that he would bring Qiu Bai back.

Now that the situation is urgent, Qiu Bai with the help of Qin Lie is like a god of war, and they have already fought quite hard.

If this is defeated, and the seriously injured team members go back, how can I explain to Xuanyuan Hongtu?

"No, give it to me!" Wan Kun gave a death order. "Even if it is death, give it to me. I have already called Mr. Hongtu to inform Mr. Hongtu that the others are on their way, so hold me back!"

But the order is good, how can it be executed so well.

When fighting, it is all about morale.

With Qin Lie's help, Qiu Bai's morale was very high. He, who had already reached the end of the force, actually broke out in the second spring. At this time, his gods blocked killing gods, and Buddha blocked killing Buddhas, completely destroying Xuanyuanwei's morale. crushed.

Although everyone is still besieging, they can't do anything about Qiu Bai.

And Wan Kun's words seemed to be heard by Qiu Bai. Qiu Bai was playing well at this time. Hearing him say this, how could he give him this chance.

"Procrastinate? Procrastinate even if you die?"

Qiu Bai said coldly.

"Then Lao Tzu will kill you all, let me see what you are procrastinating with!"

Roaring angrily, he swiftly killed Wan Kun with a big sword in his hand.

Even if he was besieged by five people, Qiu Bai's movement was weird, he still bypassed these people, rushed out of the blockade, and quickly came to Wan Kun.

He jumped up and flew more than two meters, holding a big knife in his hand, and slashed towards Wan Kun's head like a mountain.

Wan Kun's own strength is not weak, but he didn't expect Qiu Bai to be in the crowd one second before, and he came to him the next second, unable to stop him at all.

When he reacted, Qiu Bai's knife had already come to the top of his head.

The speed is so fast that it is impossible to make any resisting movements.

And this slash went straight to the point, and with a single slash, Wankun's people would be cut in half.

At that moment, countless pictures flashed in front of Wan Kun's eyes. The events in his life flashed like a movie, and he felt that he was doomed.

It's just that it's too late to say.

Just when Wan Kun thought that he was going to die, suddenly, a red stick suddenly appeared from behind and came to the top of his head.

The tip of the red stick picked up on Qiu Bai's blade and made a clanging sound.

But it was the appearance of this red stick that saved Wan Kun's life. The two weapons were separated by a single touch in the air, and the red stick actually brought a lot of impact.

Even Qiu Bai couldn't resist this impact.

Qiu Bai lost his balance in the air, flipped three somersaults in the air, and finally fell back to Qin Lie's side. With Qin Lie's help, he was able to stand firm.

This time, everyone on the battlefield showed a surprised expression.

Including Qin Lie, was also very shocked by this person who suddenly appeared.

He has already seen Qiu Bai's move just now. The blade is domineering, its power is like breaking a mountain and splitting rocks, and the sword technique has been developed, and ordinary people can't resist it.

But the owner of the red stick actually took action at the most critical moment and beat Qiu Bai back.

It is conceivable that the owner of this red stick is also a peerless master.

And only Wan Kun and the others in Xuanyuan Guard knew who the owner of this red stick came from.

In their entire Xuanyuan family, only one person used this weapon, and this weapon was almost synonymous with him.

"Mr. Hongtu!" Wan Kun exclaimed.

In the blink of an eye, it fell on the middle-aged man behind him—Xuanyuan Hongtu.

Xuanyuan Hongtu, the god of war of the Xuanyuan family.

To use the title of God of War to call him is not because his personal strength is the highest in the family, but because of his identity, the Xuanyuan family's defense, which was originally in charge.

He is not a direct descendant of the Xuanyuan family, just a small sideline.

But it was precisely because of a sideline who won Xuanyuan Hao's appreciation with his extraordinary strength, and willingly handed over the family's security work to him, which further proved his extraordinary strength.

His personal strength can be ranked in the top five of the family - even if you count the terrifying old things behind him.

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