"Okay." Qin Lie nodded after listening, "I see, I'll wait for me to leave the hospital later, and when I have time, I'll try to find him again."

Qin Lie can only say try it out. After all, people who can't handle Yamadao can't do it themselves.

But all in all, there is still a solution to this matter, and Qin Lie also has a goal.

After the business was finished, Qin Lie looked at the composition of the entire ward.

Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan plus a Xingtian.

This is probably a super-skilled group that can't be invited to the National Martial Arts Conference.

Qiu Bai has been a famous master in the world since more than ten years ago, and Situ Xuan is a reclusive and ruthless character even more powerful than Qiu Bai.

Including Xing Tian, ​​although Xing Tian is not very old, his cultivation in martial arts can also be compared with these two people.

With the three of them around, Qin Lie certainly couldn't waste this opportunity.

Now that the business was over, he immediately turned to Qiu Bai and said, "By the way, Master, I have something I want to ask."

"Huh?" Qiu Bai listened and looked back at random, "What?"

"Well..." Qin Lie pondered for a while before saying, "It was like the situation yesterday, I faced four Xuanyuan Guards alone and was surrounded by them, my personal strength did not surpass them too much. Duo, how do you think I should get out?"

This is what Qin Lie wanted to ask.

The battle with Xuanyuan Wei yesterday left a deep impression on him, and it also made him see the gap between himself and top experts like Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan.

Qiu Bai could fight with a dozen Xuanyuan guards alone, and Situ Xuan was not afraid of forty Xuanyuan guards.

And he was no longer an opponent when he was entangled by the four Xuanyuan Guards. He could only protect himself and couldn't fight back. He wanted to figure out what was the difference between himself and top experts like them.

"Yeah." Qiu Bai nodded after hearing this, figuring out what Qin Lie wanted to ask.

He also pondered for a while before saying: "Actually, in such a situation, it is indeed difficult to handle with your ability, but the advice given to you by the teacher is that in such a situation, you don't need to pay too much attention, because they are attacking from four directions. , and if you take into account too much, you can only protect yourself.

The advice I give is to ignore the attacks in other directions for the time being, concentrate on dealing with one of the directions, and go all out to repel people in one direction before dealing with other directions. "

"But in that case, wouldn't the opponents in other directions take the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on you?" Qin Lie immediately seized the point and asked.

"But didn't you get a lot of injuries in the end?" Qiu Bai said, "You just got some injuries in vain, but you haven't caused any substantial damage to them."

"If you do what I say, you will be injured, but at least you can pull them into the water together, and if you solve it fast enough, your injury will even be much lighter than you are now."

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded after listening to it, he knew it.

As a result, when he nodded, Situ Xuan next to him disagreed.

"Fuck!" he said, "Qiu Bai, if you all followed your methods to fight for your life, Qin Lie would have died long ago!"

"Battle is a science. How can you do such a thing as injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred for yourself? No wonder Qin Lie has been trained for so long in your hands to be able to achieve such a level of skill. So you were taught here?"

Qiu Bai's face flushed red at the words of Situ Xuan.

However, although his ability is lower than that of Situ Xuan, he is 10,000 dissatisfied when it comes to educating his apprentices.

"Damn, old man Xuan, you don't have back pain when you stand and talk, you ask Qin Lie what level he was before he became my teacher, and what level is he after learning my Bajiquan, how dare you say that I don't Teach him something!"

"Haha!" Situ Xuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and immediately said, "Old man Bai, just your Bajiquan, it is weak and powerless, it's okay to deal with ordinary people, but it's useless to deal with real masters."

"Laozi!" Qiu Bai was upset, "Your cultivation is so high, I can't beat you, that's just because I'm not as talented as you, I admit that you're talented, but you can't say that I didn't teach Qin Lie. I don't understand!"

"But the way you said is not good!" Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai countered, "How can you give up your defense when fighting, and send yourself to the enemy's knife, I can't do it!"

"Xing Xing Xing, you are amazing!" Qiu Bai said loudly, "Then tell me, the individual strength of those people yesterday was not much worse than that of the little monkey. Come and tell me what he should do, can he also do it? Do you overturn all four at once like you? You must not consider the actual situation?"

"Haha!" Situ Xuan laughed, "Even if you can't overturn all four of them, you must be patient at this time. Anyway, Qin Lie said, he can't deal with those four people, and those four people can't break his defense.

At this time, as long as you stabilize your mentality, calm your heart, and slowly find the weaknesses on the opposite side, counterattack if you have weaknesses, and then use the precise strikes I taught him, one punch and one punch, and you can definitely break the game without injury. "

"Hey!" Qiu Bai also sneered, "You talked for a long time, didn't you just want to say that what you taught him is more useful than what I taught him?

Okay, old man Xuan, I have personally fought with Xuanyuan Wei, and I have more say than you.

Those Xuanyuan Wei cooperated tacitly, cooperated for many years, and acted like one person, how could there be so many flaws for you to find. "

"If you can't find it, that's because you're not skilled enough." Situ Xuan said, "If I were there, I could definitely guide Qin Lie to win the four!"

Qin Lie didn't expect that a small question of his own would cause such a serious argument between his two masters.

Originally, I just wanted to find a topic for everyone to talk about.

Both Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan treated him very well. One taught him what he had learned all his life, and the other even served himself as a bodyguard for three months.

Qin Lie didn't want the two of them to have a bad relationship, so he was going to be a peacemaker.

It turned out that when a stubborn old man of their age quarreled, it was really impossible to get in.

Just as he was about to persuade him, he asked Qiu Bai, "Master, can you listen to me first."

As a result, Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan were arguing with each other, pointing to his nose and saying, "Shut up!"

Qin Lie was helpless and could only turn his head to look at Situ Xuan again: "Master, I think what Bai Lao said makes sense."

As a result, Situ Xuan was even more fierce: "Did I let you speak, we two have your turn to intervene?"

The humble Qin Lie shut up online, and was shivering after being taught by these two masters.

OK, OK, both of you are masters, and I, an elementary student, dare not speak, so you two quarrel first, and then teach me when you are done arguing!

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