Qin Lie was almost speechless.

It was obviously his own question, but now it's better, the two of them quarreled and didn't take care of themselves.

But what can he do as an apprentice?

It's not that the husband can't be provoked, and the mother-in-law can't be provoked.

Just let them quarrel first.

But it was originally thought that grandmasters like Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan were very talkative types.

As it turned out, after they got older, they still couldn't escape the iron law that people always nagging.

Neither of these two obeyed the other, and madly stood in their own position to refute the other side.

I guess I didn't hear what the other side said, but I didn't accept it anyway.

This guy is noisy, and those who don't know it think it's hatred from a previous life.

The whole fight was as stinky and long as an old lady's foot-binding cloth.

As for Qin Lie, caught in the middle, he felt that countless flies were flying over his head.

The scary thing is that you dare not chase these flies away.

And just when he was overwhelmed by the quarrel of the second old man, Xing Tian, ​​who was beside him, scolded the quarrel between the two like a savior.

"Two seniors, can you stop arguing for now!"

Xing Tian was not their apprentice, and his martial arts accomplishments were not much lower than theirs, so his words had some weight.

Hearing this, Qin Lie cast his eyes on Xing Tian like a hero.

Inner subtext: Brother Tian, ​​you are my brother!

As a result, before the words of thanks could be uttered, Xing Tian spoke up: "Two seniors, I think both of your methods are biased!"

As soon as Xingtian said this, Qin Lie had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, hearing his words, Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan turned their heads.

They asked in unison, "Oh? Do you have any other ideas?"

Qin Lie squinted his eyes, frantically beckoning Xingtian not to talk too much.

The face was about to rot, but Xing Tian still didn't seem to see it.

He opened his mouth and said: "I think that the combat power of Qin Lie is slightly higher than the average level of the opponent, but it is not in the realm of crushing. single opportunity.”


That's it!

When Xingtian spoke his opinion again, Qin Lie knew that the three of them could not stop arguing today.

When Xingtian said this, the two counterattacked almost at the same time: "Get out? You tell me first, he is surrounded by four people, how to get out!"

"You little baby, your words are unreasonable, you must not think of coping strategies according to the actual situation?"

"That's right, the battle situation is changing rapidly, it's not what you want to do."

In this way, Xing Tianhou entered the game, and the quarrel of two people turned into a group battle of three people.

Flies above Qin Lie's head - more.

Only later did Qin Lie realize how stupid it was to ask such a controversial question in front of three martial arts practitioners.

Since ancient times, there has been no first in writing, and no second in martial arts.

The three of them are super masters that are rarely seen in the world.

It is 100% confidence in martial arts.

All of them are stubborn and think they are right.

Asking this question is to let each of them express their opinions, and let no one let anyone else—after all, if you are not satisfied with martial arts, just go out and fight and decide the winner.

The fact is that Qiu Bai couldn't get up because of his injuries. Xing Tian and Situ Xuan argued for the back and almost yelled at each other to go out and fight.

Qin Lie was also helpless. In the end, he didn't get the answer he wanted to know. Instead, he was disturbed by the quarrel.

At about this time, Makasha walked back to the ward accompanied by Ye Yuqing.

For the first time, Qin Lie saw that Makasha was so amiable.

He waved to Makasha and said loudly: "Xiao Ma, Xiao Ma, come in, I'll give you some money now, you can help me go out and buy a pair of earplugs, I want special soundproof ones!"


This debate ended when Xing Tian received a call from inside Hades Island and wanted to leave.

Fortunately, a few people did not fight in the end.

Otherwise, it will be a joke to the people in the hospital.

For the next two days, Qin Lie and Qiu Bai have been in the hospital, Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing can only come occasionally because of her pregnancy and the other because of company affairs.

Instead, Situ Xuan and Makasha have been accompanying them both in the hospital.

Makasha has been trained by Ye Yuqing, and she is more and more handy in taking care of people.

Never slicing apples into squares, never using a urinal as a kettle, never poking a chopstick into Qiu Bai's nose while feeding—well, other than that, it's fine .

Qin Lie has become a black-hearted boss in the past two days.

As long as Makasha made a mistake, he deducted money, and whenever he made a mistake, he deducted money.

That deduction is not a few hundred or hundreds of deductions. It starts at 5,000, and there is no ceiling.

Anyway, Makasha worked for eight hours on the first day. Not only did she not get the money, but she owed Qin Lie 30,000 yuan, which was not paid off until the third day.

Qin Lie took the role of Huang Shiren fiercely, and it felt very comfortable.

And Makasha also realized for the first time that the original thousands of dollars were deducted, and it was also a heartache.

If nothing else, this little girl finally felt a little bit of human suffering.

Good for her too.

Qin Lie was discharged from the hospital on the fourth day.

His physical fitness is good, and with the recovery potion from the Skull and Bones Society, the small wounds almost healed on the fourth day, and the large wounds are basically painless.

The doctor was also surprised at the speed of his recovery, and only then did he agree to be discharged from the hospital.

As for Qiu Bai, Qin Lie wanted him to stay in the hospital for a few more days, but the old man was stubborn and said that he was a doctor himself, so he didn't know what his own health was like.

So he forced to leave the hospital and go back to Qin Lie's house to lie down.

Makasha also went home to take care of her.

This incident was completely over because of Qiu Bai's intrusion into the Xuanyuan family's archives.

Xuanyuan Hao promised to go back to investigate the matter of the dossier, saying that he would find a way to notify Qiu Bai if there was progress, but he did not know how to do it.

But people of Xuanyuan Hao's level said that they would not trouble Qiu Bai, so they would definitely not trouble Qiu Bai.

So Qin Lie is more at ease about this matter.

When he was discharged from the hospital on the morning of the fourth day and sent Qiu Bai back home, he immediately set off to go to work.

At about 11:30 in the morning, Qin Lie arrived at this destination.

Longcheng Shuimu University!

And this time, the person he was looking for was very clear, that is, Ye Dingtian, the post-doctoral supervisor of the Department of Biology that Xing Tian had mentioned in his ear.

The establishment of its own biological laboratory on genetic modification has also been put on the agenda.

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