The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1284 The Secret Behind The Scenes

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Ye Dingtian smiled, didn't stop at all, and got into his office directly.

The door slammed shut.

Qin Lie had no choice. He knocked on the door for a while, but didn't get a response from the inside, so this wave of pursuit was done.

But he didn't plan to leave.

Instead, he sat down on a chair in the corridor outside the door of Ye Dingtian's office.

Since he doesn't want to take care of him now, he will wait for him to get off work.

Qin Lie had some doubts in his heart, mainly because Ye Dingtian didn't say a word, and didn't ask how his own situation was, just like you don't bother me.

The heart says that his attitude is okay, and his appearance is not so evil that people will hate it when they meet.

He doesn't have to.

After thinking about it and adding what Ye Dingtian said, he said that he had difficulties.

There must be a secret behind this.

Qin Lie didn't necessarily have to ask him to come over, but he didn't give up so easily without figuring out the secret behind it.

So Qin Lie started a kind of attitude that is only available when he pulls sponsorships - soft and hard foam.

Anyway, I just wanted to see what was going on behind him.

If it really doesn't work in the end, at least you'll be worthy of your own efforts.

So this afternoon, Qin Lie didn't go anywhere, just waiting in his corridor.

There were many teachers and students who came to look for him to do business, and they came and went, looking at him like a doorman.

He was also bored. He was doing some work on WeChat while flipping through short videos. After just a few hours, the time came to 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

It's dinner time again.

After six o'clock, Qin Lie finally waited for Ye Dingtian to come out at the door of the office.

Almost as soon as he saw him come out, Qin Lie stood up to say hello.

"Professor Ye."

As soon as Ye Dingtian came out, he was shocked when he saw Qin Lie coming up immediately, and sighed: "Hey, you are really patient. You can't move all afternoon, do you really have nothing to do?"

"It's my job to bring you in." Qin Lie said honestly.

However, Ye Dingtian did not change his attitude much because of his perseverance.

He said: "I have already told you my attitude very clearly, I will not join your laboratory, and I have no time to take care of your research. This has nothing to do with your academic piety, even if you I have been stuck here for ten years, and I have gotten the same answer."

"Young man," he said. "Don't waste your energy on me, go find someone else."

"Then can you tell me why?" Qin Lie continued to ask.

"I don't want to tell you why, and I don't want to tell you." Ye Dingtian didn't want to talk anymore, so he ordered the expulsion.

"I admire your perseverance, but you will only make me feel more disgusted if you go on like this. Listen to me and leave Shuimu University quickly!"

After saying this, Ye Dingtian still didn't stop, and left the School of Biology all the way.

But Qin Lie just didn't give up, even if Ye Dingtian said that, he still followed.

This time, he followed him to the cafeteria again, and after he held a meeting in the conference room, he continued to follow.

Qin Lie didn't even speak after that.

Ye Dingtian does his thing, and Qin Lie plays with his mobile phone by himself.

It just happened that the Xiao family had put all their energy on Xu Ying recently, and he had nothing to do with him. All other work decisions could be made on the phone.

Qin Lie was like a bodyguard, following Ye Dingtian all the time, and it didn't end until he returned home.

He was in this state on the first day, and in the same state the next day.

Until the third day, Ye Dingtian couldn't take it anymore - because his assistant almost knew Qin Lie - his assistant thought Qin Lie was here to take his job.

Many students and teachers around have known Qin Lie.

Ye Dingtian really didn't expect Qin Lie to have such good patience. Finally, after four o'clock in the afternoon of the third day, after finishing a student's affairs, he went to the door and called Qin Lie into his office.

In the office, the two sat down face to face, Ye Dingtian said helplessly: "Young man, I want to know what you are going to do. If you don't drag me into your laboratory, are you planning to follow me for a year? You have already It affects my normal life and work, you know?"

Qin Lie shrugged and curled his lips: "Professor Ye, I have no intention of affecting your life, and I don't have to drag you into my laboratory, but I just refuse to admit defeat, even if I can't do something, I have to figure out why."

"Now I can't get a reason, so I can't just let it go."

"It's very simple if you want me to leave. Give me a reasonable explanation why so many organizations invite you to join, but you all refuse. You tell me the reason and I'll leave."

Qin Lie's words were still very sincere, and the honorific title "you" was used from beginning to end, and there was nothing wrong with his attitude.

Ye Dingtian wanted to say he was angry, but he wasn't very angry, and he didn't want Qin Lie to be around him all the time.

After hearing what Qin Lie said, he finally sighed.

He looked at Qin Lie again, and then continued: "Okay, then I'll tell you the reason behind it."

Qin Lie put his hands together and placed it on the desk, sitting upright, waiting for Ye Dingtian to speak.

"I've told you before, no matter how high the price you give, how generous the reward, and no matter how powerful your research labs are, it makes no difference to me."

"The reason I didn't join your lab was just because I had my own research to do, and this research had to be done."

"If I join you and follow your research progress, I can't do my own research, and this research is related to my daughter's life."

Ye Dingtian explained the whole reason behind him in one breath.

Qin Lie's eyes changed slightly when he heard this.

He asked in a low voice, "Your daughter is ill?"

"Yeah." Ye Dingtian nodded, "And it's a very strange disease. I've exhausted my contacts and resources, and I've searched all over the world, but I can't find a cure for this disease. ."

"Later, I did a joint study with some professors from the school's medical school and found that her body had some very strange lesions. The research I'm doing now is research on the biological direction of my daughter's condition."

"My daughter's condition is very serious now, and it feels like it won't last for half a year. Do you think you came to me to join your laboratory at this time, would I agree?"

"What do you think, compared with the millions and tens of millions you gave me, how would I choose my daughter's life?"

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