At this point, Qin Lie finally understood the reason behind Ye Dingtian.

If it weren't for the big thing, it would be impossible for him, an academic person, to refuse such a front-end scientific research project.

If so, it does make sense.

Qin Lie nodded and respected his situation: "Then I see."

"Yeah." Ye Dingtian's reaction was also very dull, and he just pondered and said, "Then you should also know that it is meaningless to say these business cooperations here, you can go by yourself."

Only now did Qin Lie know that there are many things hidden behind a calm appearance like Ye Dingtian.

Sure enough, every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and it is not easy for people to live in this world.

Under such huge pressure, he can still guarantee normal work and normal life, which is no longer easy.

However, Qin Lie didn't dare to ask more questions if it was another problem.

But for Ye Dingtian, he had some other thoughts.

Instead of leaving, he continued to ask, "Professor Ye, can you tell me what your daughter's condition is?"

Ye Dingtian didn't want to mention this.

"What does this have to do with you?"

"I want to know." Qin Lie said, "I have learned a little medical skills myself, and I also know a very good Chinese medicine practitioner. If possible, I can recommend it to you."

Qin Lie is naturally Qiu Bai.

At this time, he no longer had to ask Ye Dingtian to come and help.

Well-intentioned indeed.

In case Qiu Bai can really save his daughter, it will be a good thing.

But his kindness was a completely different concept in Ye Dingtian's eyes.

He himself didn't like to talk about her daughter's illness, and he didn't allow others to joke about it.

Hearing Qin Lie say that, he immediately changed his face.

The tone gradually became serious and fierce.

"Boy," he said, "I originally came to see you for the past two days with a sincere attitude and good manners in speaking and doing things. I made an exception to tell you about this. What are you kidding me here?"

"Ah?" Qin Lie was telling the truth, he didn't know why Ye Dingtian suddenly became angry, "Where am I joking."

Ye Dingtian said rudely: "I thought you were sincere and of good character, but I didn't expect you to say anything in order to pull me into your laboratory?"

Ye Dingtian's next words made Qin Lie suddenly realize: "You said that you are the owner of an entertainment company and a technology company. You still need to do genetic engineering research here, and you can also practice Chinese medicine?

You know a lot. As soon as I say that my daughter is sick, you immediately pop out that you have a solution. How powerful are you? "

In Ye Dingtian's opinion, Qin Lie just followed his words, and if he said anything, he had to frame himself.

He doesn't believe that there are such almighty people in the world anyway, and there are such coincidences in the world.

He felt that this was all Qin Lie's words and tactics, and this was the reason for his anger.

Qin Lie was also helpless.

He actually understood what Ye Dingtian meant.

But what he said was the truth.

Is it possible to be misunderstood for doing things with good intentions?

Qin Lie said helplessly: "But what I said is true."

"It's all true?" Ye Dingtian said bluntly, "Then let me ask you, how old are you this year?"

Qin Lie: "Twenty-seven-eight."

"Twenty-seven-eight." Ye Dingtian said, "Twenty-seven-eight, you just graduated a few years ago, right? Do you know how deep the subject of Chinese medicine is, you studied Chinese medicine in college?"

"I didn't learn Chinese medicine." Qin Lie said, "but I have a master who is a very good Chinese medicine practitioner. I have learned both hands from him, and I didn't say that I want to treat your daughter. I just plan to let my master come over. Please help."

"Haha." Ye Dingtian already had that idea, and now it seems like a fake to hear what Qin Lie said, "If I guess right, your master also made it up, right?"

"Hey." Qin Lie sighed, "That's alright, I can't help you if you think about it like that, I just wanted to do something good for you, but if you insist on being a villain and saving a gentleman's belly, that's me. Mind your own business."

Qin Lie shrugged.

If we can't talk together anymore, then if you move up, you'll have a hot face and a cold butt.

"Then I won't disturb you, let's go."

After saying this, Qin Lie propped himself up from the chair, ready to leave.

In Ye Dingtian's opinion, Qin Lie just left because he couldn't hang himself after being pierced by him.

The attitude is not polite, and two words are sent to Qin Lie: "No."

It was supposed to end because of such a misunderstanding.

As a result, at this time, a key person came to Ye Dingtian's office.

That person Qin Lie didn't know, he was a pedant about the same age as Ye Dingtian.

He and Ye Dingtian's status in the school was obviously similar, so he pushed open the door and walked in without knocking.

After opening the door, he urged Ye Dingtian to say, "Lao Ye, hurry up, what are you dawdling at here, the research progress is about to make a breakthrough, you are here waiting to catch fish, do you still want to save your daughter?"

Obviously, this person is a colleague of Ye Dingtian's laboratory.

That is, a partner in the project he was working on.

It's just that Ye Dingtian waited for the middle-aged man to come in, and immediately responded to the middle-aged man and said, "Old Cui, you are here at the right time, there is a young man here who said he knows Chinese medicine, and then he may know someone who can save my daughter. Master of Chinese medicine, come and help me see if it's real or fake."

Lao Cui was a colleague of Ye Dingtian's laboratory, so he knew best about Ye Dingtian's daughter's condition.

That condition, even his decades-old Chinese medicine practitioner could not solve it, and there are so many sages of traditional Chinese medicine who can come out of the mountains easily, and it is not Hua Tuo.

Originally, Lao Cui only came to see Ye Dingtian, but when he heard Ye Dingtian say this, he was also a little interested, turned his head to look at Qin Lie, and also had the same attitude as Ye Dingtian.

The smile was full of jokes: "Young man, are you good at medicine?"

Hearing this, hungry Qin Lie was helpless.

Of course, he was a little unhappy when Ye Dingtian and Lao Cui looked at him with the same eyes.

I kindly try to find a way for you, if you don't believe it, forget it, you have to slander Lao Tzu like this.

Then I'm not a temperamental person.

When asked by Lao Cui, Qin Lie's words were filled with fire: "Professor Ye, and this one, Professor Cui, I'm surprised, is it a crime for someone my age to practice medicine?? Look at me with such eyes?"

"In addition, what I have always said is that I know a Chinese medicine doctor who is very skilled in medicine. He may help your daughter, because I have encountered many intractable diseases before, and he helped to cure them. What I said is that he is very You have the ability, don't tell me!"

"And in such a situation, you all slander me again and again, what do you mean?"

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