Qin Lie replied to him: "If it is Qiu Bai from the Chinese medicine world, there should be no second person."

With Qin Lie's confirmation, Cui Derong's eyes widened.

"Mr. Qiu is still alive?"

Qin Lie said displeased: "You're right, my master is still alive and well. He scolded me like a dog two days ago, and he was very angry."

Obviously, Qiu Bai's prestige suddenly shocked Cui Derong.

His tone became extremely respectful.

After realizing that what he said at the beginning was not very good, he immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to curse Qiu Lao, but Qiu Lao has been out of the public's attention for many, many years, and I almost forgot his legend."

"Well." Qin Lie, "My master has been troubled by personal affairs for years. He is very busy, so he has been in a secluded state. It's normal that you haven't heard of it."

Cui Derong kept nodding, and now he has learned a lot. He looked back at Ye Dingtian and said, "Old Ye, if it's really Old Qiu, maybe he really has something to do with Wenwen's condition."


Ye Dingtian was not so familiar with Qiu Bai anymore.

"What kind of character is this Qiu Bai, is he really that powerful?"

Cui Derong looked out the window, his eyes wandering as if he had returned to that era.

"He's not amazing, he's really like, just like in Shihuatuo, many of the cases in his hands are almost impossible to describe. There were several times when there were only patients hanging in one breath. The wonderful hand rejuvenates and rescues the person from the gate of hell.

He is the ceiling of the entire Chinese medicine field in China.

More than ten years ago, all the apprentices who came to ask him to study medicine crossed the threshold, and among those who were studying included me, but my talent was not high and I failed to get his appreciation, so I gave up later.

But that alone made my admiration for him to the next level.

At that time, I stayed in his hospital for a long time, and there was a patient with epilepsy. His hands and feet were twitching, and his fingers were already curled up like a human being, and he was terminally ill.

But it was such a disease. He only used a simple acupuncture method, and once the needle was inserted, the person's condition was contained.

Later, he prescribed another medicine for the patient to go back to take. As far as I know, the patient recovered in less than two weeks. "

When Cui Derong talked about Qiu Bai, his eyes were flying, and his eyes were full of admiration just from the memories.

After this call, he praised him and put Qiu Bai in a very high position.

And what kind of character was Cui Derong originally?

He is the Dean of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Shuimu University and the Vice President of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Longcheng People's Hospital.

His academic status in the field of traditional Chinese medicine is already very high. Ye Dingtian invited him to join his laboratory because he valued his achievements in traditional Chinese medicine.

And even he, at this time, praised Qiu Bai.

That proves that Qiu Bai is indeed a very powerful doctor.

Over the years, Ye Dingtian did not know how many hospitals he went to, and how many doctors he asked, but he couldn't help her daughter's illness.

Now that I heard Cui Derong say this, I suddenly rekindled hope.

If he can directly cure her daughter, it doesn't matter whether he does or doesn't do the research in his hand.

Ye Dingtian's attitude towards Qin Lie suddenly changed 180 degrees.

Looking at Qin Lie's eyes at this moment, he is very polite.

He rubbed his palms like a child who did something wrong.

Walking over to Qin Lie, he smiled and said, "Xiao Qin, that, I was really reckless at first. I framed you when I didn't know anything. It's really my fault. I'm here to apologize to you again."

"Even you know that parents in this world all want their children to be well. Everything I have done over the years is for my daughter. You can understand that feeling."

"Since you know Mr. Qiu Baiqiu, can you recommend me and let him come to see my daughter, or you can tell me his address and I can send my daughter there."

Qin Lie wasn't particularly angry if he was angry.

Moreover, as soon as Ye Dingtian realized his own mistake, he immediately apologized, and Qin Lie's anger was actually gone.

I think people like Ye Dingtian are quite admirable.

To carry out scientific research experiments for his own daughter, no matter how many benefits and temptations are proposed by the outside world, he has never given up.

Don't say this is a matter of course, in fact, many parents choose to give up when faced with such children.

At this point, Ye Dingtian acted like a person.

So after a little thought, Qin Lie didn't make things difficult for him.

Originally, I had planned to help him.

So I finally said: "Okay, then I will help to contact my master now, but I still have to say that, even if it is my master, I can't guarantee that my daughter will be cured 100%, I can only ask him to come and try. Give it a try."

You can try it out.

Ye Dingtian nodded quickly and thanked: "Thank you, thank you Qin Lie!"

"Yeah." Qin Lie pondered and didn't speak to him again.

Taking out his mobile phone and walking outside the office, Qin Lie called Qiu Bai and told Qiu Bai of his situation.

After listening to Qiu Bai, he directly slapped him in the face: "You boy, if you don't do anything else all day long, you know how to take care of Lao Tzu. In your eyes, Lao Tzu is so idle?"

"Ouch, Master." Qin Lie naturally had to say good things right away, "Just think that you are helping me. If you can cure her daughter's disease, I will let him come to my laboratory at that time. Neither with refusal.

Besides, you have just recovered from your injury in the past two days, so you really have nothing to do. Medicine, shouldn't you practice it often? You told me this. "

"I told you that it is for you to practice more!" Qiu Bai said, "I have practiced medicine for decades, and everything is carved into my bones, and I still need you to remind me.

I think when I taught you medical skills, if you could learn five points of my skills, you don't need to call me about this today! "

"That's not the same..." Qin Lie flattered him, "No matter how good I learn, I'm not as good as you, right? You have to do it yourself."

"Go away." Qiu Bai said, "Don't be so flattering to Lao Tzu, muttering, why don't you just drive back to pick me up."

This means consent.

Qin Lie was naturally very happy here, he smiled and slapped Qiu Bai a few times, and then hung up the phone.

After telling Ye Dingtian and Cui Derong about the result, both of them were crazy.

Just like that, a group of three people drove into the car and went back to pick up Qiu Bai.

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