The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1288 Difficult And Miscellaneous Diseases

Since seeing Qiu Bai, Cui Derong confirmed that Qiu Bai is the famous Chinese medical doctor he knew back then, and the whole person became even more crazy.

Although Cui Derong was only a few years younger than Qiu Bai.

But he acted like a little fanboy the whole time.

He kept touting flattery, and asked a lot about medical knowledge.

As for Qiu Bai, although he was very reluctant on the phone, he still showed due rigor in medicine.

He didn't pay much attention to Cui Derong's flattery, but as long as Cui Derong raised medical questions, he answered them one by one.

And those things even Cui Derong had never heard of or seen before.

With such a performance, Ye Dingtian also became more and more at ease.

On the way to Ye Dingtian's house, Qiu Bai also asked about Ye Dingtian's daughter's condition.

Qin Lie also probably knew about the girl named Ye Wen from their conversation.

According to Ye Dingtian's words, his daughter's illness started eight years ago.

The state that first appeared was that the sole of the left foot lost consciousness and could not walk.

When I went to the hospital, the diagnosis was only necrosis of the foot muscles, and this necrosis can be recovered.

However, her daughter stayed in the hospital for two months, doing muscle recovery training, but as the training progressed, her daughter's condition not only did not improve, but became more and more serious.

At first, there was only a problem with the soles of the feet, and later the left calf also began to be paralyzed.

The entire calf plus the soles of the feet were lost.

Thinking it was a hospital problem, Ye Dingtian took her daughter to another hospital. The diagnosis this time was that there was a problem with the neurons in the right brain, requiring surgery.

Naturally, the surgery didn't work either.

Over the years, his daughter's body has lost more and more parts of her body over time.

From the sole of the left foot, to the left calf, from the left calf to the entire left leg, and then the affected area spreads to the upper body, from the waist to the pelvis, to the neck.

Later, it not only stayed on the left half, but also spread to the right half.

The body on the right also started from the leg and spread all the way up. Now, except for the head and right arm that can move, almost all other parts of Ye Wen have lost consciousness. depend on others to take care of them.

Moreover, Ye Wen recently reported that the arm of her only remaining hand has also begun to have a tendency to become numb, Ye Dingcai was so anxious, and kept trying to find out the cause of her daughter.

Including Qiu Bai, when they heard Ye Wen's condition, they couldn't find a problem for the time being. These can only be said after seeing the people at the scene.

Qiu Baiyou asked him: "Then you set up a laboratory for your daughter's condition. What have you discovered in the past two years?"

"Hey!" Ye Dingtian said with a sigh, "I'm ashamed to say that, although I invited many experts from the biological world and the medical world to study this problem together, so far I haven't been able to find out the cause of Wenwen's disease. The cell activity and normal cell activity are much lower. We thought it was a cellular disease, but it turned out not to be cancer. Anyway, it was a headache..."


Qiu Bai listened without saying much, and only nodded.

After understanding the situation, the group of four finally went to Ye Dingtian's house.

It was a very ordinary three-bedroom, and Ye Wen occupied one of them.

In Ye Wen's room, the smell was not very good.

In addition to the strong medicinal smell, there are also traces left by Ye Wen's usual eating and drinking. Ye Dingtian just hired a nanny to take care of it. Naturally, this smell will not smell good.

Qin Lie noticed that the twenty-year-old girl lying on the bed was actually a beautiful young girl with a beautiful face.

It's just that lying in bed all these years has affected her development. Her torso, including limbs, are much smaller than ordinary people, so she looks a little deformed.

But Qin Lie knew that in this situation, as long as Ye Wen could be rescued and some recovery training was done, she could return to a normal level.

The girl was very polite, even when she was lying on the bed, she said hello after seeing Qiu Bai and Qin Lie.

Seeing this, Ye Dingtian looked at Qiu Bai in embarrassment and said, "Mr. Qiu, look, my daughter's situation is like this. Please take a look and see if there is a chance to cure it."

Qiu Bai hummed and hardly spoke.

Soon he went to Ye Wen's side and started to look at it.

The others, including Qin Lie, couldn't help much and could only watch on the side.

Qiu Bai also follows this common procedure, which is a set of observation, hearing, and inquiry that Chinese medicine pays attention to.

When he entered the door, he had already observed Ye Wen's complexion and physical condition, and then took her hand to check the pulse, while checking the pulse while asking about Ye Wen's condition.

Everything is a very natural diagnostic process.

Ye Dingtian on the side, his eyes full of hope, hoping to get some different answers from the mouth of the national doctor.

Everyone looked at Qiu Bai's diagnosis and did not dare to intervene or intervene.

Qiu Bai's diagnosis of Ye Wen took longer and more detailed than the diagnosis of ordinary patients.

The diagnosis process may take an hour.

An hour later, Qiu Bai wiped the sweat from his forehead and came to the crowd.

After seeing his diagnosis, Ye Dingtian couldn't wait to ask, "How about Mr. Qiu, is there anything you can do about my daughter's illness?"

Qiu Bai's answer was shocking.

"I have already touched the root cause of your daughter's condition. It is not serious, and I can make her better today."



When Cui Derong and Ye Dingtian heard this, they almost exclaimed in unison.

Even Cui Derong, who admired Ye Dingtian so much, couldn't believe it when he heard this.

"Old Qiu." Cui Derong said, "This little girl's condition is no trivial matter. Many of us have diagnosed her, but we can't find the cause. We thought she was suffering from a new type of disease that was never discovered, but you said It's no joke that you can make her better today."

Qiu Bai was in no mood to pay attention to him, and he had always had a tough temper.

Cui Derong scolded Cui Derong for a while: "You can't find her cause because you are not skilled enough, it doesn't mean I can't, although I am crazy sometimes, but I have always been strict with medicine, I said I have a way, I have a way, I need you Talk more?"

"This..." Cui Derong didn't dare to speak after Qiu Bai's stubbornness.

Seeing that Qiu Bai was so confident, Ye Dingtian quickly said, "Old Qiu, if what you said is true, then please use your holy hand to help my daughter cure it, trouble."

He is now a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he will not miss any opportunity.

Besides, Qiu Bai is so confident, maybe there is a way?

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