Ye Dingtian himself is quite funny to think about it, he has really experienced all kinds of despair over the years.

Now I actually believe even such outrageous words.

Of course, Ye Dingtian was only holding the attitude of giving it a try.

Anyway, I have tried so many opportunities. There are not many more Qiubai this time, and less him this time.

This is still Sima as a living horse doctor.

As for whether it will work, he doesn't hold out much hope.

Qiu Bai's reaction surprised Qin Lie.

After deciding to shoot, he first waved at himself and said, "Qin Lie, come here."

Qin Lie didn't know what Qiu Bai wanted him to do, so he could only do it.

He walked over obediently, and then Qiu Bai took out a bag of acupuncture needles from his clothes pocket and handed it to Qin Lie.

"Little monkey, you will treat this girl's illness today."




Not only Qin Lie, but also Cui Derong and Ye Dingtian broke out in a cold sweat.

Three bursts of exclamation, all shocked by Qiu Bai's decision.

Qin Lie said: "Master, you are a bit outrageous, no ordinary people have seen this disease, how can I do it!"

Qiu Bai was very calm: "Don't panic, since I asked you to take action, since I know what to do, if the old man Situ Xuan came over, he could even be cured without using a silver needle."

"I said that the most difficult thing about this disease is not how to treat it, but how to diagnose it. I have finished the most difficult part, and I will tell you the pathology, and what can't be done."

"Huh??" Qin Lie was confused anyway, but he still didn't understand.

"Diagnosis is easier than treatment? Is there such a disease in the world?"

"Haha..." Qiu Bai said, "There are far more diseases that you have never seen in this world, but this little girl, if you want to say that she is a disease, it is also a disease, but you have to say that she is not a disease. , it's not really sick."

"Come, come here!"

With that said, Qiu Bai guided Qin Lie to the side of Ye Wen's hospital bed.

Then he pointed to Ye Wen's hospital bed and said, "When I was in the car just now, I communicated with her father about her condition. Her father said that she could barely feel her body up and down, only her right arm and head were conscious, but you try to press it. Her Tiantu Cave."

Tiantu is an acupuncture point on the left side of the human body where the chest goes up and the neck goes down.

Although Qin Lie hadn't remembered the locations of these acupuncture points for a long time, he still remembered Tiantu very clearly as the first acupuncture point of one of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

That position is somewhat sensitive to girls, so Qin Lie politely said to Ye Wen, "Offended."

After saying this, Qin Lie started to press Ye Wen's Tiantu acupoint.

As a result, Ye Wen let out a "hiss" sound and took a deep breath.

"How is it?" Qin Lie asked after seeing her reaction.

Ye Wen frowned and nodded, "It hurts!"


This time, in the whole room, except Qiu Bai, including Qin Lie, all showed surprised expressions.

It should be noted that as I said before, Ye Wen's body gradually lost consciousness, like a virus spreading, slowly spreading from her left foot to her whole body.

She only has a little consciousness in her right hand now, and she is unconscious in other positions.

Just as Qin Lie pressed the upper part of the lower chest on the left side, Ye Wen gasped in pain, which was completely different from what she knew on the surface.

Ye Dingtian said in surprise: "No, it stands to reason that this position should not react, Wenwen, do you really feel suddenly?"

"Yeah!" Ye Wen said herself, "I don't know, other parts of my body still didn't respond, but the position the doctor just pressed felt pain, and I don't know what happened."

"Old Qiu, what the hell is going on?" Ye Dingtian was also surprised, and quickly asked Qiu Bai.

But Qiu Bai still didn't answer him, and continued to command Qin Lie: "Little monkey, now you press this little girl's little sea cave..."

An acupoint on Xiaohai's right arm is a large acupuncture point on the body's twelve orthodoxy.

It is the starting point of the Shaoyang meridian.

Qin Lie still remembered this acupoint, so he pressed it according to Qiu Bai's instructions.

And after pressing the acupoint, Qin Lie asked Ye Wen, "How about Miss Ye, is there any feeling in this place?"

But this time, Qin Lie got a negative answer, Ye Wen didn't feel anything on Xiaohai Cave.

This further deepened the doubt.

The place where the left half was completely unconscious suddenly became conscious, but now the place where the right arm should have been conscious is not conscious at all.

This is a situation that has never happened in other people's diagnosis of Ye Wen.

Something happened, but it also proved that Qiu Bai's diagnosis was different from other people's, and it had made a completely different progress than before.

Seeing that Qiu Bai didn't speak, Ye Dingtian could only continue to look down.

After letting Qin Lie test two acupuncture points, Qiu Bai asked him, "How about little monkey, do you feel any difference?"

Qin Lie scratched the back of his head, still looking puzzled: "Master, forgive my stupidity, I may need further guidance from you."

"Hey!" Qiu Bai sighed, "I told you to study medicine more seriously in the early years, but you didn't listen. Now, I'm about to send the answer to your face, but you still don't know."

"Master, from now on, I think I will follow you and learn at least half of your skills."

Qiu Bai snorted, too lazy to reprimand him, and continued to point down.

"Then you go to press the Weizhong point again." Qiu Bai said.

This time Qin Lie pressed as instructed, and Ye Wen responded again.

"Go and press the Heyang Point!"

This time, Ye Wen didn't respond again.


There is a reaction.


no response.

The acupoints Qiu Bai pointed out were almost all over Ye Wen's body.

Whether it was on the left half of the body, the right half of the body, or whether there was any perception in that place before, Qiu Bai pointed at the place where Qin Lie was pressing, and whether the perception appeared or not had almost nothing to do with her previous perception.

It was as if the appearance of Ye Wen's body perception was completely irregular.

Cui Derong and Ye Dingtian here looked very dumbfounded.

But as Qiu Bai pointed more and more, Qin Lie's heart became clearer.

Going down to the tenth acupoint, after Ye Wen said she didn't feel anything, Qiu Bai asked Qin Lie again, "How about little monkey, have you found the answer to this little girl's physical symptoms now?"

Qin Lie's eyes rolled in circles.

He asked Qiu Bai tentatively, "Master, is it possible that she has something to do with the meridians?"

"It's not related to the meridians." Qiu Bai said directly, "It's a meridian problem in itself. I've already pointed it out clearly enough, haven't you found her problem?"

At that moment, Qin Lie suddenly realized!

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