The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1291 Meeting The Night Soul Again

After doing that, Qin Lie asked Ye Wen to ignore the shock of the people behind.

"Although your body has regained its mobility now, after all, you have been lying in bed for eight years, and your muscle development has lagged behind. It may take a while to recover if you want to walk like an ordinary person."

"But there is no problem with your bodily functions."

Compared to Cui Derong and Ye Dingtian, Ye Wen was much calmer.

She was happy when she regained control of her body, but she did not lose her temper.

After hearing what Qin Lie said, she politely replied "Thank you".

Qin Lie also nodded and didn't talk to her anymore.

After Ye Dingtian was shocked, he quickly walked to Qin Lie's side, which was called a thankful deed.

"Xiao Qin, thank you, thank you very much."

"I really didn't expect that my daughter's eight-year stubborn illness was easily cured by you."

"This is a great kindness to my Ye family, no matter what I do, I can't repay it!"

"Thank you, thank you very much."

In a short period of time, Ye Dingtian said the word "thank you" countless times.

Qin Lie was very indifferent and told Ye Dingtian in a low voice, "Professor Ye, I don't really do much. If you really want to thank me, I would like to thank my master."

"As my master said, your daughter's disease is difficult to diagnose and not treat. It is difficult to find the cause of her disease. Once found, the treatment is not complicated."

"My master has done the hardest part, I'm just getting started."

"Yes yes yes!" Ye Dingtian couldn't hide his excitement, and kept nodding, "You two are masters, and the title of Qiu Lao in Shihuatuo is well-deserved. It is my great luck to find you here today."

At this time, as a Chinese medicine practitioner, Cui Derong was also very interested in Ye Wen's condition.

After all, the cause that has not been found after so many years of hard work was solved at once in the hands of Qin Lie and Qiu Bai.

He wanted to know what was the difference between him and a master like Qiu Bai.

So after everyone calmed down, he walked up to Qiu Bai and asked.

"Old Qiu, what exactly is going on with Wenwen's disease? We have been studying for so long, and we have no idea what to do, but you have been able to diagnose her so quickly and cured her with a little effort."

"What kind of crux is our team getting into?"

Qiu Bai was too lazy to answer, and had to take Qin Lie's test.

"Qin Lie, you come and tell him, I want to see how well you handle this disease."

Qin Lie did not refuse, and immediately looked at Ye Dingtian and Cui Derong and said.

"Wenwen's disease is not a disease in the strict sense. She just had her meridians blocked."

"Meridians?" The two were surprised.

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, "Chinese medicine divides the human body into eight extraordinary meridians and twelve serious meridians, a total of twenty-one meridians. These meridians run through the human body, and there are thousands of acupoints distributed on them. , control almost the entire body."

"Just like the neural network and blood vessel network in Western medicine, these acupuncture points also control various parts."

"When we see the so-called Ding acupoints and laughing acupoints on TV, it is the influence of those acupoints."

"And Wenwen's body is precisely because these acupoints are blocked, and then gradually loses control of the body, and the external manifestation is loss of consciousness."

"I don't know how the method of imposing such a blockade on Wenwen was done, but 90% of it was done by humans, so I asked me to think about who it was that I provoked eight years ago."

"Also, what I just did is actually very simple. I took these twenty-one meridians and eyes, that is, the super large points of each meridian, and pierced each meridian end to end, and then used hundreds of Baihui points. Stimulation, after opening up all twenty-one meridians, she will naturally regain control of her body."

After hearing what Qin Lie said, Cui Derong and Ye Dingtian half understood, but they didn't quite understand it.

Cui Derong said: "I actually know all about the meridians of the human body, but I didn't know that the influence of the meridians is so far-reaching. According to what you said, blocking the meridians, fixing acupoints, laughing points, etc., is like the martial arts that appeared in the last century. Are the pictures in the novel real?"

Qin Lie shrugged and said with a smile, "Professor Cui, then you went to my master's medical clinic to visit his teacher before, but you didn't know that my master is not only a great medical expert, but also a very good kung fu master."

"The reason why you can't see this disease today, but we can see it, is because we have the thinking of a martial artist, including my master, who knows how far the twenty-one meridians affect the human body. You can look at this matter according to the thinking of martial artists, you have never been in contact with martial arts, and you don’t know there are such methods, so you have studied for many years and can’t come up with it.”

"But in our eyes, it's not complicated."

"That's amazing." Cui Derong said, "If these are true, wouldn't people who practice martial arts be able to do things that many ordinary people can't."

Qin Lie: "It may not be as magical as you think, but it can do some things that ordinary people can't do."

Finally, after listening to Cui Derong and Ye Dingtian, they had a sudden realization.

No wonder I have been researching here for eight years and I can't figure it out.

No wonder Qin Lie and Qiu Bai would say that this is a disease, and it can be considered a disease.

It turned out that everyone went in the wrong direction at first.

In this world, there are many people who practice martial arts, and there are many people who study medicine, but there are very few people with high kung fu and good medical skills.

Qiu Bai's medical skills and martial arts are very good, so he can easily find the lesions.

But in any case, the thanks are still to be thanked.

Ye Dingtian leaned over and thanked: "Thank you anyway, thank you for coming, thank you for curing Wenwen's illness."

Qin Lie waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, but it's still the same sentence. This matter is mostly artificial. Now you think about it, who didn't offend Wenwen eight years ago to make Wenwen suffer like this?"

Ye Dingtian said: "I have been thinking about this thing since you just asked me to think about who caused the problem."

"Don't tell me, I really found a problem."

"On the eve of Wenwen's illness, I was approached by an organization. I didn't study that organization in detail, but later I learned that the organization's influence is actually very large, but I don't know if you have heard of it."

"You said." Qin Lie asked him.

Ye Dingtian replied: "The name of that organization is: Night Soul!"

"Night soul?"

Qin Lie listened, startled, and looked back at Qiu Bai.

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