Qin Lie was of course surprised when Ye Hun appeared in this position again.

Of course, the connection between Qiu Bai and Yehun is not that big. If Situ Xuan was here, he would probably have jumped up from his chair after hearing this.

Although Yehun didn't trouble himself during this time, Qin Lie was actually chasing their tracks.

Without him, Situ Xuan's original rebel was Song Zhe, one of the three giants of the night soul. Even if it was just to avenge Situ Xuan, Qin Lie would try his best to find its trace.

Two days ago, Xingtian said that Yehun has been very active in Huaxia recently, but he didn't expect to hear about them again in Ye Dingtian's mouth.

In an instant, many thoughts passed through Qin Lie's mind.

Seeing the change in Qin Lie's expression, Ye Dingtian quickly asked, "Xiao Qin, have you heard of this organization?"

Qin Lie nodded: "This organization is notorious internationally. I have heard of it, but I don't know why you said they came to you eight years ago?"

Ye Dingtian has nothing to hide from Qin Lie now, and he will answer whatever Qin Lie asks.

"It's still a matter of genetic engineering. They are also doing similar research inside the Night Soul. It should be almost the same as your research. I was not interested at the time. They invited me three times, but I refused all of them. Then, Wenwen came out. This kind of physical condition.”

"If you don't mention this, I won't link this matter together. When you mention it like this, I suddenly realize that maybe they really did it."

"Never leave ten." Qin Lie also nodded, "Yehun is a disgusting organization. They will do anything to achieve their goals. Even if their goals are not achieved, they will always find a way to retaliate against you. This is their way of doing things."


Ye Dingtian clenched his fists and slammed his fist on the bedroom wall.

"This group of bastards, cooperation can be successful, if not, it's okay, they are still playing these underhand tricks behind their backs, which has harmed Wenwen for eight years and our family for eight years!"

"Don't let me catch them again, if you let me know their location, I won't let them go!"

Ye Dingtian was filled with righteous indignation, and his face was full of hatred.

But it's normal to think about it. Anyone who has been trapped by an organization for so many years will definitely not dissipate the hatred in their hearts like this.

This reminded Qin Lie of a question.

Strike while the iron is hot, he immediately asked Ye Dingtian and said, "Professor Ye, Wenwen's condition is now stable, and the next thing to do is to recover her body. The research in your hands may not be so meaningful. I don't know if I started. Can I reconsider what I told you about asking you to enter my laboratory."

Ye Dingtian's temperament is very straight.

Can be yes, can't be no.

This time he agreed very readily: "Okay, since you've said everything to this point, it's not a thing for me to refuse, and you've cured Wenwen's disease, my research is useless, I Promise you, join your research room."

Qin Lie listened and nodded with satisfaction.

The original purpose of going to Shuimu University was to join Laye Dingtian.

His biological attainments can bring great benefits to his genetic modification technology. If he can help himself advance the technology to a level that is more advanced than that of the Skull and Bones, the benefits will also be beneficial to himself. is immeasurable.

It's just that Qin Lie has more thoughts now.

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "Then I will thank Professor Ye here first, but before signing the cooperation agreement with Professor Ye, I have two prerequisites that I need to check with you first."

"You said." Ye Dingtian said.

Qin Lie thought for a while and said, "I want you to keep our cooperation absolutely confidential. We can give you absolute freedom, but you must not tell anyone else about our cooperation. You are still from Shuimu University. Professor, we only have business contacts, and we can't talk about the laboratory."

"Of course." Ye Dingtian himself said, "This secret work is what people in our industry should do, you don't have to worry about this, even if I die, I will not reveal anything about the laboratory. ."

"Yes!" Qin Lie said, "The second point, the second point is also related to your own affairs."

"It's a coincidence that your business is related to Yehun, and I have a grudge with Yehun. In the future, it won't take a long time. I will design a plan. You are a top scientific researcher in the Chinese biological world. Soul will definitely come to you again, I will design a plan to attract the people of Night Soul again, you will become a bait, and there may be danger in the process, I hope you can accept it."

This is what Qin Lie just thought of after learning about the relationship between Ye Dingtian and Yehun.

Situ Xuan wanted Song Zhe's life, and he also wanted to engage in Night Soul, so Ye Dingtian's existence was a good bait.

Including not letting Ye Dingtian reveal his partnership with him is largely because of this.

Ye Hun didn't know that Ye Dingtian was cooperating with him, and since he was a big boss in the biological world, Ye Hun had a great possibility to come to him again.

As long as he designs a little, he can lure Yehun's people out, and then he can catch Song Zhe and even Yehun's people in one go.

As soon as this request came out, Ye Dingtian not only did not refuse, but also agreed with hunger.

"That's great, isn't that what I want to do? Even if you don't do it, I will do it. They have harassed me and Wenwen for eight years. As long as they dare to come, I will settle the account with them. In this matter, we have reached the same destination."

"Okay." Qin Lie nodded, "In that case, I can rest assured."

"My laboratory is still under preparation, and the preparations for the subsequent construction are completed. I will come back to you to sign the agreement. Today's affairs will end here."

After everything was done, including cooperation, Qin Lie also planned to go back with Qiu Bai.

Ye Dingtian joined the group, and his entanglement with Yehun was an unexpected gain.

It was only a small amount of 20 needles for Ye Wen, and Qin Lie was very satisfied with these achievements.

With Ye Dingtian's assurance, and the cornerstone of the genetic modification engineering laboratory, this matter finally started slowly.

Later, contact Xing Tian and ask them to provide some resources and personnel from Yanwangdao, and then select the laboratory address, and the whole research can be on the right track.

It shouldn't take two months for this to happen.

After returning from Ye Dingtian's house, Qin Lie was in a good mood. He called Ye Yuqing, Chen Xiaoyu, Situ Xuan, and even Makasha from home, and the group went out to eat hot pot.

This made Makasha and Sauron's brothers so excited.

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