For this meal, Qin Lie, Situ Xuanjia, Qiu Baiye Yuqing, Chen Xiaoyu, a total of five people, plus Makasha Sauron and her four bodyguards.

A total of eleven people ate at an ordinary hot pot restaurant in Longcheng.

The total cost is more than 2,300 yuan.

It is only about 200 yuan per capita, which is 108,000 miles away from Makasha's usual consumption.

The life of the eldest lady of the Cape family is guaranteed to be tens of thousands of pounds for a meal.

A meal of less than £10,000 was an insult to her identity.

This kind of meal of 200 yuan per person, in her eyes, was completely garbage among the garbage, the kind that couldn't be eaten.

In the end, it was just such a meal, but Makasha and Sauron had a delicious meal.

The two bodyguards almost got into a fight for grabbing a plate of hairy belly.

That guy made passersby feel that this hot pot meal is like the best in the world.

Qin Lie blocked Makassa's bank card, but made Makassa and the others miserable.

After taking care of Qiu Bai for so many days, Makasha also transferred about 80,000 yuan.

And the 80,000 yuan will support a total of six people living in Longcheng for two weeks.

Eighty thousand in itself is not a small amount for ordinary people, but this amount of money is not even a hair for Makasha and the others who are used to seeing huge sums of money.

So our great Princess Makassar had to be forced to learn to save.

This hot pot meal, let's not say how it tastes, at least it's cheap!

And this is the vampire Qin Lie's treat, of course they want to eat a lot.

However, after these five days of training, Makasha's character has changed a lot after all.

At least it's not so pretentious.

I also know how to take care of the opinions and feelings of others.

When she went out tonight, she even helped Chen Xiaoyu downstairs—she knew that Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing were the only ones who could punish Qin Lie, and it was necessary to have a good relationship with them.

Qin Lie has seen her transformation with her own eyes. Even if she returns to Europe and the Cape family in the future, she will never forget her experience in Longcheng.

There is only so much Qin Lie can do.

Five days have passed since Makasha came to Dragon City, and Qin Lie was still thinking about one thing during this time.

That's what Bruni promised to go to South Korea to blow up the Xiao family mine.

When Bruni and Worms asked them to do it, they brought Makasha with her, so that she could get a feel for the heart of the family.

So this matter has been in Qin Lie's schedule.

Originally, I planned to leave for South Korea two days ago, but it was delayed for a few days because of Qiu Bai.

In addition, Makasha didn't have much time in Huaxia, so Qin Lie decided to finish it tomorrow.

After dinner tonight, I will go back to inform Jiang Lei and Chen Jinhu to assemble the Longyan team.

Qin Lie plans to leave tomorrow.

After eating, Qin Lie returned home and called Jiang Lei as planned, asking him to gather the brothers of the Longyan team.

This time it wasn't a big deal, so Qin Lie only planned to bring a team of fifty people.

Everything was arranged in the evening, and I was ready to take someone to the airport the next day.

As a result, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. As soon as he was about to set off, he received a call from He Linfeng.

He Linfeng was recently in charge of the branch factory that cooperated with Shenzhou Weapons.

This branch factory is different from ordinary factories, because it is a branch factory for the construction of cutting-edge weapon technology, so all the supporting facilities and buildings have to be rebuilt.

It means that Qin Lie and He Linfeng need to rebuild a large-scale factory building before putting it into use.

This in itself is a big project.

There are experts from Shenzhou Weapons who provide drawings. Qin Lie and He Linfeng only need to find the relevant construction team to start construction in the specified place. It is not difficult, so Qin Lie has always left this matter to He Linfeng to do.

He Linfeng has the talent for management, Qin Lie thinks he can handle this, so he has less to ask.

Seeing He Linfeng calling at this time, Qin Lie wondered if something happened at the arsenal.

as predicted.

After Qin Lie answered the phone, He Linfeng's tone was very anxious: "Mr. Qin, do you have time now? Would you like to come to the factory to take a look."

"Huh?" Qin Lie planned to take a plane to South Korea. He Linfeng was in a hurry, and it was not easy to escape. "What's the matter, what happened?"

He Linfeng said: "According to our construction procedures, I used your investment, found the construction team, dug the foundation here, and the real construction could start next.

But suddenly, for some unknown reason, all the building materials companies that originally planned to cooperate with us suddenly broke their contracts, and we can't find building materials to build factories now. "

"What do you mean?"

Qin Lie didn't understand, but was shocked: "No building materials?? Sand, bricks, concrete, steel bars?"

"more than!"

He Linfeng said: "It's all the material dealers, as long as it is all the materials you can think of for the construction, we will all break the contract today, except for those materials that have been shipped to the construction site, we will not get a grain of sand in the future. "

"There is a steel company that is the most ruthless. Not only did they cut off the follow-up cooperation, but they even forcibly shipped back the steel that was originally sent."

"Can it still be like this?"

Qin Lie was dumbfounded after hearing this.

"Aren't they afraid of breaking the contract and losing money?"

"I told them too." He Linfeng said, "But these people don't know what's going on. They would rather lose money and resolutely not cooperate with us. Everyone is like crazy. President Qin, is there someone behind this? Fuck us."

Needless to say, these people's operations are like crazy, so there must be someone behind the scenes.

It's just that it's not clear what the situation is now, Qin Lie can only look at it.

Originally, Qin Lie planned to take someone to South Korea, but once this happened, the trip had to be delayed again.

Compared with the Xiaojia mine, the construction of the arsenal is more important.

After weighing it, Qin Lie decided to let Jiang Lei take the Longyan team back first, and the trip to South Korea was delayed until tomorrow.

By himself, he drove to the factory construction site.

There was no stop on the way.

The drive is about an hour and a half.

Because of the special nature of the factory, the construction site is far away from Longcheng. The location is in an unnamed mountain about 70 kilometers away from Longcheng.

When he got to the construction site to see it, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing at the scene at that time.

Originally, the construction site should be very disorganized, and all kinds of building materials are placed in disorder.

As a result, their construction site was different. It seemed that their construction site had been visited ten times by a band of thieves. That guy was as clean as a dog.

Except for some bricks and stones piled up at the gate of the construction site, when you enter the construction site, there is nothing you want.

The foundation was dug down like a sinkhole.

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