Qin Lie could probably guess that Xu Ying was in a bad situation recently.

After all, the killer under his hand killed Xiao Xingyuan, and Henry Zhang couldn't move him no matter how good his temper was.

However, he never imagined that things would develop so fast, and even Xu Ying was on the verge of perishing.

As for Xu Ying's front and back feet to South Korea, he doesn't even know.

At the same time he was still at the airport meeting Donald, the South Korean head of the Cape family.


In Qin Lie's itinerary, there are two things in South Korea this time.

One is to blow up the mine in South Korea belonging to the Xiao family, and the other is to get the super steel thing done.

Both of these things are equally important, and I'll decide which one to do first after talking to Donald later.

At the gate of the airport, Qin Lie and Donald met.

Donald's shape is very similar to Bruni, and his temperament is similar to that of the Cape family members in Qin Lie's impression.

Courteous and unhurried.

A suit, about fifty years old, but not old-fashioned.

But the aura is not as high as Bruni.

Qin Lie and Donald met, they shook hands amicably and introduced themselves to each other, even if they knew each other.

Donald prepared two buses to take the members of Longyan Squad to the hotel, and at the same time let Qin Lie and Makasha get on his Jaguar.

In the end, before Qin Lie and Donald could talk about business, Makasha began to complain.

"Donald Uncle, you have to call the shots for me. I have lived a life like no other in China for more than a week."

"Woooooo..." She accused Qin Lie, "this Qin Lie, this Qin Lie, she, she abused me, you must be the master for me!"


Donald smiled and looked at Makasha with doting eyes.

It looks like she wants to be the master of her.

"Does anyone in this world dare to abuse our eldest lady? Tell me, what the hell did Qin Lie do?"

Hearing that Donald seemed to really want to help her decide, Makasha was also filled with righteous indignation.

"The things he did too much were too much! I have never met such an excessive person!"

"He didn't arrange satisfactory accommodation for me, and on the day I arrived in Huaxia, he actually shut us out of the room!!"

"Also, this is the most extreme. He actually asked my dad to freeze all my bank cards, leaving us penniless on the streets of a foreign country in China! It's hard to walk!"

"It's not over, because I have control over my bank card, I asked him for money, and he actually arranged for me to work for him and let me take care of his master's daily life."

"I, I, Makasha, have never done anything since I was a child. He actually asked me to take care of others. God, I don't want to talk about what I've been through these days. I want to cry when I think about it now. Too bad, woohoo~~~"

Saying that, Makasha covered her face, looking like she was heartbroken and didn't want to live.

Qin Lie listened, lying on the back seat of the van, not caring at all.

He didn't believe that the Cape family came to trouble him because of such a little thing.

The funny thing is, not only did Donald not intend to trouble himself, Qin Lie noticed a smile on his face after listening to Makasha's cry.

How to describe this smile.

It's a bit like the kind of smile that you want to laugh when you're gloating, but you don't dare to smile in front of the person involved.

From his smile, Qin Lie read a sentence: Makasha, you have today too!

That's called a hearty one.

Qin Lie knew that Makasha's cry was useless today.

Sure enough, after listening to Makassa's words, Donald symbolically agreed with Makassa: "Really, Mr. Qin, it's too much for you to treat our Miss Makassa like this!"

"Yeah, it's too much!"

Makasha said: "Donald Uncle, you must tell my dad about this, and then let my dad teach him a hard lesson, and also, my bank card, you quickly let my dad unfreeze, these few. God doesn't answer my phone, you must help me!"

"Yeah, Mr. Qin." Donald scolded Qin Lie symbolically, "No matter what, you can't let the eldest lady work. She has always been the jewel in the hands of the patriarch. This is too much!"

Hearing Donald's words, Makasha hated Qin Lie and said, "Did you hear me, you damn Qin Lie, there will always be someone to help me decide, you're going to be out of luck!"


Qin Lie didn't even have the interest to argue with Makasha.

Sure enough, Donald's next sentence made a big reversal.

He said: "You ask her to take care of people, she can't do anything, what if you take care of your patient badly, it's very irresponsible to the patient!"

"Did you hear that, it's very irresponsible!!!" Makasha thought Donald was talking for her, and turned around to show off her power.

After careful consideration, I found out what was wrong.

He looked back at Donald sullenly.

Roaring: "Donald Uncle, what are you talking about! It's too much! Are you talking for me or for him!"

"Also!" she said, "I take good care of people, and I will take care of them. You still doubt my ability."

"Yes..." Qin Lie couldn't help dismantling the table and said, "You can turn cold water into the hot water bottle as hot water. You really took good care of it."

"That, that..." Makasha stammered, "Then it's the first time I've used that water boiler. Besides, the boiling water is so hot, how can I pick it up with my hands?"

"Could it be that you are going to pick it up with your feet?"

Qin Lie is sometimes shocked by this eldest lady's work style.

It is also this time that I have myself in Huaxia.

Otherwise, with her ability to handle affairs, the bank card will be frozen, and she will starve to death on the streets of Huaxia within three days.

Got slapped again in front of Donald.

Makasha started her coquettish offensive, grabbing Donald's sleeve and dangling it.

"Donald Uncle, look at him. That's how he bullied me. It's been like this for the past few days. I've never been so wronged since I was a child. You must help me call him."

Donald shrugged, raised his eyebrows, and finally told Makasha.

"Miss, you are really embarrassing me about this. This time the patriarch sent you to Huaxia and asked you to study with Mr. Qin. He told the whole family that Qin Lie is the boss and we must listen to him. Yes, you asked me to teach the boss a lesson, but I can't do it."

"You should go back and tell the patriarch about this, I can't help you."

"Hey..." Makasha sighed, and finally understood that this time crying was useless.

Finally, he begged Donald to say: "Donald Uncle, then you can ask my dad if he can unlock my bank card first, I really can't live any longer in Huaxia, I'm starving to death, just one, One is fine!"

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