Makasha knew that she couldn't fight Qin Lie, and she already recognized it.

But if she could get some money back, she would be satisfied.

As a result, even if it was such a request, Donald did not dare to accept it.

"Miss, the patriarch also said hello to you in the matter of money, saying that during your two weeks in Huaxia, we can't give you a penny. If anyone dares to give it, whoever will be dismissed from get out of class, I can't afford to provoke it."

"Don't talk about unlocking your bank card, even if I give you 10,000 pounds in private, I will be dismissed, miss, you should let me go."


People like Makasha were so mad that they were so angry.

I didn't expect Qin Lie and her father to do such an amazing job this time.

I originally thought that when I came to South Korea and saw my family, I could turn over as a serf and sing, but in the end I found that I still couldn't escape the palm of the Buddha's hand.

"Damn Worms!" Makasha cursed her father, "I won't let him go when I go back, I'm so pissed."

But as far as the current situation is concerned, Qin Lie, the boss, is still the boss.

After complaining for a while, he still only greeted Qin Lie with a smile: "Brother Qin, I don't know what I can do for you in South Korea this time? If you have anything, just tell me, as long as the hourly salary of 10,000 yuan is still available. Now, I will do my best.”

Qin Lie listened and laughed involuntarily: "Hey, Miss Makasha, weren't you being arrogant just now, you said you wanted to let Mr. Donald teach me a good lesson, why did your attitude suddenly change again?"

"Then..." Makasha coughed twice, "Then I don't think the atmosphere is very good, you always have to liven up the atmosphere, all you heard just now were farts, you didn't hear anything, you are still the same. my boss."

"Ok!" Qin Lie listened, snapped his fingers, and then lifted one leg to Makasha's leg. The uncle said like a general, "Then you can pinch my foot first, and the force can't be too light, can't It's too heavy to pinch me comfortably."

"Qin Lie!" Makasha was about to change her face, "Don't go too far!"

"Ah?" Qin Lie put his hand beside his ear and said loudly, "What did you say, or say it again?"

Makasha hesitated for a second, so she could only start to help Qin Lie press her legs, and finally said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, I said that your legs are really good, and you are definitely the representative of beautiful men."

"Oh!" Qin Lie said, "you don't need to remind me, you are not the first to say that I am a beautiful man."

Makasha rolled her eyes and wanted to hack Qin Lie to death.

But it's still the same sentence, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

I didn't dare to be tough with Qin Lie, so I could only give Qin Lie a massage.

And Donald in front of the car, not only was not angry, but kept smiling.

I thought that she was stunned by the devil Makasha, but now Qin Lie actually treats her obediently.

Although I didn't enjoy it myself, even if I just watched it, my heart was already very cool!

While enjoying Makassa's massage, Qin Lie remembered to talk to Donald about serious business.

"Mr. Donald, Mr. Bruni should have communicated with you about what I am going to do in South Korea. I would like to hear your opinion, which is better for me to do first."

Donald responded immediately, apparently already prepared.

He nodded and said, "Mr. Bruni has informed me of your itinerary, and he also specifically asked me to help you get the super steel thing done first, so we must be the super steel thing first."

Qin Lie listened and thanked them.

He promised that the Cape family would come to destroy the Xiao family mine in South Korea, but because of delays in personal matters, he never took action.

When I came to South Korea this time, because they had other things to do, the Cape family actually helped to settle their own affairs first.

In addition to Makasha, Qin Lie's impression of this family has been getting better and better.

Because he was really anxious about the demand for super steel, Qin Lie did not reject this suggestion.

Ask Donald: "Then Mr. Donald, according to your information, which company in South Korea controls super steel technology?"

Donald immediately said: "The business of South Korea is controlled by three major consortiums, st, Sanjin, and Ledi. These three major consortiums control almost 80% of South Korea's economic industries. Among them, Sanjin Group controls the most industries. Almost 40 percent of South Korea's.

However, they are mainly involved in the financial industry and the technology industry. Heavy industrial companies like Super Steel are controlled by the st group, so if you want to discuss cooperation, you need to talk to the st group. "

Qin Lie has a little understanding of the economic landscape in South Korea.

Because the country is small, there are only so many industries.

Unlike Huaxia, which has a vast land and abundant resources, many companies can live in Huaxia, and the economic structure is very complicated.

In a small country like South Korea, the economy is almost entirely controlled by the upper-level consortium.

The three consortiums like Donald said, although they are not as influential as super families like the Cape family and the Xuanyuan family, but in South Korea, they are definitely one-handed existences.

Therefore, it is not so simple for me to meet the high-level people of the consortium in South Korea.

Qin Lie quickly asked again: "Then how can I contact the people in st to talk about this."

"The formal approach is definitely possible," Donald said. "It's just that you have to worry about the steel now. The formal approach takes a long time from proposing a plan to negotiating and finalizing it to transporting the steel."

"So Mr. Bruni also has relevant arrangements. He is going to arrange for you to meet with the young owner of the st group. If you can have a good relationship with this young owner, maybe if you meet today, he will be able to send someone tomorrow to deliver the steel. your site."

st's young owner?

Qin Lie asked curiously, "Do you know the young owner of their consortium?"

"No, I don't know, but I can create an opportunity for you to get to know each other." Donald said, "As for whether you can do it or not, it depends on your own performance."

"Oh?" Qin Lie thought Donald's statement was quite interesting, "I want to play by myself?? What are you going to tell me to do?"

Donald then said: "It's a coincidence that today our Cape family just held a charity auction here, the purpose is to get closer to the South Korean consortium."

"We have invited many high-level entrepreneurs in South Korea to participate in this event. Just this evening, there is Kim Jong-hyuk, the young owner of the st group. Don't you want to get to know him? I can also arrange for you to come to this auction. meeting."

Qin Lie was not very surprised by the arrangement of the Cape family.

After all, Worms is a collector who is very fond of collecting. The collections in his home are piled up like a mountain. In an auction, more than a dozen items are just sprinkled for him.

Speaking of which, Qin Lie was still thinking about the dragon head in his hand.

It's just that in an auction, if you want to have a good relationship with the young owner of the st group, you have to think about how to do it.

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