Qin Lie and Makasha followed Donald to the auction site.

It was a local professional auction house in Seoul.

The scale is not bad, there are as many as ten large and small auction halls, in addition to the official auction of their country, they also undertake various private auction activities.

This auction event was initiated by the Cape family and undertaken by this auction house.

The relevant supporting facilities are relatively complete.

There is a rest area in the lobby area, and the private room at the back is a VIP waiting area.

Because Qin Lie came with Donald and had a special status, he directly entered the VIP waiting area.

The waiting area is not particularly extravagant. It is not much different from the VIP waiting area at the airport, except that it is better decorated and has dedicated service staff.

However, because he was from China, and he didn't really know any friends in Seoul, Qin Lie was bored playing with his mobile phone after arriving in the waiting area, waiting to enter the venue.

Makasha was also bored. After wandering around the VIP room twice, she said hello to Qin Lie, and went to the backstage with Donald.

The auction was set at 7 o'clock, and Qin Lie arrived at almost 6 o'clock, so he had to continue to wait.

He was so bored that he didn't fast forward to watch "I Am a Goddess" for half an episode, and was amused by Yang Chaoyu's performance on stage.

And at about 6:40, Qin Lie suddenly heard an exclamation from outside.

There was anger in the voice, and the volume was quite loud: "What are you doing! I warn you not to do anything!"

speak English.

Qin Lie was very familiar with this voice.

Makasha, the owner of the voice.

Qin Lie's eyelids moved slightly after hearing the sound, but he didn't panic, but he knew something must have happened.

He quickly got up from his chair and quickly came out of the hall.

At first glance, he saw Makasha standing in the hall.

Opposite her, there was a well-dressed young man.

The son-in-law smiled, his face wretched.

There were also two people like bodyguards beside him, holding Makasha on the left and the right, not letting Makasha go.

Makasha is fragile and intractable, so she can only talk loudly with the opposite.

Very loud sound.

"I'm the eldest lady of the Cape family. I warn you that the car is messing around, or you will regret your actions today."

The man on the other side had a disdainful smile on his face, obviously not believing Makasha's statement at all.

And the action of the shot is more reckless.

Seeing this, Qin Lie rushed forward, almost without hesitation, rushed to the man, raised his hand and took the two bodyguards who were holding Makasha out.

She quickly protected Makasha behind her.

Then he pointed to the young man's nose and asked, "who! are! you!"

Because Qin Lie doesn't speak Korean in South Korea, he can only use it to talk to him.

But it didn't prevent his tone from being very fierce, as if he was going to swallow the opposite side alive.

But after asking this question, Qin Lie had the answer in his heart.

The dark circles under the eyes of the young man in front of him, along with a tired face, had already told Qin Lie the answer.

This person is none other than the young owner of Ledi Group, Zhang Chengxun.

Just saw his profile this afternoon.

It can't be said that the enemy's road is narrow, it can only be said that they are very destined.

Even before the auction started, I actually came into contact with this young man, but I think it's right. Zhang Chengxun's biggest problem is that he is addicted to women's sex. Today, Makasha dressed so beautifully, it has become a foreshadowing.

Zhang Chengxun was doing errands when he was suddenly interrupted by Qin Lie, and his face collapsed.

In response to Qin Lie's words, he said a lot, but all of them were in Korean, and Qin Lie couldn't understand a word.

Qin Lie emphasized that he used English.

Only then did Zhang Chengxun react. After looking Qin Lie up and down, he said jokingly in English: "Oh, so you are not Korean, so where are you from, Japan, or China."

"Huaxia!" Qin Lie told him briefly.


Zhang Chengxun repeated it, and then muttered, "Sure enough, he is an arrogant Chinese."

I want to say here that the relationship between Huaxia and South Korea has not been very good.

The tension in the relationship is still higher than that between China and Japan.

The problem may be traced back to the war on the Korean peninsula in the last century.

At that time, China supported North Korea, and because after the separation of the 38th parallel, South Korea actually followed the path of the United States, and the two peoples were inherently conflicted.

So when Zhang Chengxun learned that Qin Lie was from China, his attitude was even worse.

Looking at Qin Lie indifferently, he threatened.

"Huaxia people, do you know that this is not your land in China? Take care of Zhang Chengxun's affairs here, do you want to court death?"

Qin Lie's words are equally domineering: "She is my person, no matter where she is, no one can touch him without my permission, let alone in your South Korea, even in heaven, if God wants to touch her, he has to see my face. !"

Hearing this, the one who reacted the most was Makasha behind Qin Lie.

Makasha's shoulders twitched. She didn't expect Qin Lie to say that. She came back from wandering in the backstage and was blocked by Zhang Chengxun as soon as she arrived in the lobby.

She shouted loudly, intending to attract Donald and other Cape family members.

Qin Lie's first appearance had already surprised her.

At this moment, she said such domineering words in front of her, which caused great fluctuations in her heart.

What happened a few days ago only made her look at Qin Lie with admiration, and this time, she already felt a little strange in her heart.

Twenty-year-old Makasha is at the age of fantasy, and she likes the idea of ​​heroes saving beauty.

It turns out that Qin Lie, such a hateful guy, also has such a handsome side.

Makasha thought so.

As for Qin Lie, he simply didn't want Makasha to be bullied. He was afraid that he would go back and tell her father Worms about this kind of thing, and he would suffer too, not as much as Makasha thought.

At this time, the two sides confronted each other, Zhang Chengxun narrowed his eyes, and the unpleasant taste became stronger and stronger.

"Huaxia people, you are very bold, do you know the influence of Ledi Group in South Korea??"

"If you don't want an accident on your South Korea trip, leave it alone."

Qin Lie did not give in, but replied: "Not to mention that the girl behind me is the eldest lady of the Cape family, even without the support of the Cape family, if you want to leave this auction completely today, you'd better get away now point."

Zhang Chengxun continued to narrow his eyes, completely disbelieving that Makasha was the eldest lady of the Cape family.

A Chinese person took the eldest lady of the Cape family to participate in an auction event in South Korea. Such a configuration of members was outrageous.

The eldest lady of the Cape family must have been edited by Qin Lie.

Pointing at the bridge of Qin Lie's nose, he said indifferently: "Huaxia people, you are very arrogant."

Qin Lie stayed on the spot, looking straight at him, with a smile on his lips: "I'm sorry, then I'm really used to being arrogant!"

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