"Then you have to have such arrogant capital!!"

"Where is this place, it's South Korea!! It's not your bullshit Huaxia!!"

"Here, the dragon is coiled, the tiger is, and yours is lying!"

"Huaxia people, you really annoyed me!"

Zhang Chengxun babbled a lot, and Qin Lie's ears were getting calluses.

Qin Lie listened impatiently and interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Zhang Chengxun, you don't come from a debate background, do you know how to speak but not to use your hands?"

The auction is about to start, Qin Lie just wants to settle this matter as soon as possible.

Zhang Chengxun was ridiculed so badly that he really stopped talking.

Said the last sentence: "ok, then I'll let you see."

After saying this, he no longer hesitated and gave orders to his bodyguard.

Soon, the two bodyguards behind him leaned up with their fists clenched.

Dodge left and right sideways, the most typical boxing preparation posture.

In Qin Lie's view, such people have no deterrent effect at all.

Since training with Situ Xuan Jingjin, Qin Lie also has absolute confidence in his own skills.

Now even if he encounters Xuanyuan Tianci, he is 80% sure that he can win, not to mention these nameless bodyguards.

In Qin Lie's view, these people are not much stronger than monkeys.

Correspondingly, Zhang Chengxun is just a clown in his opinion.

But Zhang Chengxun didn't know all this. As one of the three major financial groups in South Korea, Ledi holds a powerful financial regime.

Usually arrogant and domineering in the country.

He felt that Qin Lie was just a rude Chinese monkey.

In addition, the European beauty beside him is really superb, he will not let such a beautiful woman slip away from him.

Such people must be taught.

So he gave his bodyguard a death order.

"Call me!"

Then something funny happened.

The two bodyguards got the order, and they were already ready. One left and one right, they punched Qin Lie in front of Qin Lie with a straight punch.

Zhang Chengxun's face was fierce, knowing the strength of his two bodyguards, he seemed to have seen Qin Lie's end.

But Qin Lie remained unmoved in the face of the attack of the two bodyguards, and only suddenly shot when their fists were about to hit the door.

As soon as Qin Lie shot, he blocked their fists in the air.

Then they twisted in the middle, and the two of them's arms snapped, and they were directly dislocated.

The screams of ouch never came out. Qin Lie grabbed them and slammed them forward. The two took off in the air, flying at least three meters high, and finally landed, targeting Zhang Chengxun.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chengxun was hit by his two tall bodyguards, and his whole body was crushed under those two bodyguards.

"Go away! Go away!"

Zhang Chengxun was very upset, kicked and kicked the two people away, got up quickly, sorted his clothes, pointed at Qin Lie again, and said a lot of cursing.

However, Qin Lie could not understand a single word of the Korean language used this time.

The only thing I understand is one pronunciation: mama.

It is estimated that he went to greet the eighteenth generation of his ancestors.

Qin Lie heard it funny, and sneered back and said: "Master Zhang Chengxun, it seems that you have no arrogant capital. Your bodyguard's combat effectiveness seems to be unable to support your attitude!"

When Zhang Chengxun heard Qin Lie's words, he gritted his teeth.

He didn't expect Qin Lie, a gentle-looking person, to be such a fierce and reckless man.

The bodyguards are not opponents, and he is definitely not an opponent himself.

But being taught a lesson by a Chinese man in front of so many people, he didn't say his own face anymore. If this matter was posted online, he would lose the face of the entire South Korea.

So Zhang Chengxun didn't want to give up, he stared at Qin Lie, he didn't do anything, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Qin Lie didn't even have to think about his actions, he knew that he must have called other people in his subordinates for help.

This reaction is exactly the same as that of the local gangsters in China.

But Qin Lie didn't panic.

The matter is small, and the gap between the consortium in South Korea and the top families in the world is also very large. I don't even think about the Xiao family, so are you afraid of him being a Ledi group?

Qin Lie kept Makasha behind him and waited leisurely for Zhang Chengxun to call someone to come.

If this is too boring, go to the auction first, and then you can play after you come out.

But Donald didn't give him the chance to have fun.

After a brief conflict, Donald got the news backstage and quickly brought people into the hall.

He knew from his mouth that it was Zhang Chengxun who acted on Makasha, so after arriving at the scene, he did not hesitate, pointed at Zhang Chengxun and asked: "Master Zhang Chengxun, who gave you the courage to dare to be right? Our eldest lady of the Cape family has started, does Ledi Group want to enjoy the revenge of the Cape family?"

As the spokesperson of the Cape family in South Korea, Donald's words are very tough, showing the family heritage.

Zhang Chengxun had just put down the phone when he heard Donald be held accountable.

stunned for a moment.

After stroking what Donald said, he finally looked at Makasha.

A little surprised: "Is this really the young lady of the Cape family, the daughter of Patriarch Worms?"

Donald said loudly: "Today, the head of the Cape family, Mr. Worms has only one son and one daughter. Miss Makasha is an orthodox direct descendant of the Cape family, and she will definitely inherit half of the Cape family's property in the future! What do you mean by her? Is it true or false?"

Donald's words were sonorous. Although he couldn't help Makasha in front of Qin Lie, Makasha was bullied by the local chaebol in South Korea, and the Cape family still had to support her.

Zhang Chengxun had been in contact with Donald before, and knew that Donald was the standard South Korean spokesperson of the Cape family, and this identity could not be faked.

If he said it, the western beauty in front of him is probably Makasha.

Jang Sung Hoon likes beautiful women, but he is not a fool.

He is very aware of the gap between the Ledi Group and the Cape family.

A Cape family can match him with ten Ledi groups, so this person can't be messed with.

"What about him?" Zhang Chengxun pointed at Qin Lie and asked again.

Donald still supported Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin Lie Qin is an honored guest we invited to the South Korea office. Even our patriarch appreciates Mr. Qin, so Mr. Qin's reputation should not be offended."

"Master Zhang Chengxun!"

Donald said: "Although we invited you to come here today, if you insist on making trouble at the auction, then we can only invite you back."

"After all, my friends of the Cape family, one more than you is not much, and one less of you is not a lot!"

Donald's tone was quite domineering, and the Cape family was standing behind him, which gave him the confidence to speak like this.

Seeing that Donald was really angry, Zhang Chengxun didn't dare to touch his bad head again.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally smiled at Donald: "Mr. Donald, I didn't know who this young lady was at first, but only after you arrived did you find out that she was Miss Makassar. I was rude just now, and I apologize."

After speaking, he walked to Makasha again, put one hand on his chest, and leaned over to give a gentleman's salute.

"Ms. Makassar, please forgive my ignorance and rudeness. The Cape family is one of my most respected families. I apologize for what I just did, and I hope you can forgive me."

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