Makasha has just been manipulated by Zhang Chengxun, and her disgust for Zhang Chengxun has exploded.

Even if he was apologized at this moment, Zhang Chengxun's eyes didn't look good.

Rolling her eyes, Makasha was too lazy to pay attention to him.

It's just that Zhang Chengxun just wanted to do this, and didn't think about being really forgiven by Makasha.

After doing this, he walked away from Makasha.

I didn't plan to stop by Qin Lie, I glanced at Qin Lie when passing by, this time I said to Qin Lie in Chinese: "You are very kind!"

With a grim expression on his face, he squinted and walked away.

He kept leaving the hall and disappeared at the end of the corridor, seemingly entering the auction house.

Qin Lie was expressionless, completely indifferent.

Maybe this Zhang Chengxun will trouble himself again because he just lost face.

But now Zhang Chengxun is just a clown in Qin Lie's eyes, Qin Lie doesn't care at all.

It wasn't until Zhang Chengxun left that Qin Lie came to Donald.

Wei Wei nodded and thanked: "Mr. Donald, thank you for what happened just now."

The corners of Donald's mouth rose, his hands behind his back, and he said indifferently: "It should be us who want to say thank you. You arrived at the scene in time and didn't hurt the young lady. This is a love for the Cape family."

"Haha!" Qin Lie smiled and didn't care too much, "Since I promised your family to protect Miss Makasha's safety, then this is what I should do."

"I can bully Miss Makasha, but others can't."

"Hahahaha!" The last sentence made Donald laugh. "Well said, Mr. Qin, handing the young lady to you should be the most correct thing the patriarch did."

Makasha also muttered dissatisfiedly behind her back: "Qin Lie, I don't even know whether to thank you or scold you for your attitude."

Qin Lie shrugged and boasted: "No need to thank you, you caused me trouble again at the scene today, so the 200,000 yuan will be deducted from the 100,000 yuan first."

"Ah!" Makasha almost screamed.

Knowing that his salary was deducted again, the good image Qin Lie had just established in Makasha's mind collapsed in an instant.

"Qin Lie!" Makasha cursed him, "I curse you to die in the future! Ahhhh! You're taking my money again, you're going too far!"

Donald listened and kept laughing.

It seems that Qin Lie is the only person in this world who can control the little devil Makasha.

Of course, such a curse is just a joke.

Qin Lie and Makasha have actually gotten to know each other slowly.

A small disturbance did not affect everyone's mood much, and the time soon came to seven o'clock.

Oh, by the way, this incident not only did not have any impact on Qin Lie, but even brought him a lot of benefits.

What happened just now happened in the hall, under the eyes of many people.

Most of the people who came to the auction today were high-level celebrities from South Korea invited by Donald.

On the one hand, these people lamented the strength of the Cape family, which can make Zhang Chengxun, an arrogant and domineering person, bow his head.

On the one hand, Qin Lie is also very impressed.

This Chinese man dared to fight against Zhang Chengxun when he had no support.

The most important thing is his boxing skills. With one pair of two, one move and one second, he put two bodyguards on Zhang Chengxun's body, making Zhang Chengxun make a big appearance. .

That Zhang Chengxun may have never been so embarrassed in his life.

This crown prince is not well-known even in the high society of South Korea, and this operation makes other people feel comfortable.

One of them is Kim Jong Hyuk.

Qin Lie didn't expect that before he entered the auction venue, Jin Zhenghe suddenly appeared beside him.

Looking at him with a smile, he said in fluent Chinese, "You are very good."

Then, without saying much, he walked all the way into the auction.

Said Qin Lie in a daze.

After reading the information, Qin Lie knew very well that this person was Kim Jong Hyuk.

He also did not expect that a small disturbance would actually make a good impression on Jin Zhenghe.

The purpose of coming to the auction today was to get close to Kim Jong Hyuk and let him open the back door to send Super Steel back to China as soon as possible.

This unintentional addition of willows and willows has made this matter a good start.

So, I have to thank Zhang Chengxun for this wave of assists?

Ha ha.

Qin Lie was very satisfied, the corners of his mouth rose, and he walked all the way into the auction room.

The scale of this auction hall is not small. There is a booth in front of it. The seats under the stage are fanned out, and each seat is at least half a meter apart. But even so, at a glance, there are 500 seats in the hall. as much.

At first, I only knew that this auction was an auction organized by Capet. Only now did Qin Lie know that this auction was charitable.

The Cape family promised to donate all the proceeds from the auction, after deducting the auction fee, to charitable organizations in South Korea.

A lot of people came here this time, with a total of 500 seats, the participating entrepreneurs and their female family members, etc., half of the venue was filled.

That is to say, there are more than 100 high-level celebrities who came to this auction, which is already a lot for a high-end auction.

Because it is a temporary list, Qin Lie's position is behind the entire seat.

Entering at 6:50, the staff basically sat down until about 7:10.

Seeing that there was no fluctuation in the venue, the auctioneer and host on the stage began to speak the opening remarks.

It's just a few words of "thank you all for coming to today's auction" and "I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the charities in South Korea" and so on.

The preparation part also took ten minutes to prepare, and it was very boring.

But Qin Lie was not idle, his eyes kept on Kim Jong Hyuk who was sitting in the second row in front.

Others may want to come here to shoot something satisfying and go home, or take this opportunity to build a good relationship with the Cape family.

But Qin Lie's purpose has always been clear, that is to get Jin Zhenghe and get the super steel cooperation contract.

Everyone else is looking forward to the auction, only he is thinking about how to deal with this situation.

His mind was racing, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Soon, the corners of his mouth rose, and a set of operations was determined.

After the auctioneer has finished speaking the opening remarks, the subsequent process is much simpler.

About ten minutes later, the first lot was pushed out by the staff behind.

The stuff is not very precious, after all, it is just an appetizer.

A necklace designed by a modern jewelry designer, the center body is a blue diamond of high quality, exactly the same as the blue diamond used in the world famous necklace Ocean Star.

The necklace, called Angel's Tears, started at $10 million.

Qin Lie's mind was thinking about Kim Jong-hyuk, and he was not interested in this thing.

In the end, when the necklace came out, Makasha on one side became excited.

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