As soon as the angel's tears came out, Makasha pushed Qin Lie's arm, and was extremely excited.

"Qin Lie, look at this, look at this!"

She pointed to the stage and asked Qin Lie to take a look.

Qin Lie was thinking about Kim Jong Hyuk's question, frowning a little impatiently.

"What is this?"

"I like this necklace so much!" she said, "I wanted it very much after my dad bought it back, but he didn't want to give it to me. I was so mad that he didn't give it to me when I wanted it so much. Me, and now he actually put it up for auction!"

Girls, it's normal to like these jewelry.

Qin Lie also heard what she meant and asked, "So, you want this now?"

"Hehe..." Makasha smiled a little embarrassedly, "Hey, Qin Lie, my bank card is blocked now, and I definitely won't be able to get the money out, I'm afraid someone will take the necklace away, don't you? You can buy the necklace for me first."

"Don't worry, I will definitely return the money to you later!" Makasha emphasized.


Qin Lie snapped his fingers, this time he was very forthright.

"I did it for you," he said.

When Makasha heard this, her face was full of surprise, as if she had heard something incredible.

"real or fake?"

Qin Lie said: "Although I often bully you, as long as it is your normal request, when have I not met it? Isn't it just a necklace, I will give it to you!"

Oh, that guy, Qin Lie's operation today, helping her to get ahead and buying a necklace for her, just moved her.

I do not know how it is.

When she first arrived in Huaxia, she thought that Qin Lie was a ****, and later was targeted by Qin Lie. She wanted to hate Qin Lie, and then she saw his extraordinary side and began to look at this person with admiration.

Up to now, Makasha is more and more pleasing to Qin Lie's eyes.

Sure enough, there is still something special about the person that his father likes.

Makasha was so excited, she held Qin Lie's hand and kept shaking: "Qin Lie, you are so kind, thank you!"

Qin Lie raised his eyebrows and didn't say much.

But he had a wishful thinking in his heart.

Of course, he couldn't buy a necklace for Makasha with more than 10 million yuan, and he had no special relationship with Makasha. Qin Lie was not so upright.

What he thought was that this was an auction held by the Cape family anyway, and everything belonged to Worms.

And all proceeds from today's auction will be donated to charity.

If Makasha wants it, she can shoot for her. Just say hello to Donald, and ask him to give Makasha the necklace during the backstage transaction.

For the Cape family, it was nothing more than changing the necklace from his father to Makasha.

The only loss is that the charities here are short of millions of dollars.

It didn't affect them much at all.

This wave of money was originally earned for nothing, how dare they think that they have earned too little?

And as long as this operation is done, Qin Lie not only loses nothing, but also makes a good impression with Makasha.

So after Qin Lie agreed to Makasha, he shot directly. At this time, someone had already raised the price to 12 million US dollars.

Most of the shots were entrepreneurs who brought their female companions. This thing seems to be able to lock the hearts of beautiful women.

Qin Lie didn't panic at all because he had already made plans.

The asking price was also extraordinarily unrestrained: "15 million!"

It directly raised the price by three million.

When he made his move, many people in front of him turned their heads curiously, wanting to see who made such a bold bid.

In the end, seeing that it was him who was making trouble with Zhang Chengxun in the hall, he couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

This group of rich South Koreans are very surprised by his identity.

Everyone whispered and began to speculate about him.

"This Chinese man is quite powerful."

"I wasn't afraid of Zhang Chengxun at first, but now I'm spending a lot of money on necklaces to make beautiful women happy, and I'm making a lot of money. It seems that he is also a big man in China!"

"Yeah, now it seems that he is also a person who is not easy to provoke!"

"I just don't know how Zhang Chengxun compares to him?"

Everyone murmured, almost forgetting the bidding price.

However, Qin Lie's price exceeded 50% of the reserve price, which was almost the price at which the lot should be sold.

The auctioneer counted down three numbers, ready to drop the hammer.

As expected, just as the transaction was about to be completed, a voice came from another direction.

"Sixteen million!"

His voice was crisp, with a hint of anger.

Qin Lie tilted his head slightly and saw the place where the placard was raised. It was one of Zhang Chengxun's assistants. Zhang Chengxun was sitting on the seat, motionless, as if he had to win the auction.

Beside him, a melon-faced woman like a South Korean girl group was lying coquettishly in his arms.

Obviously, he was also trying to make the woman happy.

The others listened and turned their eyes away.

Everyone knows there is a good show to watch today.

And Makasha was full of hope and wanted Angel Tears very much.

It turned out that the deal was almost done, and Zhang Chengxun came out halfway, she was about to explode.

He couldn't help but scolded: "My God, is he sick, ah? What do you mean, he deliberately targeted us, didn't call for a long time at first, then waited until we made a bid and immediately shot, did we have to be upset?"

"Really, it's okay to not ask him to settle accounts at first, but he still wants to come here to make a fool of yourself?"

Although Makasha has a bad temper, she doesn't usually scold people. Today, she was really disgusted by Zhang Chengxun.

"It doesn't matter." Qin comforted him, "This thing must be yours in the end."

Without hesitation, Qin Lie bid again: "17 million!"

Hearing his bid, everyone turned around.

I also want to see who will end up in this competition between him and Zhang Chengxun.

Zhang Chengxun turned his head slightly, didn't care about Qin Lie's expression, and called out again, "Eighteen million."

Zhang Chengxun likes women very much. For the sake of women's happiness, he spends a lot of money, it doesn't matter how much money he spends.

Originally, he really didn't plan to buy this necklace, but when he saw Qin Lie's shot, he naturally didn't want Qin Lie to be so happy.

So join the ranks of the competition.

This necklace, he also had to.

As for Qin Lie, he didn't panic at all.

Familiar with Donald and the Cape family, no matter how much this necklace is called, the amount of money that you can pay is limited.

Now the money that is shouted is just a number, and he is just a number, but Zhang Chengxun wants to take real money.

Can I still be afraid of him at this price?

"Nineteen million!"

Qin Lie took his price in seconds.

"Twenty million!"

Zhang Chengxun had a hard time with him.

"Twenty-one million!"

"Twenty-two million!"

"Twenty-three million!"


Soon, the price was shouted to 30 million by the two alternately.

And this, has come to as much as three times the reserve price.

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