Say it here.

Generally, auction houses have unwritten rules that circulate among buyers.

The reserve price of the auction item from the auction house is definitely lower than the real price of the auction item. After all, it is the asking price, and naturally it cannot be the original price.

As for the starting price as a percentage of the original price, there are also special regulations.

This is written in plaintext.

The unwritten rule is that generally speaking, as long as the price is twice the starting price, it will be close to the original price of the product, and if it is only three times the reserve price of the auction, the price will exceed the price of the product itself. One hundred and fifty, it's almost time to stop at this time.

Unless you particularly like that item, 90% of buyers will stop buying it once the price triples.

After all, buying something depends on its value and income. It doesn't matter if you lose money, but if you lose too much, it will appear that the person who bought it is a bit stupid.

That's how this unspoken rule came about.

In other words, now Qin Lie and Zhang Chengxun have called the price to this level, which has reached a limit.

When it came to 30 million, Zhang Chengxun's face changed obviously.

He is considering whether to continue to increase the price.

"Thirty-one million!"

And while he was still thinking, Qin Lie didn't hesitate at all, and continued to lift it up, just like this money is not money.

Zhang Chengxun frowned, scolding inwardly: This person is SB, knowing that he has already lost a lot of money at this price, he will continue to bid.

To be honest, he already wanted to give up.

No sign for half a day.

"Master Zhang Chengxun." His assistant asked him, "Should we continue to follow."

Zhang Chengxun touched his chin, still thinking.

The beautiful woman lying in his arms saw his hesitation and acted coquettishly: "Oppa, please call me again, I really want that necklace!"

Zhang Chengxun can't stand the coquetry of women the most.

Moreover, this woman is very popular in South Korea and is the dream lover of countless otakus. It took Zhang Chengxun more than a month to get her.

Now that I finally got it, I haven't had enough fun, and I don't want to make her unhappy for the time being.

So when the woman acted like a spoiled child, and he was really upset with Qin Lie, Zhang Chengxun called again: "32 million."


Qin Lie's heart moved at that time, and he felt a little interesting.

Zhang Chengxun is so willing to pay so much for a woman, so should he help him?

Qin Lie suddenly had other thoughts in his mind.

He suddenly didn't want to buy this necklace anymore, it seemed more comfortable to cheat on him than to embarrass him.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie continued to shout, "Three three million!"

Zhang Chengxun's heart was bleeding, but he didn't want to lose, and he didn't want to lose face in front of women, so he continued to shout, "34 million!"

Qin Lie: "Thirty-five million!"

Zhang Chengxun: "36 million!"

Qin Lie: "Thirty-seven million!"

The prices alternated, and successively came to 40 million.

At 40 million, Makasha felt that the price was outrageous.

Seeing that Qin Lie still wanted to call, she quickly persuaded Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, alright, don't call anymore, it's already a loss, this necklace is not worth so much."

"I like it, but it's not necessary, you should stop!"

Qin Lie is very satisfied with Makasha's reaction, which at least proves that this little girl has a little conscience.

But his thoughts at this time were no longer like this. He had plans in his heart and comforted Makasha: "It's okay, I know what to do, I have my own measure, just wait and watch the show."

Makasha was confused and didn't know Qin Lie's specific plans.

But looking at his confident face, he finally chose to believe him.

Qin Lie ignored it and continued to shout, "Forty-one million!"

The voice was calm and unhurried.

This time, the previous discussion on Qin Lie became more intense.

They are all thinking, what kind of status does Qin Lie have in Huaxia, and how much wealth he has to dare to do this.

This price is already twice the real price of the necklace, and it will definitely be a loss to my grandma's house if I shoot it back.

Anyone with any brains would not continue to shout at this moment, but Qin Lie had no intention of stopping at all.

The outrageous operation brings deep doubts.

People who can produce such a mysterious operation either have a problem with their IQ, or their wealth is really majestic.

But at the beginning of the hall, everyone saw him and Zhang Chengxun playing a game, his calm reaction and neither humble nor arrogant bearing, not like a fool.

There is only one explanation for this matter, that is, Qin Lie does have a lot of money in his hands, so much money that no one can think of.

On Zhang Chengxun's side, people are going to be stupid.

He didn't expect Qin Lie to be so rigid.

It is good that he is the young master of the Ledi Group, but it is still his fathers who control the wealth of the group.

Although he has power, his personal wealth is only about three billion US dollars.

Forty million dollars is definitely not a small amount for him.

He had never spent such a high amount of money before to pick up girls.

If he kept calling, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

He has already decided to call again for the last time. If Qin Lie wants to continue to call after this time, then give it to him!

Anyway, the necklace is not worth the price, the price is here, whoever buys it sb.

He had only planned to call one last time.

But Qin Lie kept asking for the price and observing Zhang Chengxun's face.

He knew very well what the limit price this foolish young master could accept.

At this moment, seeing Zhang Chengxun's face as uncomfortable as eating booger, he knew it was time to close the net.

Finally, Qin Lie shouted loudly: "Eighty million!"

Zhang Chengxun is here.

After making the final calculation, it is also the last bid. If you think too much in your mind, your ears will not be enough.

Almost without thinking, he raised his hand and raised his card, and opened his mouth: "Eighty-one million!"


At this moment, the entire auction hall was boiling.

Many people stood up from their chairs, widened their eyes, and turned to look at Qin Lie.

They were very surprised by Qin Lie's bid.

They heard it very clearly, Qin Lie's last offer, doubled the 42 million!

The price of 80 million exceeded the reserve price by eight times!

Four times the true value!

A modern necklace, with no historical value or cultural value, was photographed for 80 million!

My God, how rich is this Chinese!

Everyone is thinking so.

I was even thinking about whether Qin Lie would continue to call the price down. After all, he raised the price of 80 million, which is obviously not his limit yet!

As a result, everyone was wrong.

While everyone was still waiting for him to call down.

He leaned back, lying on Ge You, and slumped into the chair.

There is absolutely no intention to continue calling.

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