Qin Lie just stared at the rich people in front of him for a long time.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

The eyes of the others were full of anticipation, and they seemed to say a sentence: call, continue to call, eighty million, let's see the power of Shenhao.

But Qin Lie lay in the chair, as steady as a mountain, and his buttocks did not move like glue was applied.

There is a great momentum to lie down for ten thousand years.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Qin Lie shrugged and looked helpless: "What are you all looking at me for? You think I'll keep calling? Crazy, a fool would spend 80 million dollars on such a necklace !"

There was another commotion in the crowd.

All eyes turned to Zhang Chengxun in the second row.

After all, the fool Qin Lie said, there is one at the scene.

At that moment, Zhang Chengxun was stunned.

The last 81 million was completely blurted out, and I didn't even understand what the price Qin Lie was shouting was.

Anyway, thinking about the last bid, Qin Lie will definitely call again.

What made him confused was that Qin Lie actually stopped calling after he called.

What made him even more confused was that Qin Lie's final price was 80 million!

Crash, the whole venue was restless, and the people at the scene finally understood Qin Lie's intentions.

It turned out that Qin Lie didn't plan to buy a necklace at all. It turned out that he set up a game from beginning to end, and he was cheating Zhang Chengxun.

It can be said that with this set of operations, Qin Lie played Zhang Chengxun as a fool.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, Qin Lie didn't want to pit him from the beginning, that's because he was too cheap, he had to hit the muzzle, Qin Lie gave him such a wave of IQ crushing.

At this moment, Qin Lie was lying on the chair, which could be called comfort.

How can I feel comfortable when I stole the tears of angels from Zhang Chengxun?

Including Makasha on one side, she clutched her stomach and almost laughed. She patted the armrest frantically regardless of her image.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!"

"Qin Lie, you are so bad!"

"80 million to buy such a necklace, how stupid!"

"My God, the young master of the legendary Ledi Group has only such a little IQ!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Makasha kept laughing, and her voice was so loud that it floated over the entire auction hall.

The others at the scene were infected by her laughter. Although they didn't dare to laugh openly, they covered their mouths and suppressed their laughter.

One of the buddies couldn't bear it anymore, turned his back, facing Zhang Chengxun, and kept shaking his shoulders.

The laughter, including Makasha's words, penetrated Jang Sung Hoon's eardrum like a needle.

The second time, the second time today, I lost in Qin Lie's hands.

It doesn't matter that he suffers a loss. What matters is that Qin Lie's operation made him feel like he was being played with his hands like sb.

In front of so many people!

At that moment, Zhang Chengxun felt that the image he had managed for many years had collapsed into pieces.

His face was flushed, like countless slaps slapped on his face a hundred times from left to right, and he almost wanted to find a crack to get in.

Take a deep breath, keep breathing deeply.

He wanted to suppress this anger.

But unfortunately, despite his best efforts, he still failed to calm his heart.

In the end, it erupted like a blowout.

Standing up abruptly in the second row, Zhang Chengxun kicked the auction chair with murderous intent in his eyes.

The woman in that girl group also knew what she was doing wrong, so she quickly got up and persuaded Zhang Chengxun.

But as soon as he got up, Zhang Chengxun slapped him on the chair.

Angrily walking all the way to Qin Lie, he was condescending and kicked Qin Lie's chair again.

Pointing at Qin Lie's nose, he asked, "Huaxia people, are you playing with me?"

Qin Lie's face was indifferent, he slumped on the chair motionless, and smiled jokingly: "Master Zhang, be gentle, the chair is from the auction house, if it breaks, you will lose money."

Regardless, Zhang Chengxun still questioned: "Huaxia people, I'm asking you something, I want you to answer right away!"

"Haha!" Qin Lie said, "To play with you? Nonono, you are not a beautiful woman, I have no interest in you, you are willing to bid, why did you ask me to play with you?"

Zhang Chengxun asked again: "Then your last sentence doubled the price all of a sudden, what do you mean?"

Qin Lie's smile gradually solidified, looked up at Zhang Chengxun and asked, "Is it illegal?"


Zhang Chengxun was enraged by Qin Lie's indifferent attitude, and slapped the table next to him.

"Huaxia people, don't think that with the Cape family standing behind me, I can't do anything about you, this is South Korea, not the UK, even the Cape family, it depends on the face of my Ledi Group, Huaxia people, I tell you, I have 10,000 ways to keep you from going back to Huaxia, and I advise you to be polite."

Qin Lie was still lying in the chair, ignoring him at all.

"Haha." Qin Lie said, "Then go back and look at history, go back thousands of years to see where the country is. If you want to count, you have to call me ancestor, and I advise you to speak. Be polite."

"Qin Lie!" Zhang Chengxun broke out, almost roaring out, "Don't be shameless!!"

Suddenly, Qin Lie also stood up from the chair, and his temper erupted like a rainstorm.

"You are so shameless!"

With a bang, Qin Lie slapped the table next to the chair with a slap, so strong that the entire table collapsed.

Clap la la, the chair shattered into pieces like a landslide.

Qin Lie's aura also dissipated.

"I don't even bother to mention about the lobby. An adult can't control his own xiati, you are a fart!"

"Let's just talk about the auction. I bid a good price. If you want to come over and intervene, I thought, okay, let's see who is richer!"

"But when you reach 30,000,000, you still have to call. That's because you are deliberately doing things. I think you're willing to pay 30,000,000 yuan, so you must really want this thing. I thought to myself, since you want this thing so much, Then I'll give it to you!"

"I know the whole process clearly, the price of barking is clear, and the price of 80 million is sent to your dog's ears word by word. You have to continue to bark like sb. Who can blame?"

"Now that I've been laughed at, and I'm looking for trouble with Lao Tzu, is your Ledi Group so promising?"

"What a fool to play with you!"

"I just said I played with you, what can you do?"

"There are 10,000 ways to prevent me from going back to Huaxia, so don't just talk about it."

I'm just standing here today, if you have the ability, let me lie down and go back. "


With the output of the wind and rain, Qin Lie did not give Zhang Chengxun face at all.

First, he felt that he really didn't need to look at this sb's face, and secondly, there was another opportunity to show his presence in front of Kim Jong Hyuk, and he wanted to seize it.

So he scolded Zhang Chengxun in the face, and scolded Zhang Chengxun until his face turned green.

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