This time, Qin Lie's aura fully spread out, suppressing the audience.

Standing face to face with Zhang Chengxun, eyes exchanged, not at all embarrassed.

It can be said that in the whole of South Korea, among the younger generation, except for Kim Jong Hyuk, no one dares to do this against Jang Sung Hoon.

Having such a conflict with Zhang Chengxun completely tore Zhang Chengxun's face to shreds and stepped on the ground, which means that Zhang Chengxun and the entire Ledi Group are not taken seriously.

As one of the three major consortiums in South Korea, Ledi is even the weakest of the three.

Its influence in South Korean society is also too strong for ordinary people to imagine.

Moreover, the composition of the members of the Ledi Group is complex. From white to South Korea to conquer institutional members, to black to the underground forces in the entire South Korea, the Ledi Group can speak.

It is precisely because they know the influence of the Ledi Group that other people would not dare to do this with Zhang Chengxun even if they suffer a loss.

But this unexpected Chinese man was not afraid of Zhang Chengxun at all. Not only did he put Zhang Chengxun on the ground and crushed him, but he also crushed him back and forth twice.

At that moment, Qin Lie not only shocked Zhang Chengxun, but also shocked the entire venue.

For at least fifteen seconds, the entire venue was silent, and everyone looked at his face, silent.

His heart was trembling, and his heart beat more than twice as fast as usual.

As for Zhang Chengxun himself, after being blasted out by Qin Lie, he swallowed his saliva and was finally suppressed.

Shortness of breath, dodging eyes, completely lacking the calmness that a top young master should have.

He is afraid!

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was really scared.

After so long, besides his own father, Qin Lie was the first person to make him feel flustered.

At that time, Zhang Chengxun had only one thought in his mind, that is, Qin Lie, a Chinese native, is really not an ordinary person.

I seem to have kicked an iron plate today.

Otherwise, withdraw first? ?

Zhang Chengxun thought so.

It's just that, after all, he is the young master of Ledi Group, and he still has to support Ledi Group's face as much as possible.

Even if he left, Qin Lie couldn't see his guilty conscience. After Zhang Chengxun made his decision, he pointed at Qin Lie with his inner courage and said, "That's fine, Huaxia people, then you just wait here for me, wait. Ledi Group's revenge against you!"

But in the end, he is strong from the outside, and he is not strong enough. The words he says are like flies, and he doesn't even believe it himself.

Qin Lie shrugged, not bothering to talk nonsense with him, and sat back in the chair again.

This time, I didn't even bother to look at him.

As for Zhang Chengxun, he was also cowardly, he didn't dare to stay in the same place, he could only say hello to his people.

In the end, they all got out of the auction like mice.

Twenty minutes after the auction started, their experience was over.

But after Zhang Chengxun left, even five minutes later, the atmosphere of the venue slowly returned to normal with the host's greeting.

The host wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and was also quite frightened.

"Well, it's a small disturbance. The organizer still hopes that you will be less angry. After all, peace is the most precious thing, and peace is the most precious thing!"

"Then, let's take a look at today's second collection, colorful glazed enamel..."

The progress of the auction finally continued to push down.

However, Qin Lie's performance just now is still imprinted in the hearts of every auctioneer.

Especially Makasha on the side, who was extremely excited at the moment.

The two hands danced wildly there, like a little fan girl.

"Oh! my! gad!" She exaggerated, saying that every word was accented.

"Qin Lie, you were so handsome just now! Oh my God! This is the most handsome I have known you for over a week!"

"Wow, I really, I really want to be convinced by you!"

"From today, I really want to start looking at you with admiration!"

Jerry, quack, quack, Makasha said a lot in Qin Lie's ear.

It is enough to express the admiration in the heart of the girl, it is the passion of adrenaline rushing.

Makasha was born into the Cape family, and there are very few people in this world that she can admire.

The only person she really admires is her father, Worms.

Over the years, she has also seen a lot of pictures of Worms handling things. When dealing with the enemies of the Cape family, Worms is as domineering as today's Qin Lie.

Because she was by her side, Makasha could feel the momentum that just exploded from Qin Lie's body more than others.

That momentum made her think of her father Worms for the first time.

At some point, Qin Lie really has the ability to be admired.

Although not as impressive as his father Worms, Qin Lie is young after all. As time goes on and his experience grows, Qin Lie will only become more and more powerful.

Maybe, he could also become a figure at the top of the world like his father.

All in all, today's auction trip gave Makasha a subversive change in Qin Lie.

She already worshipped Qin Lie a little bit.

Qin Lie listened to Makasha's words, smiled and said, "Learn from me, learn what, learn to quarrel?"

"No no no!" Makasha said, "That's a kind of tolerance. At that moment, I had an illusion that I felt like my father, you can control the power of the Cape family."

"Really?" Qin Lie laughed at himself without knowing it, "I'm so powerful, like your father, so do you want to call me dad?"

Makasha rolled her eyes, this person really can't praise him, he will float away when he praises him, he is really convinced.

"Hey!" Makasha said, "I'd better not tell you. Chatting with you will easily reduce my impression of you. I want to keep the moment of your bravery just now."

Qin Lie listened, shrugged, and asked, "Then you won't be angry that I didn't buy the necklace for you?"

Makasha looked indifferent, "It doesn't matter, it's just a necklace. After my bank card is unfrozen, I can buy ten of them. Besides, you used this necklace to smash Zhang Chengxun. I'm too happy. Satyr must not die!"

After Qin Lie heard this, the corners of his mouth rose.

He was very satisfied. Under his influence, Makasha, this little girl, has changed significantly after all.

The current Makassar is completely different from the Makassa one week ago.

This is also a good momentum.

The harvest was not small, Qin Lie's mood improved, put the matter of Fang Cai and Zhang Chengxun behind, and continued to pay attention to the auction.

Sending Zhang Chengxun away, there is only one last goal left today.

Qin Lie's eyes passed through the blockade of everyone and fell on Jin Zhenghe in the front row.

And he also found out miraculously that when it was time for him to look at Kim Jong Hyuk, Kim Jong Hyuk was also looking at him, and their eyes met briefly in the air.

Kim Jong-hyuk's reaction was very relaxed, nodding his head.

Qin Lie didn't respond much either, nodded in response, and then turned his attention to the table again.

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