"Huaxia people, what are you doing?"

Park Entai looked at Qin Lie from a distance and asked.

Qin Lie's face was innocent, pretending that he didn't know anything.

"I like this painting and want to buy this painting, can't I?" He shrugged, "Am I breaking the law again!?"

"Sanjin Group likes this painting, I advise you to stop." Park Entai said.

Qin Lie remained unmoved, and even picked his ears out of boredom.

"What kind of group is the Sanjin Group? Why haven't I heard of it, is it particularly powerful? Are you the emperor? Can't grab it from anyone else you fancy?"


Park Entai found that Qin Lie not only likes to brush his presence, but also that his mouth hurts people.

A simple sentence or two really made him unable to utter a single word.

"Okay!" Park Entai gritted his teeth and said, "We are not emperors, you can grab it, but you have to see if you have the ability to grab it!"

Park Eun Tae is an action guy and doesn't want to bet more with Qin Lie.

Seeing Qin Lie being so arrogant, he decided to slap him in the face with his actions.

Stop talking, sit down again, and ask for the price again: "750 million!"



Even buy Karma!

Seeing this picture, all kinds of exclamations sounded around.

Everyone thought that today's good show was over, but they didn't expect it had just begun.

A small auction was stunned by Qin Lie, and it was full of highlights.

This Chinese man really knows how to live!

And Qin Lie had a plan in mind, and now it's only part of the plan.

If you have a purpose in your heart, you will be sure to do it a lot.

No matter what Park Eun-tae said, Qin Lie immediately continued to call after he made the bid: "850 million!"

Park Entai gritted his teeth: "900 million!"


Park Entai continued to grit his teeth: "One billion fifty million!"

"One hundred and fifty million!"

"Twelve billion!"


This is the real auction that goes beyond ordinary people's cognition.

This can be called a fairy fight.

Samsung Group did its best, and Qin Lie pressed them 100 million every time.

Prices are rising like a rocket.

No one thought that such an ordinary auction could be sent to this level.


There are many rich people coming to the scene today, and the last one has assets of one billion US dollars.

But even with so many rich people, this auction went beyond their cognition.

Especially the entrepreneur with only one billion assets, who has been shivering in the battle between Qin Lie and Park Entai at this moment, shrinking in his chair and not daring to say a word.

Qin Lie and Park Entai used facts to prove a sentence, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

He has a lot of assets, but Qin Lie and Park Eun-tae told him: No, your assets are not as good as a painting!

This took a toll on his self-confidence.

It also led to everyone's admiration for Qin Lie like a surging river.

They know that the Sanjin Group is rich.

But they didn't expect Qin Lie to be so rich.

At first, it was just a small fight with Zhang Chengxun, but now the fight with Park Entai is the real power.

God, he looks like he is only 30 years old. How can such a young person have the capital to compete with a super group like the Sanjin Group? ?

The power behind this man is too strong.

Everyone sighed, and the battle beyond their cognition continued.

Qin Lie kept shouting, the price of each break must be 100 million higher than theirs.

The oil painting price of "The Savior" quickly reached 1.5 billion.

How should I put it, since the auction industry and the antique collection industry have been around, the most expensive lot in human history is only $1.7 billion.

After all, there is a ceiling for these things. US$1.7 billion is equivalent to more than 10 billion yuan, which is definitely a sky-high price among sky-high prices.

And this auction, because of personal grievances, raised a calligraphy and painting that originally had a maximum of 300 million US dollars to a height of 1.5 billion, which was not calm.

Others watch Park Eun Tae and Qin Lie and feel like crazy.

Including Park Eun Tae, was also agitated by Qin Lie. He didn't want to be the laughing stock of today's auction like Zhang Chengxun, so he had to win this auction.

However, Qin Lie's seemingly crazy move was completely within his plan.

He couldn't have paid such a high price for a painting he didn't like at all.

He still has a way to lower the price of the painting later - after all, the owner of this painting is Worms, his ally.

So now no matter how much the price is, it's just a number, Qin Lie doesn't feel pain at all.

Since Park Eun-tae and him started fighting, Park Eun-tae's defeat has been doomed.

It's impossible for Park Eun Tae to outplay him.

"1700 million!" Qin Lie raised the price by 100 million.

Since there is such an opportunity to pretend, it is natural to pretend to have fun.

And this price has already equaled the highest price of human history art auctions.

Including Park Eun-tae, he did not expect a painting today to reach such a high level.

When he reached the card point of 1.7 billion, he suddenly woke up.

Before I knew it, I had asked for such a high price.

He was frightened into a cold sweat and came to his senses.

If we continue like this, we might fall into Qin Lie's routine again.

When the time comes to call for two or three billion dollars, Qin Lie stops calling, and it is himself who suffers.

This can't go the way of Zhang Chengxun.

Park Entai woke up and finally wanted to end this farce.

Hearing Qin Lie's high price of 1.7 billion, Park Entai laughed, and finally shook his head and said, "Huaxia people, so you want to use your previous routine again."

"I almost got this trick again."

"Hehe, but do you think I'm Zhang Chengxun? I'm not that stupid. 1.7 billion, you are crazy to pay such a high price. I'll play slowly by myself, I won't accompany you anymore."

After finishing speaking, Park Entai will no longer confront Qin Lie.

With a smile, he thought he had seen through Qin Lie's trick, and was very satisfied. He didn't stop at the auction, and left the auction room with his own people like Zhang Chengxun.

This auction, which almost broke the record of human history, came to an end because of his abandonment.

The auctioneer on the stage dropped the hammer, and finally "Savior" was auctioned by Qin Lie at a super high price of 1.7 billion US dollars.

Everyone in the audience exclaimed again, looking at each other in dismay, and their hearts were violent.

1.7 billion is not the first tens of millions of petty fights.

Almost everyone with tens of millions of dollars is present.

But $1.7 billion has already reached an appalling level.

Whether or not Qin Lie fell into Park Entai's trick in the end.

But in the end, there is one thing that can’t be wrong, that is, Qin Lie can spend 1.7 billion US dollars to buy a painting.

In retrospect, he has 1.7 billion dollars in spare money.

Pushing it back again, his total personal assets are probably sky-high.

Everyone felt chills in their hearts and was completely shocked to death by Qin Lie's performance.

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