After the auction was over, Makasha leaned over to Qin Lie, gave a thumbs up, and laughed.

"Qin Lie, you can do it. This will suppress the largest group in South Korea. It is 1.7 billion US dollars. You are very good at showing."

"Are you really going to spend 1.7 billion to buy this painting?"

"I don't see that you are still a literary fanatic."

Qin Lie laughed and said casually: "Do you think I look like someone who is willing to spend 1.7 billion dollars on a painting?"

Martha shook her head and said truthfully, "It's not like that."

"That's right." Qin Lie, "I naturally have my reasons for doing this."

"But you still spent the real money of 1.7 billion US dollars, can you still earn it back?"

Seeing Qin Lie being mysterious, Makasha looked puzzled.

Qin Lie didn't say any more, so he pretended to be a mystery and sold it: "Just wait and see."

Makasha became more and more curious, thinking that Qin Lie had some strange idea to recover the billion-dollar losses.

I thought that Qin Lie must have some great tricks, so I was looking forward to Qin Lie's way of doing things.

After that, he waited for the bid at the auction, and four or five lots came out later, and the time was extended to three hours, but Qin Lie didn't make any bids. He waited until the auction ended, and it was ten o'clock in the evening.

After the auction, he went to the backstage to pick up "The Savior", and at the same time he had to pay the 1.7 billion US dollars agreed on the auction table.

But because it was an auction held by the Cape family, he saw Donald who did this transaction later.

Donald was also surprised and said bluntly: "Qin Lie, you did a really good job when you dealt with Zhang Chengxun the first time, but the second time you fight with the Sanjin Group for this painting, it seems irrational, no matter where you buy it for 1.7 billion dollars. A piece of art is a loss, you are a little impulsive."

"That's why!" Qin Lie said bluntly, "I know very well that 1.7 billion US dollars is a big loss for this painting, so am I coming to you as soon as this is over?"

"Looking for me?" Donald said suspiciously. "What are you looking for me for?"

"I have to trouble you to call Mr. Worms for me." Qin Lie said embarrassedly.

"Do you want to call the patriarch?" Donald was surprised. "What do you want to do?"

Before Qin Lie could speak, Makasha interjected: "Qin Lie, you don't want to beg my dad to lower the price of this painting and sell it to you, you've already figured out the trick, don't be just The set is almost??"

Qin Lie raised his eyebrows and said with a wicked smile, "What's wrong?"

"I go……"

Makasha was helpless: "Looking at your mysterious appearance, I thought you had some great tricks, but you told me that you were going to ask my dad to lower the price! You can't do that either?"

Qin Lie shrugged and said, "Whether it's a good move or a low move, the one that can solve the problem is the good one. I didn't break the law, and it didn't affect other people. I just took a back door and took a shortcut.

"whispering sound!"

Makasha was speechless, but she still scoffed at this matter, and her reverence for Qin Lie, like a surging river, suddenly dropped several grades.

Qin Lie, when you have no expectations for him, you can always exceed your expectations in various ways.

On the contrary, when you have expectations for him, he does not do things so high-end.

Maybe this is the real person.

There are advantages and disadvantages to be a real person, after all, there is no way for a person to be perfect.

Qin Lie wanted to do this from the very beginning. Anyway, he can discuss with Worms behind the scenes. With the friendship between the two sides, there is no problem in asking Worms to lower the price.

That's why it was so crazy at the auction.

Those bids were just bids to him, and all numbers were just numbers.

1.7 billion to buy a painting, crazy!

Even if this painting can help him get the super steel contract with the st group, it is impossible for him to do it.

Donald's call to Worms was connected, and Qin Lie had a face-to-face call with Worms for the first time.

Never communicated with Worms before, either through Bruny or Donald.

Worms' demeanor was very similar to what he imagined, his tone was very calm when he spoke, just like Xuanyuan Hao, nothing in this world could cause his mood swings.

Qin Lie told Worms about his situation, including getting close to Jin Zhenghe, getting the Super Steel contract, and the series of operations at the auction venue.

Of course, the final destination is naturally to let him sell "The Savior" to himself at a private price.

$100 million, $200 million, whatever.

After listening to Worms, he smiled and said, "This small South Korean auction can actually fetch a record-breaking price. You guys are really forgetting about yourself."

He sighed, and at the same time agreed decisively to Qin Lie's request: "Okay, that painting is not worth 1.7 billion in the first place. When I bought it, it only cost 150 million, so you can pay me the original price, but You need to pay for the handling fee from the auction house."

Qin Lie is totally acceptable for this amount of money.

The purchase price is now finalized.

Qin Lie paid 50 million more to buy the painting at a price of 200 million, and at the same time paid 10% of the auction fee, that is, 20 million.

In the end, it took 220 million to win "The Savior".

Considering that Worms bought the painting ten years ago, inflation and the preservation of the value of the art collection itself, this price is completely normal.

After finishing the procedures in the background, Qin Lie took "The Savior" in his hand.

He quickly left the backstage of the auction house, and wanted to find the real target of this incident, Kim Jong Hyuk.

As a result, just as he was about to chase out to find someone, as soon as he opened the door of the backstage trading hall, he almost bumped into Kim Jonghyuk who had arrived backstage.

He also won a lot during the auction, and he also came to do the handover work.

Qin Lie personally carried the painting "The Savior".

It was mounted in a frame and mounted in a frame. The length and width were more than 50 cm. To be honest, it was quite large.

He was about to be blocked in the corridor by this painting.

He walked blatantly in front of Kim Jong-hyuk, as if to tell Kim Jong-hyuk—see, did you see the painting you most wanted, I took it down.

Kim Jong-hyuk was somewhat frustrated when he saw this painting, and wanted to bypass Qin Lie and leave.

However, Qin Lie held the painting straight in front of him, and asked Jin Zhenghe at the same time: "Mr. Jin, I don't know if I can take a step to talk. I have something I want to talk to you in private."

Kim Jong-hyuk was clearly asking something strange about him.

Although there was eye contact between the two parties at the auction, there was absolutely no intersection in private.

What did Qin Lie call him at this time?

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