Qin Lie held the frame, and reluctantly reached out to shake hands with Kim Jong Hyuk.

Kim Jong-hyuk didn't move.

"Mr. Qin." Jin Zhenghe was standing there. His Mandarin was quite standard. Except for the accent similar to that of Xinjiang, he spoke Mandarin in a melodious manner.

"We don't seem to know each other before," he said. "What do you want to communicate with me?"

Qin Lie said: "I didn't know you before, it doesn't mean I don't know you in the future. To be honest, I came to participate in this auction today, largely for you..."

"Oh?" Kim Jong Hyuk showed his little humor, "I'm not interested in men."

Qin Lie: "I'm not interested in men either. I have one thing to ask you, and I'm in a hurry. Do you have time now? If you have time, I'd like to invite you to have two drinks and then talk about something specific. "

Jin Zhenghe's bearing is not bad. After looking Qin Lie up and down, he decided to communicate with Qin Lie.

After all, Qin Lie's presence in the whole auction today is full.

Just punishing and teasing Zhang Chengxun is enough for him to have a deep friendship with him.

With a decision, Kim Jong Hyuk nodded and said, "Then I'll go through the formalities of what I bought first, and we'll meet outside."

"Ok!" Qin Lie said, "My car is the Jaguar outside."

After a brief exchange, the two made an appointment to meet and left each other.

Qin Lie was waiting for Kim Jong-hyuk in the car outside. After Kim Jong-hyuk finished his handover, he quickly left the auction, opened the door of Qin Lie's car, and got into the back seat of the car.

The Jaguar was originally owned by Donald, but Qin Lie didn't bring his own car to South Korea this time, so he borrowed Donald's Jaguar to drive.

The car was relatively closed, and Qin Lie drove the car to a place with relatively few people.

After the surroundings were quiet, Jin Zhenghe asked Qin Lie: "Okay, Mr. Qin, can you tell me why you came to the auction to find me?"

Qin Lie was not in a hurry. The first thing he did after stopping the car was to put it on the co-pilot first. The frame with "The Savior" was passed to Kim Jong Hyuk through the gap in the middle.

"Don't worry," he said. "Mr. Jin can see if you like this painting first. I feel that you are in high demand for this painting at the auction."

Hearing his words, Jin Zhenghe couldn't help guessing: "Why, does Mr. Qin want to resell this painting to me?"

"No no no..." Qin Lie said, "I didn't plan to sell this painting to you, I was going to give this painting to you."


Rao is Kim Jong Hyuk, and when he heard this, his face was full of disbelief.


He confirmed: "I just heard correctly, Mr. Qin said he wanted to give me this painting?"

It's incredible, if what Qin Lie said is true.

Then his behavior was a bit too self-willed.

You must know that this painting took him a full 1.7 billion US dollars to get it.

For this, Qin Lie even offended the Sanjin Group at a huge cost.

Then he paid such a high price to get a painting, and he actually gave it away after changing hands. What does this mean!

This gift from Qin Lie is a bit too big.

Seeing Jin Zhenghe's shocked expression, Qin Lie nodded again to confirm: "Mr. Jin, you heard it right, what I said was to give you "The Savior" and give it to the st group."

"But." Qin Lie continued without waiting for Jin Zhenghe to continue, "I will give you this painting, and you have to do something for me in turn."

Kim Jong-hyuk was relieved.

There is no free lunch in the world. If Qin Lie delivered it directly, he would feel nervous instead.

It's normal to want other benefits.

Feeling slightly relieved, Kim Jong Hyuk asked, "What's the matter?"

Qin Lie said: "I heard that the heavy industry under the st group has developed super steel three years ago, and has achieved mass production after it was put into production. Your steel can withstand a pressure of 2200 MPa. This super steel is The thing I want the most right now."

Finally, Jin Zhenghe's thoughts suddenly came to his mind, and he finally understood the purpose of Qin Lie's visit.

Super steel is indeed a major reliance of their st group, and this technology is at the forefront of the world.

Even now, there are no more than five countries that can make steel that can withstand 2,200 MPa.

Many times, Sanjin Group or Ledi Group will seek the assistance of Super Steel from their st group when they are doing industrial construction.

A monopoly is always the most profitable business.

With Super Steel, the wealth control of their st group in South Korea has risen by at least three percentage points.

That thing is so awesome!

No wonder Qin Lie was willing to bring out "The Savior" to be close to himself.

With some understanding, Jin Zhenghe nodded and said, "We have super steel under our banner. Why, does Mr. Qin want to purchase super steel from our group??"

"Not bad." Qin Lie confirmed.

"How much do you need?" Kim Jong Hyuk asked again.

"At least 500 tons. If the follow-up construction requires, I will increase this demand." Qin Lie.

Kim Jong-hyuk frowned.

After all, this number is not a small number.

Remind Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, what you need is super steel, which is not needed for ordinary building even for concrete structures. This kind of steel is only needed in special fields, such as arms, aerospace, etc. Five Hundred tons is too much."

"Yeah!" Qin Lie said, "otherwise why would I find you?"

Kim Jong-hyuk continued, "When do you need it?"

"Within three days." Qin Lie said, "If you can, I even hope that you can deliver the 500 tons to the construction site I designated tomorrow."

When Kim Jong-hyuk heard this, he immediately began to shake his head.

The corners of his mouth rose, but he smiled bitterly: "Mr. Qin, it seems that you have no idea how difficult it is to manufacture super steel. Even if our entire factory runs at full capacity, it will take at least a month to cast 500 tons.

You give me a month and I can still take your order, but you told me that within three days, or even tomorrow, this is absolutely impossible, Mr. Qin, although I really want "The Savior", But I really can't help this. "

Having experienced the research and development and production of super carbon fiber together with He Linfeng, Qin Lie knows that it is indeed difficult to mass-produce cutting-edge technological materials.

He also knew that what Kim Jong Hyuk said must be true.

But Qin Lie has not planned to do it according to the normal procedure since he was going to find Jin Zhenghe to buy Super Steel.

Even though Kim Jong Hyuk expressed his attitude, he continued to speak.

"Mr. Jin, my demand for super steel is very urgent now. If possible, I would like to ask you to buy back the super steel that has been sold."

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