After all, in the eyes of Kim Jong-hyuk, he took out 1.7 billion US dollars!

In this way, you can basically equalize your efforts.

Qin Lie basically bought a sufficient amount of super steel at a normal price, or the expedited one.

In this wave of operations, Qin Lie just took advantage of his relationship with the Cape family, and became a little smarter.

It doesn't cost a lot of money, and it doesn't take much time.

Qin Lie had no choice but to give Pozan to himself for his wit.

Tomorrow, I will sign a contract here, and the super steel problem will be solved.

Then the rest of the journey in South Korea will only be about blasting the Xiaojia mine.

The problem is solved, Qin Lie is happy.

I drove back to pick up Makasha, who was still waiting at the entrance of the auction house.

He killed her in a flash, snapped his fingers, and said in a good mood, "Come on, girl, get in the car and take you for a ride!"

After all, Makasha's impression of Qin Lie has changed a lot now, and they get along much better.

Open the door, get in the car, and sit directly on the co-pilot next to Qin Lie.

Seeing that Qin Lie was so happy, she also joked: "Why, I won hundreds of billions in the lottery, so happy?"

"Haha!" Qin Lie laughed, "If I hit hundreds of billions, I'll just lie down. Why do I work so hard? Let's go and show you around in South Korea."

Qin Lie was in a good mood, and it was only around 10:30 in the evening.

It was not time for bed at all, Qin Lie thought that she had been bullying her since she had contact with Makasha. She has changed a lot recently, so she can change her attitude a little bit.

Thinking like this, he stepped on the accelerator and Qin Lie drove the car all the way out of the auction.

"How is it?" Qin Lie asked as he drove the car, "Is this your first time in South Korea and is there any place you want to go?"

"That's not it."

At this moment, Makasha took on her eldest attitude again: "This entire South Korea was only a subsidiary country of China before, and the cultural heritage is just like that. If I want to visit here, I might as well visit China.

Such a country with no background makes me completely uninterested. "

Well, since Qin Lie got to know Makasha, hearing that Makasha pretended to be so stubborn, this may be the most pleasing one.

It's not geographical discrimination, Qin Lie really doesn't understand how a small South Korea can have such high self-confidence to despise Huaxia.

It's really the same as what Qin Lie and Zhang Chengxun said before, if this is really calculated, South Korea must be called the ancestor of the Chinese people.

"Then..." Qin Lie said, "Since you don't want to go anywhere, then I'll drive back to the hotel?"

"Let's go to the beach." Makasha said, "I'm not interested in South Korea, but I'm very interested in you. Let's go to the beach and chat by the way. My impression of you is getting different now. I really want to know more about you."

"Uh..." Qin Lie said as he drove, "Don't you fall in love with my brother, I beg you, don't have such thoughts."

That guy, this eldest lady's temper, how can ordinary people stand it.


Makasha spat and said fiercely: "Who likes you, you are old and ugly, how could I like you, my father insists that I come and learn something from you, if I go back, I will be asked a question. Ask San I don't know, my dad will definitely beat me to death, that's why I want to ask you something and go back to him."

"Haha!" Qin Lie laughed himself, and continued to tease her, "Don't, I know that girls your age are too embarrassed to express their feelings, if you like your brother, just say it, don't be embarrassed, after all, like your brother and me Excellent man, I like more girls."


Makasha rolled her eyes and vomited.

"You are really narcissistic. Can you drive well? I don't want to be hit by your car suddenly."

"Driving?" Qin Lie said, "Didn't I drive all the time, your brother and I are also old drivers."

Qin Lie's driving is different from what Makasha said, and his old driver is not an ordinary old driver.

If you were a Chinese girl, you might understand his stalk.

It's a pity that Makasha is British and doesn't understand the network terms of Huaxia social network at all.

The flirting failed, and there was no deeper chat all the way, Qin Lie drove all the way to the beach.

South Korea is a peninsula country. Seoul is not near the sea, but it is close to a bay. The road to the beach is very flat. Drive past the embankment along the way, open the window, listen to the beat of the waves and the salty sea breeze, and the mood naturally relaxes. .

Qin Lie ran all the way along the Binhai road, trying to find a place where there were fewer people.

Driven all the way, it took about twenty minutes.

And after running on this sparsely populated road for such a long time, Qin Lie noticed something abnormal from the rear window.

It's just that he didn't talk to Makasha for the time being, so he flew all the way from the sea.

During the process, I passed several observation decks by the sea. Qin Lie did not stop and passed another viewing platform, and when the road by the sea was about to end, Makasha finally couldn't help saying: "Qin Lie , Where do you want to go, there are so many observation decks, can't you just find a parking spot, and the road will end if you continue to drive."

"No hurry." Qin Lie said, "Come back later, let's deal with the tail first."

"Tail, what tail?" Makasha didn't understand.

Qin Lie pouted at the rearview mirror and motioned for her to look at it for herself.

Following Qin Lie's instructions, Makasha finally found a car that had been following behind, a black Audi.

It's not that Qin Lie hasn't discovered it yet. After being mentioned by Qin Lie, she saw that the Audi car had been following behind, no more than 50 meters away at most.

The high beam has been on in the distance, and the light of the light is extremely dazzling.

"What's he going to do?" Makasha asked.

Qin Lie looked at the rearview mirror, his eyelids moved, and he smiled slightly: "It is inevitable that the visitor is not good. As for what he wants to do, we will know in a while."

Qin Lie was talking, and suddenly he stepped on the accelerator, pulled the speed to the maximum, and drove forward like a fly.

The car behind felt his acceleration without hesitation. Following the acceleration, the two cars sped along the road one after the other.

At the end of the coastal road, a rocky rock near the sea immediately appeared on the right side. The road branched off and went straight to the top of the rock. The road was so slanted that there were no street lights.

This is what Qin Lie wants now. After finding this road, he reached the T-junction, made a sharp turn, and drifted into the road.

It didn't disappoint, the Audi behind it almost didn't hesitate and rushed in like a fly.

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