The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1315 Handsome Is A Lifetime Thing

This road is indeed very biased, all the way up, there are no street lights, only the headlights of the car can clearly see the road ahead.

However, Qin Lie didn't drive very far, and he thought of a coping strategy when he chose this road.

He just wanted to find a place with no one to solve the trouble later.

After driving on this deserted road, he drove for at most five minutes, and he pulled over to the side of the road.

Turning his head, he turned his head to aim at the road behind, and at the same time turned on the headlights to the maximum, making the road behind him clear.

Then, he got out of the car, leaned against the door, and waited for the car behind to follow.

Because the car behind really followed closely, the Audi car came to the back of Qin Lie and Makasha in about twenty seconds.

At this time, they also saw Qin Lie who had stopped, and slowly, they also stopped the car in the middle of the road.

The headlights are also turned to the maximum, and the two cars are facing each other on the road.

With the arrival of the opposite car, the four front and rear doors over there were all opened, and four men got out of the car.

As seen in South Korean movies, these four are all very handsome and cool.

Every one of them wears a suit and tie, everyone has a model-level figure, and wears a pair of sunglasses on their face. Even in the middle of the night, they don't forget to be cool.

A few people walked down, and their movements were all standard and uniform. They put their hands in their trouser pockets and stared at Qin Lie from a distance through the sunglasses.

But Qin Lie thought it was funny.

Although this group of people dresses very seriously and coolly, in his eyes they look like foolish critics.

He felt a little strange, wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night to see the road clearly.

Sure enough, in South Korea, for them, handsome is the most important thing.

A few people got out of the car and looked at Qin Lie from a distance. There was one person in the lead, who pretended to be deep and said something to Qin Lie.

It was only in Korean, but Qin Lie didn't quite understand it.

Turning back and asking Makasha in the car, "What did they say?"

Not to mention Makasha, although the eldest lady has a strong temper, she has nothing to say about her personal culture.

Proficient in four languages, including Korean has a simple dabbling.

There is no translator around at the moment, so Makasha can only act as a translator.

Makasha couldn't get out of the car, so she told Qin Lie, "They said you were very bold, knowing that they dared to enter such a desolate road behind, you are giving them a chance to do something."

Oh, so this group of people already knew they had found them.

But even if they knew they had found out, they still had to follow up hard, which was quite blatant.

"Then you tell them." Qin Lie told Makasha, "I came here to wait for them, and ask who they represent."

"That's a bit embarrassing for me." Makasha said, "I haven't studied Korean systematically, but I've seen a few phonetic symbols occasionally. I can barely understand it, but I can't say it."

That's a shit.

There is no language between the executor and the person being executed, and the people on both sides speak like playing the piano to an ox.

That's not much to talk about with these old-fashioned thugs.

The reason why Qin Lie wanted to ask them this question was to find out who was deliberately trying to trouble him.

It's just that I just came to South Korea for a day, and I have only come into contact with a few people.

Even if he didn't ask this question, he could probably guess who was behind it.

Either Zhang Chengxun or Park Eun-tae, or Ledi Group and Sanjin Group.

After all, in South Korea, I had a grudge with the two of them.

Park Entai is the second-in-command of the Sanjin Group. He is in his 40s and 50s, so he shouldn't find a thug to teach himself a lesson because of an auction.

So to sum up, the answer to this question is likely to be Zhang Chengxun.

Including Zhang Chengxun, he didn't do it very harshly when he called people to do it. These thugs didn't seem to be of high quality, and they didn't have guns in their hands.

It is estimated that I just want to find a few more people to teach myself a lesson.

But he didn't even know how good his skills were.

Without using gunfire, he can already deal with four of the world's top escorts like Xuanyuan Guard.

Xuanyuan Wei's single-handed combat power naturally shrugged off these mysterious men in suits in front of him.

Facing these men in suits, Qin Lie couldn't even get too excited.

Slowly take off the tie around the neck, fold the tie, and tie it into a long whip.

Qin Lie used this as a weapon, moved his feet lightly, and rushed towards the four people as if he were flying.

The four thugs standing side by side in a row couldn't see clearly because they were wearing sunglasses.

But their mouths were slightly open, and their jaws fell to the ground.

The surprised expressions one by one seem to be saying: ah? How could it be so?

Before they even had time to react, Qin Lie actually took the initiative.

Very courageous!

Are you not afraid of death?

Several people were very surprised, but Qin Lie came very quickly and rushed in front of them in a blink of an eye.

Since ancient times, you have to beep a few words before a fight.

As a result, Qin Lie was alone, facing four people, he didn't say anything, he started directly, and he couldn't fix the thugs on the opposite side.

Qin Lie: I also want to beep, but you guys need to be able to understand it!

Since everyone doesn't understand the language, what they say is like fart, so what nonsense is there with you.

Several thugs looked at Qin Lie's choice and felt insulted one by one, completely ignored by Qin Lie.

Seeing Qin Lie rushing up, they also clenched their fists and greeted Qin Lie.

One of them didn't forget to be handsome before the fight, he took off his sunglasses, threw it away, the corners of his mouth rose, he thought he was cool and put on a pose!

Then he took his hand out of his trouser pocket and ran towards Qin Lie.

Oh shit!

Qin Lie's head hurts when he sees it. He doesn't know if these thugs are trained by watching K-pop movies.

Don't say anything else before the fight, I'll show you the pose first.

Why put it here to shoot a propaganda film, the real master never looks back at the explosion, right?

Qin Lie was very upset, especially the one who took off his sunglasses and put his hands in his trouser pockets before the fight. It really looked like he was about to commit a brain hemorrhage.

I don't take beating seriously, I feel like I'm not being valued at all, how can I bear this.

Don't give these idiots a chance to jump around.

Qin Lie shot and completely crushed it.

How cool are these people before they go to work, and how embarrassing their posture is after they go to work.

Especially the guy who took off his sunglasses and showed a wicked smile, Qin Lie couldn't bear it the most, rushed over and slapped him in the face with a whip tied with a tie.


The strength was so ruthless that the man's evil smile had not had time to retract, and his entire face had been shaped.

That's it, that wicked smile will accompany him for a lifetime.

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