Qin Lie's handling of Xuanyuan Wei's four can be described as a dying struggle.

But to deal with these four fools, it is simply hanging up the hammer.

Qin Lie originally thought that they just looked silly, and they had to have a little background when they started.

After all, Zhang Chengxun was the one who specially called over to do things, so he couldn't have no fighting power at all.

As it turned out, the four of them really had no fighting power at all.

They are not even as effective as those street gangsters in China.

Street gangsters at least know to take a knife, take a glass bottle to deal with the person to deal with.

No, these people are tough.

Seeing that the first person was kicked out two meters by Qin Lie's whip, they still fought back with their bare hands.

The end result was, of course, horrific.

All over the desolate path, all kinds of screams came one after another, and that person flew from here to there, and from there to here.

Facts have proved handsome, it is useless at all.

In less than half a minute, the four thugs who came over were beaten to the point of losing their temper.

Two of the four were beaten and cried - the other two were so swollen because their eyes were so swollen that they couldn't shed tears - the worst was the buddy whose mouth was beaten, he was clearly in pain and his tears flowed He made a face, but his mouth was raised, and it was still that evil and charming smile, and the state was very strange.

The four of them hugged each other and huddled against the car, shivering under Qin Lie's strength.

Devil, really devil!

Are Chinese people so good at their skills? chinesekungfu really lives up to its reputation.

The man in the lead kept mumbling something that Qin Lie couldn't understand.

Turning back and asking Makasha: "What are these fools talking about??"

Makasha was also completely uninterested in this brutal killing. When the first man was kicked a few meters away by Qin Lie's whip, she didn't bother to watch any more, and took out her mobile phone and watched the video.

Hearing Qin Lie's question, she replied, "What else can I say, I'm just asking you to spare my life, saying they were wrong and so on."


Qin Lie waved, quite disappointed.

I originally thought that there was a difference between the gangsters in South Korea and the gangsters in China, but after being hammered, they still followed the same steps of begging for mercy.

Therefore, in addition to dressing up and acting handsome, South Korean gangsters are completely suppressed by Chinese gangsters!

Bad review!

I originally wanted to have a good time with this group of people, but it turned out that this group of people really didn't have that level.

Losing interest, Qin Lie didn't bother to waste time with this group of people.

But there are still a few days in South Korea, and Qin Lie doesn't want to deal with these meaningless little troubles all the time.

Although he let these people go, he still took out a pen and paper from the car, wrote a paragraph in Chinese on the paper, and asked these foolish people to go back to their masters.

The content is also very simple. It is nothing more than a warning to them, this time it is nothing more, let them learn to be smarter and stop making trouble for themselves.

If there is a next time, I will definitely teach them a heavy lesson.

Stuffed the note to the man whose face was drawn into a shape, and then let them go.

In the last picture, Qin Lie saw a few people driving, one drifted a U-turn, his driving skills were pulled to the limit, and he fled the scene with sparks and lightning all the way.

As for Qin Lie Makasha, she experienced such a small storm.

Not only was his mood not affected, but his mood was getting better—the buddy who drove away with a wicked smile on his face was so funny.

That is the real pain and happiness!

In good spirits, Qin Lie and Makasha were at the highest point of the reef that night, riding the sea breeze and looking at the seascape, and the two of them chatted for a long time.

The topics discussed, ranging from the Big Bang to modern taxation, are just small talk between ordinary friends.

Then Qin Lie realized this girl more clearly through this chat with Makasha.

In fact, aside from her princess temper, she is excellent in other aspects.

Only then did Qin Lie know that she actually has a double doctorate degree in finance and management. She is proficient in four national languages, and has a very refined appreciation of antiques. She even won the rhythmic gymnastics championship in Europe.

He has many skills and is at the forefront of his peers.

And she is only twenty years old this year.

Qin Lie was actually quite amazed after listening to it. Sometimes he also envied those academic masters. At least, in terms of learning, he was just the tail of a crane.

Sure enough, the genes of the world's top families will not be too bad no matter how bad they are.

If she can adjust her accustomed problems back to her, her achievements in the future will probably be limitless.

The relationship between the two became closer after this conversation.

Makasha has completely treated Qin Lie as a friend.

This was absolutely unexpected when the two met.

The day's events were over, and the two of them drove away from the rocky reef and returned to the hotel around twelve o'clock, and there was no more trouble all the way.

However, they didn't know that when they were watching the sea on the reef and chatting, another car, on another high ground, was watching them.

It wasn't until after they left that the car slowly got off the high ground, followed the road, and drove in the opposite direction.

There were not many people in this car, only two, both of whom were old acquaintances of Qin Lie.

A black wolf, a white wind.

Since Qin Lie arrived in South Korea yesterday, Xu Ying brought people to South Korea.

Xu Ying has no way out, he is now an extremely crazy dangerous person.

His personal property fell apart under the suppression of the Xiao family, but he had no solution.

Now that his son has died and his career has been lost, he feels that everything is meaningless.

After learning that the affairs of his son Xu Fanzhou and the recent affairs of Xiao Xingyuan were all planned by Qin Lie, Xu Ying was furious and had only one obsession in his heart, that is to kill Qin Lie.

He has nothing now, nothing to worry about.

When a person has no scruples, what he does is the craziest.

Killing Qin Lie is the only meaning of his life now.

In South Korea, far away from China, there is no Situ Xuan, there is no full-scale Longyan team, and there are not so many intelligence systems, it is obviously their best chance.

So here they come.

This time Xu Ying brought many people from Huaxia.

Needless to say, Heilang and Baifeng's killer group, in addition to Heilang and the others, Xu Ying also asked Song Zhe to send him more than a dozen top killers from Night Soul.

The number of killers who came this time has come to as many as forty or fifty people.

These killers are all top forces in the killer world, and none of them are rabble.

Even Song Zhe himself followed.

The lineup is stronger than ever.

In their opinion, this time South Korea is where Qin Lie was buried.

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